Backstab is a rather harsh word to use bro haha, but sure he makes a number on us
Pulling out a good twist is nice and supported, but pulling a twist just for the sake of it is bad. Sure, there'll be twists but they'll have to make sense, otherwise it would be awkward and obvious. As Dr showed his quality as a writer, I don't think he'll pull bullshit twists. So, I don't think there will be a rule like this for every girl will have at least 2 twists.
Well he asked on advice on writing for acting lessons after its first release and my impression of it. As i dont know anything about game development i gave my honest opinion about writing as i do that for a living. The Talent was already like a diamond which is rare. But the pointers i gave where basic stuff everyone gets when starting to write. But Basic stuff is what you always come back to once you start writing alot. Cause it works. And once you get a living out of it you do what works and repeat it. Sounds easy but trust me isn't.
I will elaborate and hope the Mod will not instant kill me
A twist is an emotional hook you as a writer need. Otherwise your character doesn't work.
You can write the best character in history of writing without a twist somewhere in the story your character becomes one dimensional and boring. Characters need to have a vulnerable or villian state for it to hook the reader or in this case the player. So that you either hate the character from the deepest part of your heart or care for said character.
As a prime example of how this works i like to always point to the old star wars. Luke's dad this and his dad that and so on and so forth. We all know the story. But once its established who is father actually is we get an emotional hook. Boom you react emotional. Denial, Anger, Shock or the complete opposite. You root for the bad guy. Hell yeah rule the galaxy etc. But you react emotional. Thats the magic.
Vader as a character gets the same attention of said hook for the same reason. Thats why those characters are loved to this day.
So does princess leia and han solo.
Now imagine those characters or stories without said emotional hook. Shallow and boring and stereotypes.
When you write you can not invent the weel again. Stick to basic stuff and you get everyone aboard one way or another.
Thats why every love interest women in this game will have at least 2 hooks. Some of them already have xD
One to hate them and one to love them. As the game is called being a dik. You cannot become a dik by every love interest being charming with no down or up sides. People are not one dimensional they have issues. Good and bad ones. Thats how DPC writes them. Like real people. Where he gets the inspiration from is beyond me but he gets good ones for sure.
We all know the story so far and know already some issues and hooks. You as a player react to those hooks already. If you wanna know more about this reread my explanation of an "emotional hook" and replay the game.
See how many you can find already
Thats how you write good characters and DPC understands this with such ease where even prof writers struggle in their beginning.
Hell i struggled for my first 5 years getting characters right and i do this for over 20 years now.
So kudos to DPC