In this game shit happens and it's quite obvious you should not get too attached to any single particular girl. Keep opportunities open or you will find yourself broken. Be a proper DIK like the game name tells you or get owned. I can see how easily Sage can go back to her obsession over Chad or how Jill can go sorry, that was fun but I have some marriage planned with this very important rich guy and can't do anything about it, or Bella telling you - sorry it's all too fucked up, lets stop. And Quinn being manipulative evil bitch just waits to fuck you up once she is bored with your dick.
This isn't some lovey dovey romance but a game that plays with your emotions and for that to happen you can expect every single girl turning away or cucking you or doing some treasonous shit. Just don't get overdramatic when it happens because mark my words - it will for every one of them.
This isn't some lovey dovey romance but a game that plays with your emotions and for that to happen you can expect every single girl turning away or cucking you or doing some treasonous shit. Just don't get overdramatic when it happens because mark my words - it will for every one of them.