
Active Member
Dec 12, 2017
It does bro....

How Inheritance Works When There’s a Will
When someone dies and there is no living spouse, survivors receive the estate through inheritance. This is usually a cash endowment given to children or grandchildren, but an inheritance may also include assets like and real estate. Asset distribution is determined during the process, when wills are written and heirs or beneficiaries are designated.

The will specifies who will receive what. To distribute everything evenly, one can simply list beneficiaries. If certain items are to be left to certain people, that must be spelled out in the will.

For the inheritance process to begin, a will must be submitted to probate. The probate court reviews the will, authorizes an executor and legally transfers assets to beneficiaries as outlined. Before the transfer, the executor will settle any of the deceased’s remaining debts.
Bruh, you just contradicted yourself ! "The probate court reviews the will, authorizes an executor and legally transfers assets to beneficiaries as outlined." To legally transfer assets, the beneficiary HAS TO to sign that he a) accepts the inheritence and b) recieved it. Otherwise you can accumulate a massive debt, inherit it to someone you really hate, and then they get a "package" in the mail, beeing told they now owe X amount of $'s.

To make this more clear, IF a lawyer would have been involved, then when the MC came of legal age - 18, he would have been notified that there is an inheritence pending. And if the person who wrote the will specified that he or she is to recieve his or her inheritence at 19, he/she would first have to accept it and then sign for it, thats not something the MC's dad can do for him.

Now I have no idea who sent that package, but there doesnt seem to be any will or a lawyer involved.


Apr 25, 2021
I last played chapter 6 and i was gone....now i see there is a interlude season 3.....i am confused....which version should i play now...the game size is also too small...someone explain to me please


Active Member
Dec 12, 2017
I last played chapter 6 and i was gone....now i see there is a interlude season 3.....i am confused....which version should i play now...the game size is also too small...someone explain to me please
Play 0.8.2 untill the end, then the interlude. The interlude is a bridge between Season 2 and 3, which will start with Episode 09.


Engaged Member
Jan 9, 2021
Lynette definitely took her journal with her. Neil said so he didn't dare read it because it was Lynette's private retreat. Ergo, Lynette wrote in her diary while she was with Neil. Also, pregnancy lasts 9 months and we will definitely read about the pregnancy.:p
You mean he was wearing that dress until recently, had the diary stashed under his bed and decided to send his son the diary, the dress and 5000 dollar through a legal office just before MC's 19th birthday? Seems awfully strange to me...
Only logical thing is it was in with another blood relative of Lynette all this time.

Bruh, you just contradicted yourself ! "The probate court reviews the will, authorizes an executor and legally transfers assets to beneficiaries as outlined." To legally transfer assets, the beneficiary HAS TO to sign that he a) accepts the inheritence and b) recieved it. Otherwise you can accumulate a massive debt, inherit it to someone you really hate, and then they get a "package" in the mail, beeing told they now owe X amount of $'s.
I certainly did not, the named items in the will are not the inheritance as per dividing of the will, they're named and can't be contested. Any unnamed items money etc will be at a later point. We know Neil received this letter, the game just did not mention if he signed for receiving. Lets be realistic, you expect any letter with 5k in it to be pushed through a mailbox? Any debt is settled before delivering any money, but if there's no reason to assume there will be debt there is no reason not to send the 5k.


Engaged Member
Aug 4, 2020
But what were these signs in the end?

The news that Sage's parents were influential at BR and the third picture thrown by Jade, but the only real reason it could have been Sage in that picture was that she was the only one of the main characters whose family we didn't know anything about.
i.e. both clues point to Sage only on one condition, consider BADIK a small aquarium where there is nothing else outside of what we see.

so Lynette's family, which could be any one, will be directly related to someone we already know, in BADIK there are no other families than the 20-30 we have already been introduced to, this is as certain as death and taxes.

