how is it believable that Josy is punished the same way for two completely different things?
we are even told that her father loves Josy very much, so that he punishes her for having sex in his bed is credible, that he punishes her in the same way for having dinner with someone doesn't make sense to me. the presence of wine changes very little, except for wanting to suddenly turn Josy's father into a faded copy of Maya's one
Don't forget that Josy tells that things had gone heated with Monica and that his father got an earful.
So the date pb is just the match that light the powder. The punishment is logic in both situation.
MC stays and they are caught fucking in the parents bed or not, both went to an altercation with her father and the subsequent punishment.
The glaring flaw isn't that this event came out of nowhere, it's that in the next episode Jill seems surprised by the terms she agreed to and suddenly needs Bella's help. (Well, that and the fact that watching Tybalt bore Jill to tears isn't interesting, but that's what I classified as subjective.) I think the idea was that Jill expected Tybalt to be less persistent and realizes she needs reinforcements, but DPC overplayed the scene, IMHO.
Well that certainly wasn't my interpretation. Jill wasn't surprised, she knows Tybalt is being disingenuous (though apparently not that he's trying to get in her pants). But being a sheltered snowflake, she doesn't know how to placate Tybalt without pissing him off & putting the MC at 'risk'. Hence the plea to Bella for help dealing with Tybalt.
Doesn't beta testing last somewhere between 7-9 days though? The problem is DPC didn't mention when exactly it started. So if we assume it started on Monday, we might just get the update next week. But he still has to announce the release dates and he usually does that on a Friday, so the 19th really is the possible release date, if there aren't any major problems during the testing.
Normally, but they have to at least partially redo the beta testing for the whole game, so I would expect it to take longer this time than in the past - hopefully not doubling or more, but I wouldn't be surprised if it was two or more weeks.
Don't forget that Josy tells that things had gone heated with Monica and that his father got an earful.
So the date pb is just the match that light the powder. The punishment is logic in both situation.
MC stays and they are caught fucking in the parents bed or not, both went to an altercation with her father and the subsequent punishment.
I don't agree at all, now whether Mc stays or not becomes completely irrelevant (which actually for DPC it is ), perfect
so Josy, a 19 year old girl who is about to go to college, is perfectly logical to be punished by taking away her cell phone and grounding her, as if she were a child, because she had a fight with her stepmother because she dared to have dinner with someone (a fight that I don't remember Josy ever apologizes for, but I'm sure it was a very serious thing)
I don't agree at all, now whether Mc stays or not becomes completely irrelevant (which actually for DPC it is ), perfect
so Josy, a 19 year old girl who is about to go to college, is perfectly logical to be punished by taking away her cell phone and grounding her, as if she were a child, because she had a fight with her stepmother because she dared to have dinner with someone (a fight that I don't remember Josy ever apologizes for, but I'm sure it was a very serious thing)
I just said that a punishment is in order in both situation if punishment is needed, and DPC needed it.
And for me the earful to her father is more important that any fight with her stepmother, It certainly wasn't the first one.
Josy doesn't apologies, she just explain to MC what happened after he's gone.
Not judging if the punishment is realistic or not.
I sometimes have problems making my ideas clear enough but english isn't my first language and some days are more complicated than others
edit : btw I love your nickname , I had a good laugh first time I saw it
I just said that a punishment is in order in both situation if punishment is needed, and DPC needed it.
And for me the earful to her father is more important that any fight with her stepmother, It certainly wasn't the first one.
Josy doesn't apologies, she just explain to MC what happened after he's gone.
Not judging if the punishment is realistic or not.
I sometimes have problems making my ideas clear enough but english isn't my first language and some days are more complicated than others
edit : btw I love your nickname , I had a good laugh first time I saw it
that the punishment was needed for DPC is sure, he needed to cut Josy off for a while, so that Maya could have her way with MC, freeing the conscience of both of them (this way Josy was the one who was missing)
What I will say is that while I largely agree with your goal, I think you're still getting ahead of where Quinn is. I don't think she's softened to the MC all that much. If she is she could somehow solve her money problems in Episode 8 at the expense of the MC, I think she would do it with minimal hesitation and acceptable levels of regret. And like with Tommy, she would bitterly defend her decision if the MC called her out on it.
