
Engaged Member
Sep 20, 2018

For the better part of this week, I wrote code and performed quality assurance for the episode by playtesting and polishing art, code, and dialogue.

I have now added music and sound effects for most of the episode, and I still need a few more songs for specific scenes.

I started working on a big coding task that I have hinted about in the past, and today it's a good time to share some details on it.

Because the game is getting pretty big, and Ren'Py is getting pushed to its limits in some areas, I want to make a new binary for Season 3.

What this means is that after you have completed episode 8, and thus Season 2, you will save your game in a menu and continue your game using another .exe/.app file.

Making a new binary has the added benefit that the initial episodes for Season 3 will have a smaller download size, and you shouldn't have to redownload Season 1 and 2 every update.

If you're getting confused by this, think of this as the same game, only sliced into another part.

Season 1 and 2 will be one separate download. And Season 3 and onward will be another download.

From a developer's standpoint, there are some challenges with this task. My goals are to make this system simple to use for all of you, robust in transferring saves, and functional for both Steam and Patreon. While I'm at it, I also want to trim some fat stored in the save files.

I have both the knowledge and strategy to do all of this, but it will take more time to implement and test it thoroughly as the game has thousands of variables that I want to control and double-check. I have already made good progress on this during this week.

Next week I will continue writing the remaining scenes and pose more static renders.

Have a nice weekend

Dr PinkCake
Oh. Well, that's alright then. :(

I was wondering if DPC was going to do this when he mentioned coding for the end of the season; it's probably the best option going forward, but it does seem like it's going to push our estimates to the pessimistic side. In theory, if DPC has finished the rest of the remaining writing/coding he can probably get most of this new system done while he waits for the last animations in the queue to render.

But it's hard to feel too confident in that. And the new system will need a lot of testing no matter what. At the very least, I think we need to assume at least 3 weeks of beta testing this time. So I'd say the extremely imprecise estimated release window now starts on November 12 and extends into December.

No real numbers to add, so I'll just repost last week's charts for the sake of completeness.
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Mr. Hero

Oct 7, 2017
Tybalt is most disgusting character in this game IMO..
What do you guys think? can we get rid of this basterd?? Adter 3rd date??
Hope dev is not planning any NTR


Apr 17, 2021
I'd be interested to get some form of a behind-the-scenes from DPC. Money doesn't solve every problem, but it definitely helps. I'm wondering what is taking so long (both up until this point and probably the next month or two until it releases.) Surely there is more talent that could be recruited to push the development he speaks of?

Granted - I'm not a developer, but this seems to be an ongoing problem of each update taking progressively longer to release, a common problem with a smaller team that either isn't hiring, or doesn't have a solid plan.

In no way do I mean to detract from the game or the work itself. This is one of the top, top games by a huge margin. I'm just very curious as to what is causing this exactly.


Jan 11, 2020
Tybalt is most disgusting character in this game IMO..
What do you guys think? can we get rid of this basterd?? Adter 3rd date??
Hope dev is not planning any NTR
Maybe Jill's ending includes a nice cuckoholding session with Tybalt banging her while the MC watches from a corner, jerking off and crying like a little bitch?:unsure:

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Active Member
Sep 3, 2016
I have both the knowledge and strategy to do all of this, but it will take more time to implement and test it thoroughly as the game has thousands of variables that I want to control and double-check. I have already made good progress on this during this week.
That sounds just like me on my junior year, somehow then I managed to completely fuck up a json parsing feature, commit directly to the dev branch and making almost every jenkins build fail for 2 days straight :KEK:

I don't mean to throw any shade at DPC but he sure does sound quite confident, I just hope he delivers in a reasonable timeframe.


Engaged Member
Aug 4, 2020
Am I the only one that thinks a 150,000+ post thread is not the way to do things?

Also, the download links are useless. I tried multiple times to download the splits using Nopy and Mega and I keep getting corrupted image rpa's. Was trying a torrent but there's only a dozen or so seeds and i really don't feel like waiting 6 hours.

Oh well, this might be the best game ever, like the reviews say, but I'll never know. Done are the days I waste hours of my time trying to "fix" things in a game.
There really should be a separate thread for all this discussion, and then this thread is just there for update posts, but it is what it is.

The good thing with all the posters here is if you post a question, it'll be answered.

But if you're ever looking for the latest update post, just go to the top of the page, and click on N7's name, just under the thread title, and then click on messages count. You'll then see a summary of his posts of which his latest status update for this game is usually near the top.

Not sure why you're having download issues, I've downloaded hundreds of gigs through here and not once was there a corruption (I mean no file corruption, there was plenty of other corruption :sneaky:).

I've always used Mega where possible, and I've installed the MegaSync app. Sounds like there may be an issue on your end...

