well i played through all of that and now i have diarrhea. Congratulations on making another shitty teen drama, now my ptsd from all those days i was forced to watch degrassi and shallow af mtv is flaring up - i was in remission! i hope you're happy...
some constructive criticism or i guess feedback... as a guy i will say that playing as another guy with a 12ft long vagina was very jarring. even with max dik score (really?) a lot of the decisions and things you are forced to make leave you sounding like Orpah. not taking that picture in chapter 7 because women aren't trophies/objects was bullshit, especially when they are selling their bodies, also needing a massive dick to be in porn c'mon... I don't appreciate being punished for pursuing multiple women either, like i'm just trying to experience the game. i get that women don't like it when you cheat on them that's just reality, but this isn't reality this is college very tropey college and i don't appreciate some magical plot device panties that showed up magically offscreen cockblocking me from a girl ive been working on for like 5 fucking chapters, Isabella how do you even know what Cathy's panties look like? melodrama is lame, i get it's not over with her because of the foreshadowing but i don't play this shit. the whole free roam thing is annoying too "but it's content!" true but i don't consider wandering around aimlessly for 3 hours like some kind of moron to be fun, navigating this game is not fun. tank god for the music slider.
story was like american pie if a very insecure women wrote the script. i'm sure i'll regret this.