She already had the chance to solve her money problems, or at least ease them, with MC's offer in episode 6 - and she didn't accept. A Quinn who didn't care about the MC would've just said "ok then, hand it over" when he offered to give her money, surely?
This is a pretty well discussed topic. Quinn fans are hopeful for the redemption arc while others are hopeful for the "lock her up and throw away the key" option.
To me, my observations are pointing towards Quinn softening up to MC so much that she's going to attempt to change how she acts. We already see a drastic difference in her attitude towards MC verses the beginning episodes. As we progress towards future episodes, that attitude is going to change exponentially in favor of MC. A lot of folks don't understand the complexity of her story because they're resigned to the belief of "Quinn is evil" and they don't even bother to play her path.
I can’t imagine there not being a redemption arc for Quinn if the MC is with her. It doesn’t mean she doesn’t have to go to prison, or something, but the idea she is ‘evil’ is silly. IMO she is going to have some motivating factor like a debt from her parents, or medical bills or something. She won’t be motivated by greed.
"People really need to stop acting like DPC is a literary genius."- No they don't. The attention to detail to all the facets of the game is outstanding.
"It's not a masterpiece. It's not even competent really." - It's one of the most continuously entertaining games on this site. That's been achieved, among other things, due to the excellent literary style used throughout. I would go so far as to suggest it is an extremely competent creation.
"Why is Jill comically naïve beyond the point of plausibility? Because she was written that way, not because somebody would be a junior in college and be that way." - All characters in a story are created to service the plot. Jill is a sheltered, naïve woman. The seemingly obvious reason behind her sheltered upbringing was the untimely death of her rebellious sister.
"Why does she have no friends except Bella?" - Most of the girls at the college are total sluts. Not really Jill's kinda people. She befriends Josy quite easily. Nowhere has it been identified that she's painfully shy.
"Why does she live in the rich kid frat? Seriously, actually why does she? It makes no sense." - She's an honoured female guest in the frat. As a family member of the college's founders, it would make sense for the preps to invite her there to bolster their egos.
"Why is the fact that her family is rich and presumably big donors to the school some dark secret? For drama!" - It's not a secret. It's just that Jill realised the mc didn't know she was a Royce, it made her happy to know he liked her for her, and not because she was filthy rich.
"Why is Bella so mysterious about her past and where her husband is? For the intrigue." - That's kinda how you do intrigue; you don't tell the reader everything... Not sure how this can be an issue with the game.
"Why does Maya need a cosigner for student loans?" - She doesn't. Her dad tricked her into thinking she was locked into a loan so he could control her. It doesn't have to make sense to us, it's only require that Maya thinks she's over a barrel.
"Why is she a lesbian? Well she's not really, seeing as in the first month of college she potentially hooked up with this dude. Thus proving her dad right that if she was separated from Josy she'd not be gay. Don't think DPC thought that out all the way." - She's a bisexual girl who never had strong feeling with a guy before so she thought she was simply gay. Turns out the "girly" mc appeals to her. We know that because she discussed it with him.
Even though the dad's approach had the desired impact (from the dad's perspective), it doesn't mean the dad was right.
"Why is Josy dating Maya?" - It was an unexpected twist in the story. Lots of stories do that, it helps keep them interesting.
"Why do people cook up elaborate stories about how Josy and Tommy actually had sex or whatever..." - Hardly anyone is saying that. And most comments regarding incest are that there will be none in this game.
Seriously, all the answers to everything you're querying is in the game (except the Maya loan one).
People who criticise DPCs writing seem to think when fans say he is great we are comparing him to Stephen King, when in reality we‘re comparing him to his peers. Even if he isn’t the best, he’s one of the best writers working on western porn visual novels.
Jill doesn’t have any female friends - I Actually think the more logical answer to this is she does, but we don’t meet them. We’re not with most characters 99% of the time.
