I did not gave YOU this answer if I remember correctly but anyways... I think you forget about something... ( and bring this commit to bullshit into the picture ) The situation was that someone named
Netgear ( name interchangable to anyones who cares ) got surprised about not getting the Jill route when he chose Sage over Jill... this brings us to the point ! We have to decide who are we after... some earlier some later some stick like gorilla glue

Of course you can choose to chase everyone but then you are a dick by default and not by an affinity system

And seems like you have not met the type who can feel slighted over the smallest things... although this one is not so small ! I can accept that you wanna help out a friend in need and there is nothing wrong with it... but the story and specifically this Jill situation is highly sensitive at this point... as it was made so by the developer himself !
So why not just accept this as there is nothing that can be done to change it ???
My point is precisely that, as someone who DIDN'T pursue multiple girls, Jill winds up treating my actions as WORSE than the actions of people who actually have been profoundly 'unfaithful' to her. If the MC slips his dick pic into Tybalt's presentation and half the class (including
Sage) recognize it, Jill will only sulk a bit. But if the MC goes to help Sage when she's sick, that's a deal breaker no matter how devoted he is to Jill the rest of the time.
You say this thing isn't so small, but I just can't agree. Jill shows up out of nowhere and insists the MC drop everything and come with her. If he says no, there's no chance for a rain check, no possibility of explaining our point of view or making it up to her later. No, that's it; Jill's finished with you. When - again - she'll turn a blind eye to the MC sleeping around, posting clucks with strippers hanging off him, or sunbathing with Bella in private.
What am I supposed to make of that contradiction if I try to take it seriously? Unless Jill is as petulant as Tybalt, it makes no sense that one instance of the MC saying no to a date (
that Jill herself refuses to explain is important) would be such a scarlet letter. I'm prepared to accept the occasional logical inconsistency for the sake of gameplay, but I need *something* to hang my disbelief from.
If Jill only rejected the MC when he was Sage's fuck buddy, I'd probably go along with it even if there was no direct explanation for how Jill knew about it. Likewise, if Jill simply rejected an MC who had *anything* to do with Sage (like a more extreme version of the way Quinn wants nothing to do with an MC who dates Maya), I could write that off as being about Sage in particular. Hell, even if Jill rejected an MC for doing things that *looked* improper when his motives were innocent (like getting a black eye, wearing the Dildo Helmet or letting Tommy post his picture with Envy), it would help explain why Jill is jumping to the wrong conclusion when the MC declines her date.
But that's not what happened. Instead, Jill will take this single, perfectly justifiable decision and hold it against the MC with extreme prejudice. It's either lazy writing from DPC or a sign that Jill isn't entirely sane. Obviously, I choose the former.
I guess the conclusion is that you not keep a Fuck buddy, and then you dont have to choose between your fuck toy and the girl you interested in.
And this fake holier than knight attitude, is a little bit stink. Sorry. But I would drop my friend without a heart beat, for a surprise date with the girl I wanna Fuck, or interested in.
Sage was not dying, and it's not even a family member. Realistically as much as some dont like it, she is a competition to Jill. And that is how she saw it, no matter the Chick and Dik system or anything.
I'm not trying to knock anyone who prefers to spend time with Jill. I think it's a bit of a DIK move to back out after promising to help Sage, but we're all entitled to selfish moments at times. I just expect Jill to extend us the same courtesy, and she flat out refuses. If Jill ever gave me that rejection speech because I helped Sage, I don't think I'd want to be friends with her anymore.
It is more believable to me, this, than the fact she reject a Dik affinity, because she look at the moon. Compared to Tybalt, Dik MC is a gentleman, and yet ......

But Whatever in the end of the Day we learned that Neutral is enough fro all the main girl.

Ofcourse, knowing MR Cake. He will do his bullshit, bonus sex scene for affinity garbage in the remaining seasons, but I hope not.
Eh, IMHO the MC is a lot more DIKish than Tybalt. Tybalt is certainly loathsome, but he's too immature to be capable of genuine DIK-ery. Even the watermelon jokes make him feel less like a stalker and more like a barely pubescent kid.
At any rate, I understand the idea behind Jill rejecting a DIK in theory. In practice I have trouble buying that too,
the things a CHICK could get away with feel worse than other things a DIK might try. But at least most of the DIK actions do feel like things Jill wouldn't like.
In the Sage case, while it might make Jill jealous, I think she'd be more likely to blame
herself for those feelings than the MC. Instead, the game seems to think we should feel bad for prioritizing a sick friend over a girl who can't bring herself to admit why she's so eager for an impromptu date. Screw that noise.
You can have the choice of all 4 main girl paths (M&J are still a single path) at the crossroads if you play your cards right. But you will not get the 'Others' option if you are on Maya & Josy's path (or on Jill's path in a way she'll accept). So you can't get all 5 options in a single run in an unmodded game.