I´m not quite sure how to do that - could you give me some advice? How do I change that variable?
First of all you need to activate the Console. You can do it by using
Then when the Party Planner grid is displayed you press
Shift+O and a transparent overlay in which you can type commands pops up. That's the Console.
You type
and hit
Return. Current value of the variable will be printed.
As you can see it is a matrix serialized by lines. It is a list of six lists. The first list is the first line of the grid, and so on.
In the matrix a value
0 means that the corresponding grid cell is empty. Other numbers correspond to characters/objects with a cross-reference I don't know in detail, but that we can desume by looking the grid. (Fortunately the Console background is transparent!).
From this example we see that Derek is represented by the number
100 because that is the value of the
first element of the
third sublist, and Derek is in the
first column,
third row.
pp_grid = [[0,0,0,0,0,0],[0,103,0,104,0,0],[
To move Derek down of one position you type
pp_grid = [[0,0,0,0,0,0],[0,103,0,104,0,0],[
and when you hit
Return you see that Derek has moved down.
To save you from typos, you can copy the current value of the
pp_grid variable from the file
which you can extract from the archive, decopile/deobfuscate by the previously linked
UnRen-forall tool.
Then you can paste that string into the Console via the usual
Ctrl+V, and then edit just the entries you want to change.
(Unfortunately Ren'Py Console supports pasting but not copying...
N.B. Please be advised that tampering with variables can break your game, especially for non-trivial variables like matrices if we are not 100% sure about exactly how they are used in the code. - And I am NOT 100% sure...