
Engaged Member
Jul 7, 2017
Oh, i confused Burgermeister with Burke. My bad. My other points are still standing, though. She could have offered finacial help. If not for the entire tuition, at least a small amout to get some weight off Mayas shoulders and to make her independent from her father. But to be fair, that ones on all of Mayas friends. MC still has the 5k from his mother, right? He only used a small amout of it to fund the gym card. Instead of giving her some of the money to buy her some time until she can get a job to pay for herself, he decided to break into the office to steal the documents. I'm still interested in the story and i'm excited for EP11, but i think the gang could have handled some things very differently. They're probably just young and naive, but still.
The MC offered Maya the money from his inheritance in EP7.

MC: "I got $5000 in inheritance for my birthday."
MC: "It’s almost enough for one semester..."
Maya: "And then what?"
MC: "I don't know."

Maya realizes that this won't be enough and the MC wouldn't know what to do next.

The rich families could support Maya if they knew about it. Also, Josy asks the MC something very apt at the end of EP8. Why would anyone just give Maya money. In addition, the rich families don't know anything about Maya's problem. Sage is the first to find out about this at the end of EP7 and she tries to help Maya by asking her father for a scholarship for Maya. Jill Royce only finds out all the details of Maya's problem in EP10 and Russel (Rusty) Burgmeister doesn't know anything about it.

Yes, if Maya got the money from someone, she would no longer have the problem with college, but the problem with her father Patrick would still not be solved. That's why there is no easy path in history.

First, Jill isn't rich. Jill's parents are rich and I hope she has enough respect for her parents not to ask them to open their check books to every sob story she happens to come across.

Second, It was an ancestor of the Royce's who co-founded the college, most likely by giving a large endowment. The college is, most probably, a separate entity in itself and not the Royce or Burgmeister families.

Third, Jill's parents are, again most likely but we don't know for sure, not the entire Royce family and we don't know for sure just how rich they are, or how much influence they have over the college.
I don't know if Jill is rich herself, but she has more money. She inherited something from her sister Lana. I think it was Lana's life insurance. I'm just asking myself a question. Does life insurance pay out the money if the death of the insured person (Lana) was self-inflicted?

it's not even that clear how rich they really are. they have a major last name, but Jill's father is shown to us as a man who covers himself in ridicule in order to set up some partnership with anyone he meets at the preps party, we know that mourning for Lana has caused him to slip into alcoholism, and it falls to her mother to manage the family business.

very likely that they can still be considered enough wealthy (compared to MC, Maya etc), but I don't have these certainties that they can consider themselves really wealthy, even vis-à-vis a recently enriched like Burke
That was exactly my thought, why I recently mentioned “Romeo and Juliet” in a post and mentioned the name Paris. If this is really the case, so that the Royces are no longer so rich and only live off their name, a future heir to a large fortune could be the right son-in-law.

What if Jill and Rusty's date was intentionally sabotaged by Rusty's father by inciting Tommy to do it? What if the old castle master doesn't want a Loser Royce in the family.

These are thoughts, possibilities, nothing more.

The entire walkthrough. You can use it while playing the game to check what you should pick to get to the girl you like. Or you play completely blind to see what consequenses your actions will have.
I always do it like that. When a new EP comes out, there is no walkthrough and I am forced to play the game without a walkthrough and can only rely on my intuition and empathy. Then when the walkthrough is released, I can compare my decisions with the walkthrough. Almost all of the decisions I made myself, except for 1-2 decisions that are unimportant to the branch, agree with the complete solution.

I've been debating on here for a long time and one thing that always particularly irked me was the unstinting praise that was heaped on DPC. It use to be common for fan's to go on endlessly about what a great writer, great animator, and etc. that DPC was.

I largely agree with your post. And I readily admit that he's made a game that many seem to enjoy, his dialogue is often quite good. People seem to like his characters and the look of the game, and I thing it holds up in that regard with other games. But BaDIK being such a popular game has, in my opinion, done a lot of damage to AVN's in general. Why work hard on an intelligent and comprehensible plot when other's have cleaned up on something like this? Why not settle for mediocre animations when good animation is so hard? Why not milk your Patrons when DPC and others can get away with it?

Also on the success of BaDIK, I've had a theory for quite some time. If you've followed DPC's AVN career then you are sure to be familiar with the AL controversy. That was something that became internet famous across several platforms in this sphere. My theory is that he used that controversy to spread his brand far and wide, after all there's no such thing as bad publicity. If you look at his first post in the OP of this thread he makes a particularly cruel joke at those who were outraged by AL. Later of course he quit this platform, elaborately drawing the cloak of victimhood about himself.
It is your right to express criticism, but the other person also has the right to praise DPC.

DPC does not milk anyone because no one is obligated to become, be and remain a Patreon of DPC. Everyone decides for themselves and it is not a DPC decision.

I agree with you about the last one. AL was the best advertisement for DPC because it took a path that stood out from other AVNs and BaDIK does it again. DPC wrote in his Q&As himself that he wants to give us players an epic adventure. If other game developers can't keep up with this, it's not a DPC problem. He gives his best for us players.

Yes it takes longer and everyone agrees on that so they want new EPs quicker. That is a wish, but the reality is different. Everything needs it's time.


