HE does tell Maya that Quinn use the girls to make her money , but how he could prove it?! and Why would He assume that the Free tuition is also connected to this.
He doesn't actually tell her that, he just warns Maya not to trust Quinn but never mentions anything about the restaurant.
You know what's funny? When Maya and the MC were having a bit of fun in the library, between the bookshelves, Maya said to the MC that she felt like a spicy Mexican meal.
Maybe she knows about the restaurant and checked if MC had eaten there?
That's not exactly what happened there.
She does makes a reference to feeling like "Mexican food", but it's just in terms of the adrenaline rush and how hot it's making her feel because of what they're doing and won't have anything to do with knowledge of the restaurant. I mean, let's face it, if she knew about it, she wouldn't be joining the HOTs.
you have time to respond to this guy, but could not find the time to post MY Josy?! , Bad Bad , Casmyr.

You won't earn you facepalm this way
He also can't seem to find the time to stop playing silly games and just provide a DL for the custom renders like
this absolute legend did.
Look at the likes,
Casmyr, look at them. You can have that glory too, and be crowned an eternal king of the thread. All you have to do is provide a DL for the custom renders.
So rather DavDR!
You are the one who is trying to force your opinion on everyone in this thread. You oppose the opinions of others on principle and continually insist that you and only you are right.
Show me proof that I have done what you want to throw back at me as a boomerang. (Theory and speculation are excluded as evidence because anyone can read them and in principle I couldn't care less).
I at least admit when I am wrong or at least listen to the arguments of other thread participants and think about them. And if I still disagree, I just stop annoying people.
I've also written many times that everyone has a right to their opinion and that's how it should be.
I think this is the first time I've seen you really go off at someone, but it's certainly not unjustified given the person you're responding to.
Will any of the 3 Maya fans share a EP6 M&J only save? would appreciate it a lot
Sorry, I'm manwhoring it right and don't have any solo run saves.
Im told there was quiet a bit of Maya fans like they numbered in the thousands before episode 2 or was it 3?
I wonder what went wrong
They got butthurt and didn't fully appreciate the glory of this awesome throuple.