When we are happy and DPC come with something new
View attachment 1431472
Anyone else lingered on this GIF wondering how far her shirt would rise up? :sneaky:

Over six months for this release. The game is good, but it's getting ridiculous.

Let's say the game is halfway complete - it could be even longer. We're looking at 4 more years before we have a resolution to the story. There's two major issues with that:
1) 4 years is a long time to hold an audiences attention, no matter how good the game is.
2) There isn't really that much doubt and uncertainty in this story to last for 8 more episodes. If you add a new story line then it devalues the first two seasons. You'll need new characters, the universe expands, and everything that has been established becomes a bit watered down. If you run with what you have then it will become tired. How many times can you fuck the same characters before it loses its appeal? How long can you draw out the same dramas before people stop caring?

Ultimately, we have to assume that the MC will have to pick one of the main girls to settle with. Four more years waiting to see what happens? They're good characters, but it's hard to be that invested in any of them to hold out that long. Hell, the story is excellent, and that might not even be enough to keep people for four years.

And this is all assuming development times don't continue to increase, which they have from the start. We thought they would never take more than 5 months. We thought we would get faster development times once he got improved hardware. They continue to stretch.

DPC has a great game, but he's trying to make too much of a good story. A tightly-wrapped 12 episode story that progressed a bit more quickly (and avoided some of the filler scenes and mini-games) would have been more timely and easier to keep an audiences attention. Did we really need to wait for dev time on a new phone. For this new tetris-lite game? Of course not.

Does he really need to code the whole thing on his own? Would anyone (other than DPC) be upset or think less of the guy if he hired someone to help and episodes came out every 4 months? Of course not.

We waited over five months for the last episode, which was solid, but not great. Now we're waiting over six months for this one. Imagine being a Patreon supporter and paying $30 a month, only to wait 6 months for an episode. $180 bucks for one edition is mental. Spend your money how you want, but people will find it harder to justify with longer wait times.

It's a good game - maybe my favorite - but the pace of development is not sustainable. We might not see an ending until early 2026. Let that sink in for a minute. The culture moves on. New games will be developed and capture people's attention. People will lose interest.
It's been going for almost 3 years already and it's only gaining more and more traction.

I've used this analogy before, but it makes perfect sense to me:

Game of Thrones went for 9 years (8 seasons and the last season took 2 years). A season of GoT is somewhat equivalent to an episode of BaDIK.

If you waited until all the episodes were out and then binged the season, that's a 10 hour binge each year and then you have to wait for another entire year.

Same shit happens with this game except there are two releases a year, and the replayability factor is high, so arguably 10-20 hours of entertainment a year isn't a stretch.

You may lose interest, just like some people may have lost interest in GoT, however by the end of GoT they had record viewership.

This game has pretty much sat at or near the top of this sites rankings for its entire life. A lot of games have been inspired by it but none of them are coming close.

DPC's Patreon subscribers keeps trending upward.

The format of each episode, with the snippets from previous episodes to refresh your memory, the prologue setting the tone for the new episode, the fully fleshed out story arc for the episode and then the epilogue to tie it all in together is a winning formula.

If you consider how much work goes into this game, compared to how much work goes into the other games showcased here, there's very little chance that it's going to fade away.

Really it just comes down to one thing:


I'd be interested to get some form of a behind-the-scenes from DPC. Money doesn't solve every problem, but it definitely helps. I'm wondering what is taking so long (both up until this point and probably the next month or two until it releases.) Surely there is more talent that could be recruited to push the development he speaks of?

Granted - I'm not a developer, but this seems to be an ongoing problem of each update taking progressively longer to release, a common problem with a smaller team that either isn't hiring, or doesn't have a solid plan.

In no way do I mean to detract from the game or the work itself. This is one of the top, top games by a huge margin. I'm just very curious as to what is causing this exactly.
Each episode takes a little longer because it's a little bigger. I don't believe there are any behind the scenes development problems.

If you look at mpa71's statistics, you'll see that the trend is each episode has more images, more animations and is overall larger than the previous episode, but the time to develop the game, based purely on the time per GB, is now trending down.

At some point I believe he purchased 8 off RTX3090 video cards, and they immensely changed render times, and DPC has been learning new techniques that improve quality or efficiency.

The biggest issue is his own ambition, he's a crazy motherfucker who just wants to add more each time. More animations, more music, more renders, more runtime.
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Well-Known Member
Jan 6, 2020
I'd be interested to get some form of a behind-the-scenes from DPC.

Instead of a behind-the-scenes making of BaDIK, what about behind the scenes of BaDIK itself? I think it would be pretty entertaining if DPC did outtakes starring the virtual actors after he's completed the game.

