
Conversation Conqueror
Jan 2, 2021
You like it? You play it...
You don't like it? Move on and leave it...
It is waaay too early to say this... the projects only running a few years now and for years it will run more... so curious bitching folks will have time ( a few years for sure :ROFLMAO: ) to change their mind... though I doubt they would ever admit they were foolish ranting about such things... ;):LOL:
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Conversation Conqueror
Aug 4, 2019
the fact that Sage is furiously looking for MC makes me think that in the meeting with Burke there was some unforeseen event, maybe it is revealed to Maya that the loan was all a scam and she had a crisis, or she ran away... we'll see (in 5-6 months...)
Honestly this is more than likely an another overreacting from the player base. I've seen so many shit regarding that, that Sage knocking on the door. Going extend deep details about, how it's gonna be yet again shit writing, because its must be about Jade, but if you don't fuck Jade it's a plot hole, and blah blah blah blah blah:rolleyes: . It's like Maya's father all over again:ROFLMAO:. "Oh DPC gonna force us to pretend to be maya's boyfriend, oh no NO , blah blah bad writing, I hate Maya, whining whining whining" :ROFLMAO:

The obvious answer, is that simple, Jade suck at cooking, and that's evident since Bella is good at it, and they are the polar opposite of each other :cool:
So Jade accidently food poisoned everyone, and now everyone is waiting for the fucking bathroom. Its gonna be that fucking simple

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Nov 27, 2018
Haven't played this game in a while, but I remember you needed both a DIK and a Chick route for all the characters. Is it still this way and some are locked behind affiliation. If so who are the recommend characters to chase on each route if someone knows. Walkthroughs don't give a great indication, thanks guys.


Conversation Conqueror
Aug 4, 2019
Haven't played this game in a while, but I remember you needed both a DIK and a Chick route for all the characters. Is it still this way and some are locked behind affiliation. If so who are the recommend characters to chase on each route if someone knows. Walkthroughs don't give a great indication, thanks guys.
You need a bit more now, not just affinity, because each girl get their own separate path now. :ROFLMAO:


Well-Known Member
Aug 4, 2017
I'm not worried Zoey is going to steal the other LIs' lewd scenes, I'm worried she's going to steal the focus that should be theirs in the wake of the crossroads. And no number of saves can help against that unless DPC is willing to dial down Zoey based on our actions. I'm not holding my breath.
ename144, I like your insightful posts, but I think you worry too much.

Is Zoey going to cause drama? It's BaDIK, yes.

Is Zoey going to be a new MG/LI, or more like a Quinn type significant SG? We don't know.

Is Zoey's introduction going to distract from relationship building with other characters? Probably to some extent, screen time for Zoey means somewhat less for others. How much so, we don't know.

Are our choices regarding the Zoey vs other relationships going to matter? Some of them, which ones we don't know. Maybe we'll be able to largely relegate Zoey to the sidelines, like you can with Quinn (important to the story, little impact on your other romantic relationships). Or maybe there will be big impacts on all our other relationships, DPC likes his soap opera drama. Either way, we don't know.

Is introducing a major character into the game midway a significant disruption to the story? DPC has been dropping new characters (or elevating their significance) throughout development, some more warmly embraced than others. The reintroduction of Zoey seems to be a major plot point that was planned from the start, so it can't be a disruption of the story DPC wants to tell. How well that works for players will vary on their tastes/expectations. We won't know until it actually plays out.

All that worrying must be exhausting. I prefer to just embrace the mystery.



Active Member
May 8, 2017
Nowhere did I say it was or wasn't flawed storytelling. Where is this coming from? Do you want my opinion if it is flawed or not? Well, I'll just say it here, I do feel the inclusion and placement is flawed. Is the "Zoey arc" needed? Absolutely not but it could have been implemented better. For example, if I had to place the inclusion of this interlude, it would be placed at the beginning as a prelude/demo prior to Chapter 1. This would attempt to make Zoey the first character you care about and maybe fight for as the MC because we have no idea where the story is actually going yet. This makes us invested into Zoey early not knowing she is actually "disappearing" prior to the start of the actual game. So when her "twist return" happens, it potentially has more value, stake, weight on the story moving forward.

Also, I never invalidated anyone's opinion either. I simply asked a question, "can it really be seen as extra if it was already planned from the start?"
i wasnt trying to call you out or anything. you didnt do anything wrong. i was just using your post as a jumping off point to address all the people like white knighting for the Interlude whenever people have criticisms or concerns or complaints or whatever


Active Member
Sep 3, 2016
the fact that Sage is furiously looking for MC makes me think that in the meeting with Burke there was some unforeseen event, maybe it is revealed to Maya that the loan was all a scam and she had a crisis, or she ran away... we'll see (in 5-6 months...)
After a second playthrough I think it might be bait, it's probably just Sage being Sage and after she does not see MC in the room she runs after him because she can't face her parents alone, bangs on the door and when EP9 start she'll just be yelling at MC for bailing right when she's supposed to talk.
It's just DPC generating more interest and mystery for the next chapter.


