A true maggot brother. Helping Derek save what's left of his dignity by fucking a sexy milf. Quite the burden to shoulder, woe is MC

I'm just glad fucking a teacher isn't what makes or breaks winning Hell Week. Obviously you will have to do at least one thing sexual to win (fuck Quinn in the Cumpetition, get at least a blowjob from Nicole, fuck Jade and share the video), otherwise Derek takes the lead in points. But as long as you don't tie, it won't matter if you didn't fuck Jade, because fucking a teacher is the tiebreaker.
Surprise! Episode 11 drops tomorrow

I had that happen to me when.... maybe it was Episode 5's release, I had to start allllllll over before getting to the new stuff because I was playing on a different computer. It took forever just for one single path, and the game wasn't even half as long as it is now.