Engaged Member
Oct 14, 2020
That was early on when bad was a sort of high class harem game, fuck whoever you like. Many are disappointed in being forced to choose a li in chapter 8.

I think the time is past for that danger to materialize. I have a list of 33 games that I have found as good or even a little better. I have tried to post it here a few times, but it makes the moderators unhappy. And only 5 links in the sig.
It is true that most avn's on f95 are trash. But that is true of any genre on any platform. Steam is a good deal worse for avn's.

Nah, I wouldn't give him credit for being that deliberate or even that he sees that many chess moves in advance.
My hunch is that he couldn't really find a good way to end that story, so he simply trashed it. Not a great writer, remember?

There has been pointed criticism of dpc here lately. He tends to be hard to get along with which is a big reason why he insists on working by himself. He can be jerky and arrogant.
You don't have to be a master of Strategy to recognize an obvious advantage when it drops into your lap. I don't think he intentionaly wrote AL as a part of a strategy, but when the controversy dropped it was fairly obvious.

No one has ever offered me a convincing defense for the joke on the OP. It's obviously a provocation.
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Engaged Member
Oct 14, 2020
It does annoy me that more people aren't willing to help Maya.
B&R should just offer to let her stay there for free.
It's what I would do if I was in charge.
The MC offered Maya the money from his inheritance in EP7.

MC: "I got $5000 in inheritance for my birthday."
MC: "It’s almost enough for one semester..."
Maya: "And then what?"
MC: "I don't know."

Maya realizes that this won't be enough and the MC wouldn't know what to do next.

The rich families could support Maya if they knew about it. Also, Josy asks the MC something very apt at the end of EP8. Why would anyone just give Maya money. In addition, the rich families don't know anything about Maya's problem. Sage is the first to find out about this at the end of EP7 and she tries to help Maya by asking her father for a scholarship for Maya. Jill Royce only finds out all the details of Maya's problem in EP10 and Russel (Rusty) Burgmeister doesn't know anything about it.

Yes, if Maya got the money from someone, she would no longer have the problem with college, but the problem with her father Patrick would still not be solved. That's why there is no easy path in history.
I don't know if Jill is rich herself, but she has more money. She inherited something from her sister Lana. I think it was Lana's life insurance. I'm just asking myself a question. Does life insurance pay out the money if the death of the insured person (Lana) was self-inflicted?
What can you say? Simps gonna Simp
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Engaged Member
Oct 14, 2020
It is your right to express criticism, but the other person also has the right to praise DPC.

DPC does not milk anyone because no one is obligated to become, be and remain a Patreon of DPC. Everyone decides for themselves and it is not a DPC decision.

I agree with you about the last one. AL was the best advertisement for DPC because it took a path that stood out from other AVNs and BaDIK does it again. DPC wrote in his Q&As himself that he wants to give us players an epic adventure. If other game developers can't keep up with this, it's not a DPC problem. He gives his best for us players.

Yes it takes longer and everyone agrees on that so they want new EPs quicker. That is a wish, but the reality is different. Everything needs it's time.
I never questioned anyone's right to post their opinion. I just stated that it annoyed me.
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Engaged Member
Dec 21, 2018
how do i continue from my last save from the end of episode 9? I keep getting an error when i load my save and it just takes me to the start of episode 9
How shall we know why your save game does not work?
I installed v0.10.1 and played 6 times through it (for all the variations) without a single error ...
If you want help you should provide more details about playing, updates, mods ...

If you cannot load the save game, then it is likely broken. This may happen if you save with one version of the game and load with another version. Mods may break saves ...

Make sure that you do not confuse importing a save from Ep8 with loading a save from Ep9.
see https://f95zone.to/threads/being-a-dik-v0-10-1-dr-pinkcake.25332/post-7714830

My advice :
Best check your installation of v0.10.1, maybe do a complete reinstall and play Ep9 again.
Note that v0.10.1 is a separate game, so it needs its own folder. It is not an update of v0.8.3.

With Episode 9 you mean the Halloween Party or the California Surf story of Zoey (Interlude)?

You have to import a save game from end of Episode 8 to play "Interlude+Episode 9+Episode 10". You have to play the Interlude once but you can skip it in later playthroughs.
You will have to play 5 or more times through Ep9+10 anyway to see all the stories on the 5 different paths. So my advice would be to
- check your installation (Ep1-8 in one folder, Interlude + Ep9+10 in a different folder),
- restart your playthrough from the ep8 save,
- skip the Interlude and
- play ep9 again.


Forum Fanatic
Nov 10, 2020
It does annoy me that more people aren't willing to help Maya.
B&R should just offer to let her stay there for free.
It's what I would do if I was in charge.
There is no such thing as free college:ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO: There are a lot of people trying to help Maya out but I hope Maya remembers everything Josy has done for her because Maya hasn't done shit for Josy


Devoted Member
Mar 25, 2021
There is no such thing as free college:ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO: There are a lot of people trying to help Maya out but I hope Maya remembers everything Josy has done for her because Maya hasn't done shit for Josy
But if I was the dean or headmaster or whatever they are called over there.
I would just simply explain that Maya is my girlfriend & future wife.
So maybe the staff could work something out?
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