Active Member
Jul 1, 2017
Here you go guys. Every save, for every route, for Seasons 1, 2, and the start of 3. NO mods. Mini games turned ON. All scenes unlocked. All special renders found. All 2D Art purchased/unlocked. All upgrades such as Brawler Skills/Derek Cheats/Magnar Bonuses/Picture Frames and Wallet Quantity unlocked for all routes, with the exception of all Dik routes (Magnar Bonuses still remaining). Mansion Repair Completed for all routes. I used "Stevan" as MC's name and "SexyMexican98" for my Swyper/Rooster tag. You can change those with the phone in game as well as Music Favorites/PetNames/Ringtones/Wallpapers. Each folder contains saves for the start of each episode so don't get confused with the "Episode 9 start" saves, there is no Episode 9 yet, just "End of Interlude" saves. All save files contain the following routes.

- Dik Sage Hots and Sides: In this route I pursue Permanent Dik Affinity and Status. I pursue Sage as my Love Interest as well as every Side Girl Possible. I chose to commit to Sage at the end of Crossroads, but if I can pursue others then I will until it is no longer viable. Total Man-Whore route.

- Dik Hots and Sides: In this route I pursue Permanent Dik Affinity and Status. I used to pursue Sage as my Love Interest but chose not to commit at the end of Episode 8 in order to keep pursuing every side chick possible. Total Man-Whore.

- Dik Sage Path : In this route I pursue Permanent Dik Affinity and Status. I pursue Sage as my Love Interest. I DO NOT pursue side girls in this route.

- Neutral Maya and Josy: In this route I pursue Neutral Affinity and Status. I also embrace the current throuple relationship with the 2 Lesbian Love Interests, Maya and Josy. I DO NOT pursue any side girls in this route

- Neutral Maya Path: In this route I pursue Neutral Affinity and Status. Even though I'm forced to be in a throuple (for now) I don't engage sexually with Josy in any way if I can help it. Only Maya. I DO NOT pursue any side girls in this route. As of now there is no way to pursue a Solo Route with Maya (I see this route being scrapped in the long run)

- Neutral Josy Path: In this route I pursue Neutral Affinity and Status. Even though I'm forced to be in a throuple (for now) I don't engage sexually with Maya in any way if I can help it. Only Josy. I DO NOT pursue any side girls in this route. As of now there is no way to pursue a Solo Route with Josy (I see this route being scrapped in the long run)

- Chik Jill and Bella: In this route I pursue Permanent Chik Affinity and Status. I pursue the 2 Best-Friend Love Interests, Jill and Bella. . I DO NOT pursue any side girls in this route. I choose to pursue Bella by the end of Episode 8 in hopes of bringing Jill back around (Not likely, I see this route being scrapped in the long run)

- Chik Jill Path: In this route I pursue Permanent Chik Affinity and Status. I pursue only Jill as my Love Interest. I DO NOT pursue any side girls in this route.

- Chik Bella Path: In this route I pursue Permanent Chik Affinity and Status. I pursue only Bella as my Love Interest. I DO NOT pursue any side girls in this route.

Side Note for "Dik Sage Hots and Sides": This routes is mainly preserved to see the drama unfold between Sage and Jade in Episode 9 when it drops. As well as to have your cake and to eat it too with Sage and all the Side Girls. If you aren't interested then you can pretty much just ignore this save all together.

Side Note for "Dik Sage Path": If it turns out that getting a hand-job from Jade in Episode 3 and Punching Tybalt in Episode 5 (Mind you theses choices were made in the pursuit of Permanent DIK affinity) has negative effects on your future relationship with Sage. Then I will go back and change my choices, I hope you guys won't mind the missing bars at the end of DIK scale but this route is for Sage only. Hopefully nothing will come of these choices since I did not pursue Jade any further after the classroom hand-job. And since you fuck Sage on Tybalt's bed, I'm hoping she won't mind that you pop him in the mouth.

Side Note for Maya/Josy Solo Routes: If it turns out that it's best to "Remain Friends" in Episode 4 and then "Have Feelings For Maya/Josy" in Episode 5 in order to get a proper solo route for Maya/Josy, in the long run, then I will go back and change my choices. But for now, I'll stay in the throuple in order to obtain sex scenes with each girl in their respective route. At this point in the story, it's highly unlikely that we'll be getting our solo routes. I will hold on to these saves in case they're needed for girl specific sex scenes (much like their first threesome) But for everyone that uses my saves, it's probably safe to delete both of them.

Side Note for "Chik Jill and Bella": All context included, this route is likely dead in the water. I will keep it up so everyone has a save they could use to see how the drama unfolds. But other than that, it's probably safe to delete as well. I don't see Jill coming back around, nor do I see Bella letting Jill into their relationship.

