12 per week is very far from reality, if that were the case he would be done with all the animations in the episode by the end of june (considering he started rendering at 17/11 and the total of animations this episode is around 372)
At this point I just expect it by january to avoid any more dissapointment.
Is that from the Nora date? Dont remember this scene.
Ah fair enough, its true we can't know for certain since DPC absolutely sucks at giving us some accurate information, remember when he said back in abril he was 65% done with posed animations?
To be fair, he did add some more lewd scenes, but still, he could be better.
However, regardless of animation merging, the final amount of animations will be higher than the previous amount by a fair bit, so I'm pretty confidant in my 372 animations guess.
mpa71 isn't doing those anymore as far as I know, but here is my shamless plug about my
Also, I maintan a abridged version of all status reports with all the relevant info, here is the updated version.
Not exactly, every once in a while he gives some pretty great reports with plently of data.
Good to see you here my friend, don't mind Darkwen, he is...