Please God, let this scene be Quinn successfully recruiting Sage into her drug dealing and prostitution. Please!
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unless its a rebellion thing like in half way house it will never happen! she is rich and about to graduate! if she as the MC next to her she as all the support she needs, not to go on the degradation/rebellious route, if she did not she would be terrible at it if you think Mona reacted badly you have never dealt with a truly fiery red headed woman!
Besides Q would never allow it she is the HOT president she needs her to keep clean as not to draw too much attention!
Furthermore Sage would need to starts using some serious drugs as a carrot for Q to entice her... as for the whip Q being the VP she can lash hard but never against Sage, she would need something truly terrible as a whip to make sure she would not stray and ruin her business model!
Do not get me wrong it could be done if Q sets up a trap in video or even with just pictures she could then use those evidences as a whip but unless Sage goes tits out crazy its far too dangerous and with too many dangers for whatever little reward!
Not that Q would not try it considering how reckless some of her calls have been but there is like a 90% of it going wrong 8% of not happening/neutral and a 2% success rate so Q investment and Sage frailness would have to be extreme... as for how well it could pay and that is why i do not put it away as another Q try and fail blunder depends on how much money can Sage and her family bring!
But remember that if they can bring enough money to make it worthwhile they got the influence and power to have ROX killed in jail and Q ruined ... too dangerous... not that Q would not be dumb enough to try it tough...
Also this is a massive conjecture on my part: the way i see it Q business model is that the girls work in the restaurant to be able to afford drugs that Q supplies but just as Heather is wealthy enough not to need to prostitute herself the same can be applied to Sage, we all know from her conversation about her family is that if she wants more money she just needs to call daddy or mommy and say "i feel" and they will shower her with money just not to have to talk about feelings and emotions!
So sage joining the restaurant would make no sense whatsoever she does not need the tuition and she does not need the extra money!