Side Note for all Saves: Episodes 1-8 and Season 1&2 Persistent will be stored in separate folder labeled "BeingaDIK-1535311494" whereas the Interlude Start Saves, Episode 9 Start Saves as well as Season 3 Persistent will be stored in a folder named "BeingaDIKSeason3-Patreon-1535311494". The numbers at the end may be different for you. Your Renpy saves can be found here . DO NOT attempt to put Season 1&2 files into the new Interlude. It will cause errors.

Transfer Data: This file is the binary data for the saves stated above that will be stored for the new binary come Season 3. This file is stored in a folder labeled "persistent" in your Renpy Saves folder. Your Renpy saves can be found here . If you are unable to figure out where to find/store this file, then to avoid confusion, it's best to load the "Episode 8 End Saves" then save the binaries in game when prompted. Your computer will take care of the rest for you.
Alright guys, I finished updating my saves post. I was unable to spruce up the files due to the files becoming too large to upload when compressed together, no matter how many times I compressed them. So I opted to label and upload them in a way that's easy to deduce. But despite the minor changes to the text I made in light of the new update, that most probably don't read, I would HIGHLY recommend to everyone who uses my saves to read the last 2 "Side Notes" as they offer warning and instructions to where each file is supposed to go, and just as importantly, where NOT to go. Hope you guys enjoyed the new update as much as I did!! And I hope everyone who uses my saves finds them helpful. Have a good day, Brothers!! See you when the next episode releases.
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Blue Milk

Apr 27, 2021
After a second playthrough I think it might be bait, it's probably just Sage being Sage and after she does not see MC in the room she runs after him because she can't face her parents alone, bangs on the door and when EP9 start she'll just be yelling at MC for bailing right when she's supposed to talk.
It's just DPC generating more interest and mystery for the next chapter.
Spot on.
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Forum Fanatic
Mar 13, 2021
Did we really need "The Origins of Zoey"?

Unfortunately, it's definitely going as I've been saying:

Interlude episode: Zoey's flashback

episode 9 (next update): road to the Halloween party

episode 10: Halloween party

Don't expect the infamous Halloween party before episode 10, meaning ----> before Xmas 2022 - january 2023.

DrPinkCake, dude, you are REALLY milking hard this BaDIK cow. Really damn hard.


Engaged Member
Aug 4, 2020
i wasnt trying to call you out or anything. you didnt do anything wrong. i was just using your post as a jumping off point to address all the people like white knighting for the Interlude whenever people have criticisms or concerns or complaints or whatever
It’s hardly fair to suggest "people are white knighting for the Interlude whenever people have criticisms…"

What people are doing is discussing opposing opinions.

For every positive post I make, a number of disparaging comments are made, along with other legitimately presented pros and cons from intelligent people.

I'm not going to suggest anyone being negative about this game's current turn of events is a sensitive snowflake that is scared that big bad Zoey is going to muscle in on their precious one-on-one time with their virtual girlfriend. No, I would never say that, that would be mean, even if it were true, which I'm not saying it is.

But yeah, it's just a discussion board with many opinions, and if we all stopped responding, there'd be nothing here.

For me though, I'd rather be a positive cunt that a whiny little bitch negative cunt. :p

For those asking if we really needed Zoey or her back story, we didn't even need BaDIK, we just got lucky and DPC decided to make it. :cool:


Mar 27, 2020
Did we really need "The Origins of Zoey"?

Unfortunately, it's definitely going as I've been saying:

Interlude episode: Zoey's flashback

episode 9 (next update): road to the Halloween party

episode 10: Halloween party

Don't expect the infamous Halloween party before episode 10, meaning ----> before Xmas 2022 - january 2023.

DrPinkCake, dude, you are REALLY milking hard this BaDIK cow. Really damn hard.
Halloween party seems pointless now that we have already chosen a girl.
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Active Member
Sep 3, 2016
It’s hardly fair to suggest "people are white knighting for the Interlude whenever people have criticisms…"

What people are doing is discussing opposing opinions.

For every positive post I make, a number of disparaging comments are made, along with other legitimately presented pros and cons from intelligent people.

I'm not going to suggest anyone being negative about this game's current turn of events is a sensitive snowflake that is scared that big bad Zoey is going to muscle in on their precious one-on-one time with their virtual girlfriend. No, I would never say that, that would be mean, even if it were true, which I'm not saying it is.

But yeah, it's just a discussion board with many opinions, and if we all stopped responding, there'd be nothing here.

For me though, I'd rather be a positive cunt that a whiny little bitch negative cunt. :p

For those asking if we really needed Zoey or her back story, we didn't even need BaDIK, we just got lucky and DPC decided to make it. :cool:
I for one, although I never liked the idea of the Interlude, I never disliked Zoey and welcome her into the story.
I'm already rubbing my hands as I imagine the death stare contests between the LIs and Zoey. Just imagine the shitshow it will be if MC shows the slightest doubt about his feelings towards Zoey, the fireworks will be glorious!

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