If you respond to an extreme position with an extreme one, you are not doing yourself a good service.
are all sluts at BR? is this really your answer to the fact that Jill has friendship only with a teacher? and that she makes friends on the fly with the only girl (who would also answer to the generic identikit of slut... but in the positive sense) towards whom she knows the only boy she has ever been interested in has feelings?
BADIk is an extremely light story, with no particular clockwork mechanism that makes people cry out for a miracle, where almost every situation is handled according to emotional outbursts that justify any outcome (they all run away for the least believable reasons ..)
but there is only one point on which I don't agree with you at all: the fact that there is this extreme attention to detail, DPC takes great care in creating "verisimilitude" especially in the dialogues, where he tries to take into account everything that happened, but then blatantly ignores certain situations, which would have their own importance, but would complicate his work.
so we have Chad's shoes in Troy's room (how many times did it happen to you to leave your shoes at the house of a girl with whom you had a clandestine relationship? did you come back barefoot?), and at the same time Josy is punished by her parents for having dinner with a boy (if Mc stays it makes sense, otherwise not at all. or do you want to tell me that Josy's beloved father is more bigoted than Maya's father?) and many other intersections that for simplicity DPC has decided simply not to handle
BADIK is an exceptional entertainment, which is light years from the average of the games of this genre (mainly because of the very low average), and probably will also have a positive effect as an example on other productions. but it is a soap opera, a telenovelas, not the Murder on the Orient Express
Chad and Troy - Work out in the gym, head to Troy’s room to fuck, changes back in to his street clothes, forgets his gym shoes. It’s not particularly convoluted or unrealistic.
I don’t recall the conversation if you don’t fuck Josy, does she specifically say she was being punished for having the MC over? If so I agree this is a bit silly, it would have been easier just to say she had a fight with her dad and he grounded her.
If there's no update patch, I'm not gonna be able to download it. 19G is way too much for me to download in one file. Mega would die after 10g... Nopy is dead, all other sites are trash with 6 hour download times for a 1g file. Hopefully someone releases a compressed version fairly quickly
Chad and Troy - Work out in the gym, head to Troy’s room to fuck, changes back in to his street clothes, forgets his gym shoes. It’s not particularly convoluted or unrealistic.
She already had the chance to solve her money problems, or at least ease them, with MC's offer in episode 6 - and she didn't accept. A Quinn who didn't care about the MC would've just said "ok then, hand it over" when he offered to give her money, surely?
That was like explaining how 2+2 equals to 4, lol. While listing how her actions changed interacting with MC 2 pages ago, didn't find the need to even write this hahaha
I can’t imagine there not being a redemption arc for Quinn if the MC is with her. It doesn’t mean she doesn’t have to go to prison, or something, but the idea she is ‘evil’ is silly. IMO she is going to have some motivating factor like a debt from her parents, or medical bills or something. She won’t be motivated by greed.
I am more than sure that in the new update, Quinn will officially become LI. The fact that there are no relationship points is not important, DPC has refused them in the latest updates and they do not affect anything. It sounds unfounded, but the $5,000 donated will play a role. I imagine that MC in his usual manner says Quinn something like: "Keep these $5,000. It won't last long , but at least you and the girls won't be engaged in prostitution and drug sales for a week." It sounds noble and beautiful. I think this will be one of the most difficult choices in the game.
I am more than sure that in the new update, Quinn will officially become LI. The fact that there are no relationship points is not important, DPC has refused them in the latest updates and they do not affect anything. It sounds unfounded, but the $5,000 donated will play a role. I imagine that MC in his usual manner says Quinn something like: "Keep these $5,000. It won't last long , but at least you and the girls won't be engaged in prostitution and drug sales for a week." It sounds noble and beautiful. I think this will be one of the most difficult choices in the game.
If MC actually makes a sentence like that to Quinn's face, she'd cringe so hard that the game would crash. Hell, we might get a blue screen of death, lol.
LAMO, this stuff isn't Shakespeare man, though he was considered lowbrow for his time. It's interactive American Pie.
