While I'm certainly not going to defend (objectively) the way BaDIK handled the Maya/Josy crisis in Episode 4, I do think it manages to beat out the... incident in AL.
- The BaDIK MC is at least a decade older. A teenager overreacting to a failed romance (even one that never got off the ground) is a lot easier to swallow than a ~30 year old becoming a recluse because a friend died tragically.
- We have far more control over the MC in BaDIK during his funk. Sure, the MC is still a moody git, but we get to make a few significant choices in between the forced actions - starting with the the three potential paths through the episode. We can advance alternative romances! We can rate asses! We can return to the Pink Rose and bang our distaff doppelganger! We can water plants! ... okay that last one may not actually be in BaDIK's favor. But I stand by the rest!
- The tone of the game is worlds apart. I said AL wallows in the misery it unleashes, and I meant it. The MC is a broken man looking back on events from two years down the line, apparently having little to no contact with his friends in that time. In BaDIK, the MC is in his funk for 2 days, and his friends and acquaintances are all trying to lift his spirits - Jill even succeeds! (Hell, much as I dislike Jade, I thought her heart to heart for MC on her path was excellent.)
- Sort of obvious, but the final act of AL was the end of the game, whereas Episode 4 was just the end of BaDIK's season. That means BaDIK had the chance to recover from its mistake, and by in large it has used that opportunity well (IMHO). For AL, there is no recovering from that faceplant.
- Most importantly, the crisis in BaDIK is entirely rooted in the game itself: the MC's journey to adulthood, with all the bumps and bruises that normally entails. The crisis in AL, on he other hand, isn't about the MC connecting with new friends, it's about a serial killer we never knew existed killing someone the MC likes because she's batshit crazy. Not only does this mean that BaDIK's twist is a surprise rather than a blatant asspull, it also means BaDIK is well positioned to deal with the ramifications of the twist in the future. AL, in contrast, became a totally different game (including the near complete removal of game mechanics) because it was forced to grapple with something completely alien to what it had been doing for the first 6 episodes.
Allow me to return the favor.
- "All that time" was a week and a half. She obviously couldn't visit until Maya was at B&R, and for most of the first week Josy was probably hoping her acceptance would arrive any day.
- She explicitly says she needs to talk the matter over with Maya before she joins the HOTs, and as far as we can tell Maya accepts the logic of her decision even if she doesn't like it. (Note that Maya does back off in class when Josy tells her not to take her frustrations out on her).
- What's to defend? Becky never said anything bad about Maya. We don't even know for sure that she was lying about not remembering Maya. I suppose you could argue this makes Josy look self-absorbed, but it's not like having a girlfriend means you can't spend time with other people.
- I mostly agree with this (though I think Josy intended to come clean to the MC and then decide what to do with his input), but I don't see how that counts as frivolous. While she was clearly thinking about ending the relationship, I see no evidence that Josy was doing so lightly.
- Ummm... Maya asked the MC to let Josy sleep in his room. She was afraid of Patrick returning when her guard would be down.
How would Zoey do that? I'd say the MC is already a lot more emotionally invested with the LIs than he was with Zoey (and a few of the side girls to boot). If he's still dating multiple girls when Zoey resurfaces, I doubt she'd make a dent in his thinking; more likely he'd just try and add her to his collection.
Besides, as ChipLecsap said, we already had this exact scenario in Episode 4. Sure, it was handled badly, but adding Zoey to the mix would not have solved the problems. (Plus, I feel like Jill's polaroid has claimed the role if we ever need an encore.)
I think if Zoey does return at a dramatic moment, it's more likely to be as a sounding board for the MC. She can give him objective advice while still knowing the MC and caring about his well being.