I'll admit that I do have that worry that DPC has a masochist streak to them and that even though they destroyed the possible throuple in AL and that this was part of the controversy of that game, that they might do it again by getting peoples hopes up and then brutally dashing them. But I'm trying to maintain a hopeful optimism that it can work because of the fact that people wanted that throuple in AL and that DPC will give people a happy ending throuple this time.
It may be an unconventional relationship in the real world, but polyamory does exist and it's more prevelant in people from the generation that these characters belong to, so a throuple relationship could be a good reflection of modern times.
I could see them becoming good friends, but I can also certainly see there being some jealousy from Josy, no matter what path you're on. But my fantasy brain can't help but want there to somehow be a little bit of sapphic action between these two.