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Riona made it pretty clear she doesn't come with anyone.
#1- there are 5 LIs, not 4. Of the lot of them, I think I'll go with Josy, though (with or without Maya). Fun, somewhat unencumbered by giving a shit about other people's opinions. I like that freedom.
Restaurant girl: Camila. I love Riona, but we're talking long-term. Cam & Josy are going to make beautiful children.
Pink Rose? Eh.. Nicole seems the most mature, but Lily's got a post-stripping career plan.. Hmm. I think I'll stick with Nicole. She's warm, caring, and A-OK with sharing. Vital qualities.
B-squad side girls? Just how inclusive is this net that's been cast? There are a lot of others the MC hasn't been dipping in yet. Given my preference, how about Jill's mother, Amelia? She looked pretty hot in that flashback. Jill might be a fluke, she needs good-looking siblings.
JILL SAGE JOSY&MAYA. Main love interest. too much focus on them not to be
BELLA is in the middle of LI scale and not sure how she can be classed there a weird vibe DPC has done. BDSM and mum together the story of her husband seem to change. (like left after the JILL ISSUE ) she is not open to a sharing you at all not even with JILL who i think she clearly been intermate which might be why the husband is gone ( JILL has experiments with girls the hints are there ) Bella treats you like the mother son dynamic from the start and it stays. and i hope that don't change at all... she is the better stable choice even if love Jill she still fuck you but will mother you both which jill and you both need lol so bella is B squad and LI
Quinn is the odd one out because apart of the FUSION meal she never ask for anything money wise and gives it for free yet returns your help with sex too repay you. after chapter 7 though its different but not keen to date i think you fill a protector role in her heart she loves you and want to be with you but she wont settle down too much in other words you can sleep around with others if she is there or knows about it in advanced
B squad is the teachers including NORA ( that im going to enjoy he doesn't know who she is but she clearly does )