Imagine learning the is actually very intelligent, and she ad-libbed many of her scenes ("Not everyone is a rock scientist" sent the actress playing Quinn into a laughing fit). Or that Dawe and the MC were best friends, and Dawe kept trying to get the MC to break character. Everyone would call the actress playing Lynette "Mom" on the set, even though she was the second-youngest there. No one could agree on the pronunciation of "Tybalt" (is it "TIBB-alt" or "TIE-balt?). During the after-tennis shower scene, MC reached over to grab a boob, but the actor playing Stanley was there instead. In fact, that could be a running joke on set. When is supposed to sneak into the HOTs shower with the MC, the curtain flies open and the MC sees Stanley standing there, ready to go.

I think it could be a fun, short project for DPC between BaDIK and his next project.


Engaged Member
Aug 4, 2020
Instead of a behind-the-scenes making of BaDIK, what about behind the scenes of BaDIK itself? I think it would be pretty entertaining if DPC did outtakes starring the virtual actors after he's completed the game.

Imagine learning the is actually very intelligent, and she ad-libbed many of her scenes ("Not everyone is a rock scientist" sent the actress playing Quinn into a laughing fit). Or that Dawe and the MC were best friends, and Dawe kept trying to get the MC to break character. Everyone would call the actress playing Lynette "Mom" on the set, even though she was the second-youngest there. No one could agree on the pronunciation of "Tybalt" (is it "TIBB-alt" or "TIE-balt?). During the after-tennis shower scene, MC reached over to grab a boob, but the actor playing Stanley was there instead. In fact, that could be a running joke on set. When Melanie is supposed to sneak into the HOTs shower with the MC, the curtain flies open and the MC sees Stanley standing there, ready to go.

I think it could be a fun, short project for DPC between BaDIK and his next project.
That would be pretty funny, Quinn's "actress" being all considerate and nice in "real life".

The whole idea makes me think of the outtakes in "A Big's Life" or "Toy Story".

Mr. Hero

Oct 7, 2017
Any news about next update? I cant wait to see that what happened with that tybalt bastard after all of these...any news or leaks guys?


Feb 24, 2019
It's been going for almost 3 years already and it's only gaining more and more traction.

I've used this analogy before, but it makes perfect sense to me:

Game of Thrones went for 9 years (8 seasons and the last season took 2 years). A season of GoT is somewhat equivalent to an episode of BaDIK.

If you waited until all the episodes were out and then binged the season, that's a 10 hour binge each year and then you have to wait for another entire year.

Same shit happens with this game except there are two releases a year, and the replayability factor is high, so arguably 10-20 hours of entertainment a year isn't a stretch.

You may lose interest, just like some people may have lost interest in GoT, however by the end of GoT they had record viewership.
This is really the example you want to use? GoT - the greatest embarrassment in entertainment of the decade? A show where the plot became too large and had many loose ends at the end? One that was criticized for unnecessary and irrelevant aspects that took away from the central plot line?

Did people continue to watch? Of course. Were there obvious flaws and legitimate criticism from the half-way point on to the end? Yes. Was a it a successful story? Of course not. Was it a great piece of entertainment? Not at all.

The pace of BaD isn't the only emerging flaw, nor the only one I brought up (though it is a significant flaw). The scope of the game with a (currently) limited character base and plot lines, straying from the story with mini-games, and unnecessary inclusions (such as tennis and DnG) that delay prodcution time are also a factor.

The best part of this game is the story- and, to be clear, the main story line is GREAT. The more that DPC strays from that (and the longer it takes to produce it), the harder it will be to justify the delays in production.

Mr. Hero

Oct 7, 2017
Guys after i completed episode 7 yesterday...this tybalt thing is disturbing with my head..i just cant accept it that my girlfriend is blackmailed by a peice of shit and i cant do a shit about it...what is your theory guys?? Can we get rid of tybalt after 3rd date?? Or he is going to continue blackmailing...cant we just prove that the fire alarm was just fake? Or something to get jill out of this mess?? :/
Or counter blackmailing tybalt?? Something?? At least something??? Whats your idea??


Jan 11, 2020
Guys after i completed episode 7 yesterday...this tybalt thing is disturbing with my head..i just cant accept it that my girlfriend is blackmailed by a peice of shit and i cant do a shit about it...what is your theory guys?? Can we get rid of tybalt after 3rd date?? Or he is going to continue blackmailing...cant we just prove that the fire alarm was just fake? Or something to get jill out of this mess?? :/
Or counter blackmailing tybalt?? Something?? At least something??? Whats your idea??
How about this?:

MC: From now on, stay away from Jill. Don't even think about seeing her again.

Tybalt: Fine, I can do that. Though I'm afraid that's gonna cost you something. You are gonna have to do something for me.

MC: What's that?

Tybalt?: Give me your ass.

MC: What?!

Tybalt: And you better be prepared; I like going in dry.

*Cue first hidden gay sex scene of the game*



Engaged Member
Aug 4, 2020
This is really the example you want to use? GoT - the greatest embarrassment in entertainment of the decade? A show where the plot became too large and had many loose ends at the end? One that was criticized for unnecessary and irrelevant aspects that took away from the central plot line?

