Night Hacker

Forum Fanatic
Jul 3, 2021
yeah i get it now thanks :) but its a shame that it took a year to just make this short interlude thing.
I am under the impression that the work on the next chapter has been ongoing and this was just a side thing. I doubt very much that all the time was spent on just this. But it is important to the story as the last episode ended with Zoey at his father's door. I am glad he answered why that happened with this, and I doubt he stopped work on the main story.

This is way too short to have taken THAT much time, compared to what a full, normal release would involve. I am just glad to see something to be honest as I like this game and the story has been interesting, including the information about Zoey who has been a part of the game's story since the start.

In any event, there's plenty of other games to play while I wait. :)
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May 5, 2021
Man, seriously? Do some math... 4 months for the interlude, 6 months for the new update. That's 10 months, not a year. Jesus & Mary.



Engaged Member
Jan 9, 2021
We already know the answer to that is "no." She wanted MC to go WITH her. He turned her down.
Kinda hard to say if he blew it or she blew it, when effectively they both did not really think they we're more then friends at the time. Both had a moment after that when they realised it was more, but they both knew it already is in the past at that point.
Not much sense blaming either, they each can blame themselves in hindsight but that's it...
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Well-Known Member
Oct 14, 2020
even if true, that doesnt mean his overall story or various parts of its implantation/execution cant be flawed on their own just because "he planned it out already". there will always be weak spots in this story: the first majority agreed upon one was the M/J "break up" fiasco, and this Zoey Interlude appears to be the second majority agreed upon weak spot

people's opinions will differ so if you are okay with it that is more than fine, but many people arent and that should be an equally acceptable viewpoint IMO
Is this for real?

If it is, it may be the funniest thing I've ever seen in my life.

Just the mental image this conjures, this Dude sitting there huddled over his computer, feverishly searching for that one person that shared his shit. On the internet!


Devoted Member
May 17, 2020
finished the third run on the interlude, I miss the minigames but I doubt that they will change my judgment

it satisfied me, this interlude was exactly what i expected

did this attempt to make Zoey more "likeable" work? not so much with me. the whole necessity of the departure exploited one of the most pathetic means that could be used, the promise to her dead grandmother (taken from the worst pixar movies..). of course Zoey's character comes out deeper than before, but it remains a caricature. Is Zoey rebellious because she has blue hair or does she have blue hair because she's a rebel? what demons torment her? no answer from the interlude.

she is young, so any behavior is justified, before anyone tells me....
but if one acts like a bitch, it remains that one acted like a bitch even if she was young

she didn't win me over, but I'm still optimistic that she will be a good shock to the story (we have already seen that MC is melting at the mere hearing of her return, so for the choices that matter we will have to wait on her...)

the 2 things i liked the most were the graphic aspect, i liked all the animations, basically useless, but very cinematic and the aesthetic upgrade of Zoey, and the fact that DPC tried to rectify the "fuck, fuck, fuck" scene giving it some nuances depending on the situation where MC is (he could have done it sooner... but better late than never)

the fact that Sage is furiously looking for MC makes me think that in the meeting with Burke there was some unforeseen event, maybe it is revealed to Maya that the loan was all a scam and she had a crisis, or she ran away... we'll see (in 5-6 months...)


Active Member
May 8, 2017
Is this for real?

If it is, it may be the funniest thing I've ever seen in my life.

Just the mental image this conjures, this Dude sitting there huddled over his computer, feverishly searching for that one person that shared his shit. On the internet!
yeah lol thats what he sent me when i got banned for sharing the Sage gallery extra from last episode. and i was paying him $40 a month at that point too :KEK:


Well-Known Member
Jul 20, 2020
Hmm that's weird because I tried that. And my Import is all empty. View attachment 1690730 View attachment 1690731
It's not a Steam copy you're using right? If so, switch to Steam version in upper right corner by clicking Steam (it defaults to the Patreon / GOG version).

Otherwise, this is a goofy one. Maybe do some research on where the game saves copies in the Windows profile and make sure there are copies there from the Chapter 8 ending where it tells you to save the game.


Jan 8, 2018
even if true, that doesnt mean his overall story or various parts of its implantation/execution cant be flawed on their own just because "he planned it out already". there will always be weak spots in this story: the first majority agreed upon one was the M/J "break up" fiasco, and this Zoey Interlude appears to be the second majority agreed upon weak spot

people's opinions will differ so if you are okay with it that is more than fine, but many people arent and that should be an equally acceptable viewpoint IMO
Nowhere did I say it was or wasn't flawed storytelling. Where is this coming from? Do you want my opinion if it is flawed or not? Well, I'll just say it here, I do feel the inclusion and placement is flawed. Is the "Zoey arc" needed? Absolutely not but it could have been implemented better. For example, if I had to place the inclusion of this interlude, it would be placed at the beginning as a prelude/demo prior to Chapter 1. This would attempt to make Zoey the first character you care about and maybe fight for as the MC because we have no idea where the story is actually going yet. This makes us invested into Zoey early not knowing she is actually "disappearing" prior to the start of the actual game. So when her "twist return" happens, it potentially has more value, stake, weight on the story moving forward.