Shakespeare's work stands on its own merits, and has for a long time. Elizabeth I has been dead for a long time too. Him being one of her court favorites, not the only one btw, has little to do with his popularity. You couldn't name another playwright from that time, only him. This is not a product of Early Modern petty court politics.
And art isn't subjective, no serious artist will say this, though no serious artist will spend their time insisting neoclassical realism is the only legitimate form of artistic expression either. Quite frankly it's insulting to say that because art is "subjective" DPC and William Shakespeare are potentially literary equals.
Pretty sure most people around here don't read books, don't watch movies, don't play games, and generally speaking only really wank. Would explain why every other game around here is lauded as a work of art.
Not that this one doesn't stand head and shoulders above the competition, but come on.
I don't know about Shakespeare, but atleast dialogues in this game dont make me cringe/facepalm after 5 min of gameplay like most games on this site and hit that skip button.
Pretty sure most people around here don't read books, don't watch movies, don't play games, and generally speaking only really wank. Would explain why every other game around here is lauded as a work of art.
Not that this one doesn't stand head and shoulders above the competition, but come on. is it believable that Josy is punished the same way for two completely different things?
we are even told that her father loves Josy very much, so that he punishes her for having sex in his bed is credible, that he punishes her in the same way for having dinner with someone doesn't make sense to me. the presence of wine changes very little, except for wanting to suddenly turn Josy's father into a faded copy of Maya's one...
Don't forget that Josy tells that things had gone heated with Monica and that his father got an earful.
So the date pb is just the match that light the powder. The punishment is logic in both situation.
MC stays and they are caught fucking in the parents bed or not, both went to an altercation with her father and the subsequent punishment.
I don't agree at all, now whether Mc stays or not becomes completely irrelevant (which actually for DPC it is ), perfect
so Josy, a 19 year old girl who is about to go to college, is perfectly logical to be punished by taking away her cell phone and grounding her, as if she were a child, because she had a fight with her stepmother because she dared to have dinner with someone (a fight that I don't remember Josy ever apologizes for, but I'm sure it was a very serious thing)
I just said that a punishment is in order in both situation if punishment is needed, and DPC needed it.
And for me the earful to her father is more important that any fight with her stepmother, It certainly wasn't the first one.
Josy doesn't apologies, she just explain to MC what happened after he's gone.
Not judging if the punishment is realistic or not.
I sometimes have problems making my ideas clear enough but english isn't my first language and some days are more complicated than others
edit : btw I love your nickname , I had a good laugh first time I saw it
that the punishment was for DPC is sure, he needed to cut Josy off for a while, so that Maya could have her way with MC, freeing the conscience of both of them (this way Josy was the one who was missing)
Just to add my thoughts, I know it's rare but sometimes I just need to say things.
There are two scenarios:
Josy has a friend over and they drink alcohol (that would be illegal since it's been established the legal drinking age is 21 in this game).
Josy's dad reacts to this and they get into an argument and Josy lets fly about Monica and the dad takes her phone from her.
Josy has a friend over and they drink alcohol (that would be illegal since it's been established the legal drinking age is 21 in this game)
Josy is caught almost red handed fucking someone in her dad's bed.
Josy's dad reacts to this and they get into an argument and Josy lets fly about Monica and the dad takes her phone from her.
Both scenarios result in an argument where Josy starts mouthing off about Monica. This is why she'd be punished. The alcohol too. I'm sure fucking someone in her dad's bed would have only made matters worse, but the punishment fits the crime for both scenarios.
Imagine how these scenarios played out:
Scenario 1 (almost caught riding the meat pole):
Monica: "Josy? Are you home?"
Josy: "Just a minute, Monica!"
Pete: "Sweetie? Why have you locked yourself in our bedroom?"
Josy: "*Whisper* What are you doing!?"
Fuckface: "*Whisper* I'm panicking!"
Josy: "*Whisper* Exit through the window!"
Josy: "*Whisper* Here! Your clothes!!"
Josy: "(FUCK!)"
