I don't mind Bella breaking up over the panties because they are a clear indication the MC is more interested in sex generally than in Bella in particular. Sure, it was silly for Cathy to take them off in the first place, but they're just the symptom; the real problem was always fooling around with Cathy, and that's squarely on us.
Jill breaking up over tending to Sage, on the other hand, isn't even a symptom. Sage will ask the MC for help as long as he calls her, even if he's never done anything remotely sexual with her. At that point there's really no justifiable excuse to cancel on Sage for a picnic with Jill that could easily be postponed. Worse, not only does Jill expect the MC to ditch his sick friend, she expects him to do so on a moment's notice because Jill can't be bothered to call ahead of time. But wait, there's more, because the reason Jill didn't want to call ahead is that she unilaterally decided to stop seeing the MC thanks to Tybalt's blackmail. So not only does she resent the MC if he doesn't drop everything to spend time with her, she does so in the middle of deliberately denying him the chance to spend time with her otherwise!
I hated the way the picnic choice played out back when I thought it wouldn't be a big deal in the long run. Now that I know that ditching Sage is not only required for Jill's branch, but that Jill will give the MC amongst the most humiliating rejections in the game if he doesn't ditch Sage, it's hard not to let it color my opinion of Jill as a character. Frankly, if it wasn't possible to end the free roam without calling Sage (assuming you're not her fuck buddy), I probably would have dropped my Jill run.
Fortunately, I can just pretend pretend the whole thing never happened and chalk the alternate scenario up to terrible writing.
I think the meeting will last noticeably longer than the Patrick encounter, if only because there needs to be time for Jade to spar with MC's that dumped her. The Patrick encounter was all about establishing his character for the future. The Burke meeting has more moving parts.
That said, it's still not going to be a major free roam event or anything. I expect we'll get an extra scene or two depending on our relationship with Jade, Sage and/or Tybalt. Still plenty of time to get to the Halloween party if DPC wants to.
Because as I said, you commit to helping Sage long before Jill asks you to her surprise picnic, and that's entirely Jill's fault. She has absolutely no business feeling slighted. If the Affinity system made a lick of sense, bailing on a sick friend for a chance to score with Jill
ought to be a Major DIK decision.
Which would make it all the funnier when Jill used *that* as the reason for dumping a DIK MC.