Also, I never invalidated anyone's opinion either. I simply asked a question, "can it really be seen as extra if it was already planned from the start?"


Active Member
Jun 26, 2019
yeah lol thats what he sent me when i got banned for sharing the Sage gallery extra from last episode. and i was paying him $40 a month at that point too :KEK:
So you're the reason that the next season is going to take so long you're wasting DPC's time making him play batman. lol
DPC "Alfried someone shared my renders!" Alfried "What do we do?" DPC "To the batcave fire the supercomputers!"


Active Member
Jul 1, 2017
Hey guys! I'm currently working on updating my saves list for y'all. I'm worried about making it too cluttered and confusing with the new binary splitting the games up, so I'm think of ways to make it look simple. While I work out that problem here's a little change log for the latest set of saves.

- Dik Sage Hots and Sides: After finishing the Interlude and saw there are separate renders for the MC in the bathroom based on his choices regarding Sage and Jade. I decided to go back and replay the "Dik Hots and Sides" route and choose to stay with Sage instead of "others". Mind you this save has the exact same choices as "Diks Hots and Sides" except the crossroads choice. So if you don't care to see how the drama unfolds, feel free to ignore this route. It will NOT replace "Dik Hots and Sides" but will be added to the saves list.

- Transfer Saves: I went ahead and added "Dik Sage Hots and Sides" to the binary. Which can be found in the "End of Episode 8/Interlude Start Saves" as well as when you click "Import" in the Interlude Menu (provided you've successfully added the transfer data to your "persistent" folder in your Renpy saves)

- While the Interlude is pretty short (relatively speaking) I decided to add a "Interlude Start Saves" as well as "Episode 9 Start Saves" (Which is just the end of the interlude) in case you guys would rather decide how Zoey's personality is shaped no matter the route. If you don't care and just want the end of the episode saves, then Zoey's personality corresponds with the route you're playing (ie. Chik Zoey for Chik Bella and Jill and Dik Zoey for Dik Sage Path etc.) There isn't exactly a "Neutral" Path for Zoey (at least not affinity wise) So for for her big choice, I just choose to "Calm Emma Down" for all three neutral routes.

- Episode 9 Start Saves: Will likely be changed to "End of Episode 8/Interlude Start Save" in a folder named "Season 2 Saves/Persistent & Transfers" or something along those lines.
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Sep 22, 2018
just started, i dont really understand what interlude means. I just dont really like the zoey stuff. i want to go on with the story
I want to be a billionaire, but nobody gives a damn... So what? Carry on and wait ffs... Zoey is a part of story, even if you like or not... So you have two options, accept the situation and the story or sod off... Simple as that.
And don't feel offended... This post is not just for you, but for everyone here which is complaining about the interlude with no fucking reason, except the already old one "I don't care about Zoey, I want the story to continue"...
Zoey is a part of the story... So story continues. At the end of the day, is DPC VN, his creation, his story and we have no other options than to follow the story or to move on. Simple as that! Complaining and showing what you (guys) want will not change everything...
You like it? You play it...
You don't like it? Move on and leave it...


Active Member
Apr 23, 2021
I'm afraid you missed the point: it's not about adding new content, but that this content comes as an extra when much of the characters have empty biographies. Sally has been around for eight episodes and has had somewhat of 40 lines; we wouldn't know Rebecca if she wasn't part of a minigame; and even the main female characters have light backstory. Why not take the time to deal with them first?

And of course we, players and contributors, have the right to deliver our opinion, to say what we like and dislike in Being a DIK, that's the purpose of this forum. I haven't read anyone saying that their view is universal, so don't so easily dismissed it either. I am positive that Dr PinkCake reads these critics and takes them into account.
You can deliver whatever you want. You can dislike whatever you want. I do criticize a lot. But I never ask to remove anything. I am a known hater of Maya as character. I always complain I have to deal with her drama over and over. But I'd never ask to remove her since there are many other people who loves her. Zoey has always been there, but not really there. So since he, on his writing, decided to bring her back, he released an interlude showing what she has been doing. You don't need to play it. Just wait for the next release and do whatever you want.

As a supporter myself, since I bought all his games out of steam (that is how I got to know him and VNs in the first place), despite so many things I don't like in the story. I would never criticize his work or tell him to do it differently. Because when you do that only to please yourself, you hurt the essence of his creation. After the first game, a lot of people disliked some of his decisions, but even though, they stayed because you won't find a quality VN out there. Where you have everything. Minigames, Good Graphics and animations, Good story and a reliable developer that you know he will finish his VN.

I see people complaining about minigames and DnD in this game, but they forget it is a game after all. You need to have fun. And he idealize all these things and put it to work so we all can have our fun. It is more than a sex game. It is a game that includes sex and romance. If people only want the sex part with their chosen LI, then he wouldn't be the best Dev, because he wants to deliver more than that. You said you didn't see anyone saying their view was universal. But reading comments I saw people saying this interlude shouldnt happen, it was waste of time. So he shouldn't have done it, people saying they are tired of DnD or minigames. I wonder if he listened to these people he would take away some of most fun parts of this game only because people want him to spend his time working on the character they like. That is stupid as fuck.
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