Did people continue to watch? Of course. Were there obvious flaws and legitimate criticism from the half-way point on to the end? Yes. Was a it a successful story? Of course not. Was it a great piece of entertainment? Not at all.

The pace of BaD isn't the only emerging flaw, nor the only one I brought up (though it is a significant flaw). The scope of the game with a (currently) limited character base and plot lines, straying from the story with mini-games, and unnecessary inclusions (such as tennis and DnG) that delay prodcution time are also a factor.

The best part of this game is the story- and, to be clear, the main story line is GREAT. The more that DPC strays from that (and the longer it takes to produce it), the harder it will be to justify the delays in production.
I chose Game of Thrones for comparison because:
  • It has only a few episodes per season (compared to other series that have like 20+ episodes that span half the year),
  • It ran for as many years as people are speculating this game will run,
  • It was wildly popular within it genre (as is BaDIK); and
  • Because there was incest (yes BaDIK doesn't have incest, but here at F95 that's a rarity).
It's the obvious choice for comparison. :p

Whether you liked GoT or not, it had the staying power (I thoroughly enjoyed it up until season 6 but still didn't mind it after that, even the ending didn't bother me too much although it could have been fleshed out more which means more episodes were warranted and it would have taken even longer to complete).

People watched it from beginning to end, and more people joined the viewership as the years went by. Same as BaDIK.

Your fear is it will dwindle and die before it's completed, I'm suggesting that it won't. DPC has already storyboarded the whole game. He fleshes things out as he creates each episode, but he already knows where he's taking the game, he's not just winging it.

I do have a worry that the game may suddenly kick into serious plot mode (like Acting Lessons did once most of the relationships were solidified), and many people may not like that change of pace or direction (I didn't particularly like Acting Lessons whereas thousands lauded it). But that's a different argument.

I don't think this game is going to be just about finally fucking Jill. The MC is already reached his prime, everyone at the college knows him, he has the DIKs and the HOTs virtually eating out of his hand, the teachers are already sucking his cock. Shit has to start going down hill soon, i.e. a conflict to sustain the rest of the game, and my guess is it will come in the form of Vinnie.

Not yet though, we still have a bunch of things to solve that may take a few more episodes:
  • Who sent the Jocks the blackmail pictures?
  • Who sent the Cathy cluck?
  • What behind Bella's door?
  • What's the deal with Bella and James?
  • What happened between Bella and Jill (their purported one night stand)?
  • What will the MC do with his 5K?
  • Is there a traitor in the DIKs and is it Nick?
  • How will the MC beat Tybalt's blackmailing of Jill?
  • What will the MC's Mom's diary reveal?
  • Will there be an ultimate confrontation with Maya's Dad?
  • What will be the fallout from Burke seeing the Jade and MC video?
  • What is Jill's campaign about specifically?
  • Is Lily seriously looking to have Quinn supply drugs to the Pink Rose girls?
  • What will Jill's third date with Tybalt be and what will happen once they have finished the third date?
  • Will Vinny return as an antagonist?
  • Will the MC make Riona cum?
There's enough shit there, along with sex scenes, Halloween parties, Spring Break, etc. for this to live on for ages.

Plus, DnG is great. :geek:


Engaged Member
Oct 20, 2020
Instead of a behind-the-scenes making of BaDIK, what about behind the scenes of BaDIK itself? I think it would be pretty entertaining if DPC did outtakes starring the virtual actors after he's completed the game.

Imagine learning the is actually very intelligent, and she ad-libbed many of her scenes ("Not everyone is a rock scientist" sent the actress playing Quinn into a laughing fit). Or that Dawe and the MC were best friends, and Dawe kept trying to get the MC to break character. Everyone would call the actress playing Lynette "Mom" on the set, even though she was the second-youngest there. No one could agree on the pronunciation of "Tybalt" (is it "TIBB-alt" or "TIE-balt?). During the after-tennis shower scene, MC reached over to grab a boob, but the actor playing Stanley was there instead. In fact, that could be a running joke on set. When is supposed to sneak into the HOTs shower with the MC, the curtain flies open and the MC sees Stanley standing there, ready to go.

I think it could be a fun, short project for DPC between BaDIK and his next project.
That is the best idea I've heard on here.....that I never want to see implemented. That would be incredibly unique and probably a lot of fun to see, but it would completely ruin my immersiveness in the game world. I don't want to think of these people as goofy actors in a TV show with cackling audience. I want to think of them as real people in an unreal world of my unhinged mind..and I get to inhabit it whenever I play. I always gravitated towards role playing games because sometimes I just like to ditch this shitty reality for a few hours, forget about my problems, and become the MC in whatever game I'm playing. Once this turns into a behind-the-scene gag reel, I :confused:
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