Monica: "Josy! What the hell is this!?"
(everything above was in the game, the below is what could have happened next)
Monica: "Pete, I don't think you should come in here just yet."
Pete: "Why not, what's going on, and why is there an empty bottle of wine on the table with some glasses?"
Pete: "What have you been up to young lady, and why... oh shit, I'm sorry, um..."
Josy: "Dad!!"
Monica: "Just wait outside for a minute Pete."
Monica: "Josy, put some clothes on."
Josy: "What do you think I'm trying to do, if you hadn't barged in here...!"
Pete: "You watch your tone there Josy! Are you dressed yet?"
Monica: "Ok, so you're drinking now?"
Josy: "What, stop acting like you're my mom, I know you couldn't give a shit about me!"
Pete: "Josy! Let me handle this dear."
Pete: "Josy, please don't speak to Monica like that! Since when have you been drinking, and wait a minute, what were you doing naked in our room?"
Monica: "Pete, there were two glasses on the table, you do the maths..."
Pete: "Josy? In our bed?"
Josy: "Let me explain, it's just..."
Pete: "No this is just unacceptable behaviour, you had no right to..."
Josy: "Since when do you care about what I do anymore Dad? You only have time for Monica these days..."
Monica: "Josy dear, that's not how things are..."
Josy: "Whatever, you only care about that stupid cunt of a son of yours anyway!"
Monica: "Josy!"
Pete: "Josy! What's gotten into you?"
Josy: "You know it's true ever since Monica came into our lives I may as well never have existed! I fucking hate her!"
Monica: "Oh my god!"
Pete: "Josy, I will not allow you to talk to her like that! You'll apologise right now and then we'll talk about your drinking, with boys I presume."
Josy: "Fuck off Dad, I don't want to talk about anything with you two!"
Pete: "That does it young lady!"
Josy: "Hey, what are you doing!?"
Pete: "What does it look like, I'm taking this now and you're not getting it back until you've started behaving better!"
Pete: "Come back, we haven't finished talking!"
Josy: "This is bullshit, you can't treat me like a little child, I'm going to my room!"
Scenario 2 (nothing sexual, just underaged drinking):
(Note we never see anything regarding this option)
Monica: "Josy? Are you home?"
Josy: "Yes, I'm just in the kitchen cleaning up."
Pete: "Hi Sweetie? Looks like you had company tonight."
Josy: "Yeah, just a friend came over for dinner."
Monica: "Was it a young man?"
Josy: "None of your business!"
Pete: "You watch your tone there Josy! Hmm, what's this empty bottle of wine here?"
Monica: "Ok, so you're drinking now?"
Josy: "What, stop acting like you're my mom, I know you couldn't give a shit about me!"
Pete: "Josy! Let me handle this dear."
Pete: "Josy, please don't speak to Monica like that! Since when have you been drinking?"
Josy: "Since when do you care about what I do anymore Dad? You only have time for Monica these days..."
Monica: "Josy dear, that's not how things are..."
Josy: "Whatever, you only care about that stupid cunt of a son of yours anyway!"
Monica: "Josy!"
Pete: "Josy! What's gotten into you?"
Josy: "You know it's true ever since Monica came into our lives I may as well never have existed! I fucking hate her!"
Monica: "Oh my god!"
Pete: "Josy, I will not allow you to talk to her like that! You'll apologise right now and then we'll talk about your drinking, with boys I presume."
Josy: "Fuck off Dad, I don't want to talk about anything with you two!"
Pete: "That does it young lady!"
Josy: "Hey, what are you doing!?"
Pete: "What does it look like, I'm taking this now and you're not getting it back until you've started behaving better!"
Pete: "Come back, we haven't finished talking!"
Josy: "This is bullshit, you can't treat me like a little child, I'm going to my room!"
And there you go. Shit escalated wither way, mainly because Josy was already upset with Monica's involvement in her life. The sex, while shocking to her parents, hardly played into it.
And while Josy's pretty chill most of the time, we've seen her spit it before, so it's not entirely out of character once she's gotten worked up: