Ok I made my tir list and decided to explain my top 5 and my anti top 5.
First of all, I like her contradictory character. As an introvert, she is both cowardly and determined in moments of desperation. She is closed off from everyone and hardly lets new people in, but she gets attached to them immediately. Secondly, her storyline is quite interesting and I want to know how it ends. Thirdly, she is quite sweet and beautiful.
First of all, I like her name. In ancient Roman tradition, burning sage gives wisdom and protection. That's why the name means both plant and synonymous with wisdom. Second, I like the fact that despite her independence, she's fragile on the inside. She is quite a romantic girl who hides her image under the image of a lustful girl. She is probably subconsciously afraid of falling in love because she is afraid of getting her heart broken and being hurt.
First off, this is the most romantic girl in the game and it works in contrast to the rest of the girls. She really cares about the MC and is interested in his life. Secondly, Jill gives an air of light high school romance and dilutes the overpowering sex and alcohol. She gives the player a break from the tumultuous college life and looks very mature and adult against the other girls.
First of all the Interlude is my favorite part of the game. It's a well thought out story with a logical beginning and ending. Her MC story looks realistic and everyone can face the same thing, and the scene in the park is the most emotional part of the game.
I'm not a big fan of tsundere, but it's always interesting to watch a character change before my eyes depending on her relationship with the MC. She's a manipulative bitch, but she's honest and always says what she thinks and doesn't hypocritize. She's rough but also soft inside and wants the love her own father and mother didn't give her. Predictable, I agree, but her branch is interesting to watch nonetheless.
My hat-top.
I realize that the main characters are supposed to be vapid to make it easier for the player to associate themselves with him, but he's terribly annoying for most of the game.
First of all, he's just stupid. He doesn't understand obvious things, he's not skilled in social interactions, and he does a lot of stupid things. Secondly, he doesn't have the best design, very often he looks like a maniac from horror movies. Third, MC is the obvious Marty Sue of DPС himself. I'd like to see a character with at least some personality in his place, not a sponge character.
He's just useless. All he does is complain or hide in the hallway of the mansion. His only role is to justify 2d art in the game, otherwise he can be removed from the game and nothing will change. Rusty, Tommy, Leon and Jamie, Nick have their own storylines. Jacob is just there.
A horny stripper with a bunch of diseases. She doesn't have a story, she just fucks. I could forgive that if she didn't have such a terrible design.
Just a coward and a complete asshole. He didn't have the guts to admit it to Sage's face. He'd rather run from problems than just solve them or at least ask for help.
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