so the chances that Lynette is a Burg are not zero, at the most they are 1 out of every "rich" family we already know, which is not a negligible %.
as absurd as it is that MC does not know her mother's last name, unfortunately it is a twist that cannot be ruled out with certainty (MC does not know anyone's last name... it would be a twist the other way around...), and then it would be enough for Lynette to be related to the Burg on her mother's side to avoid even this complication
It wasn't as obvious as Chad, that's for sure but a few clues that could mean more when combined:
  • Jacob's concern that a certain someone would find out about her fucking the mc at the party, "And secondly, it will reach-".
  • The 3rd picture frame indicated there could be another family member.
  • Her bickering with Tybalt on Rooster came across like siblings.
  • We knew she had wealthy parents that she didn't want to rely on.
The fact that people already guessed it was an indication that it was enough for some people to joint he dots.

Also, I just noticed a line from episode 4 when the mc chooses to stay with her:

Sage: "And I know the feeling of looking for a place to belong."​

I always wondered what she was getting at there, I just assumed she meant with friends or some shit, but it's obvious now that she was talking about living in foster care until she was adopted.

It's cool to see that Sage being adopted wasn't something that DPC pulled out of his ass in Episode 8.

I still don't see anything to link Lynette with the Burgmeisters other than, "They are rich and it's a good twist".

We know that Lynette never married Neil (Neil tells us), so it's not even about maiden names, Lynette would never have changed her name. Her surname would be on her grave and it would be on the mc's birth certificate.

For the mc not to know her name, it means he never visited her grave in his later years (possible) and never looked at his birth certificate whenever he had to use it (possible). He'd have to use his birth certificate as a minimum for the following:
  • Getting his Driver's licence
  • Enrolling in college
  • Getting a job
So if it turns out his mom's surname is critical to the story, it will be a big swallow to accept the mc, who longs to know about his mom, didn't even look at her name...

We know the Royce mansion is associated with Lynette somehow (the Royce mansion, not the Burgmeisters).

I'm guessing Lynette may be Lana's friend, or Bella's friend (or both); we still don't know how Bella is intertwined in Jill's life.

Lynette was 18 when she met Neil. They fell in love. Her dad disapproved. Neil's contract ended and he had to leave. Who knows how long that all took. But Lynette, Lana and Bella could all be around the same age.

All of this has nothing to do with the Burgmeisters, at all.

Also, the college was founded 100 years ago, it's not like the Royces and Burgmeisters are still hanging out together today, Rusty didn't even know Jill. So I don't think there's a strong association between the two families.
It does bro....

How Inheritance Works When There’s a Will
When someone dies and there is no living spouse, survivors receive the estate through inheritance. This is usually a cash endowment given to children or grandchildren, but an inheritance may also include assets like and real estate. Asset distribution is determined during the process, when wills are written and heirs or beneficiaries are designated.

The will specifies who will receive what. To distribute everything evenly, one can simply list beneficiaries. If certain items are to be left to certain people, that must be spelled out in the will.

For the inheritance process to begin, a will must be submitted to probate. The probate court reviews the will, authorizes an executor and legally transfers assets to beneficiaries as outlined. Before the transfer, the executor will settle any of the deceased’s remaining debts.
The more I think about this inheritance the more I'm sure it's from his passed grandma.
1. MC didn't get it on his 19th birthday - it came a little earlier (remember the messaging with MC dad), right after Rich's grandma death
2. Everything in the box doesn't look like something "evil grandfather" would give you but it sure looks like something loving grandma would send you
3. 5000$ is just a part of inheritance that was in a will, everything else will come later
Neil: "Your mother didn't have a will."​
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Well-Known Member
Aug 4, 2017
And fuck Bianca off, wtf is with people!? She's literally one of the worst people in the game - she's cheating on her dude!.
Yeah, that bit... holup, when did this happen? Some may want her to take revenge on Matthew by cheating with MC, but hasn't happened yet? You said you're playing through the whole game again, are you doing it with your eyes closed or something?
I fucking hate the work "Panties". :mad:
Sorry, this is mostly just a you thing. Perfectly , if the chicks wearing the things , who am I to argue? I'm sure the tons of exposure therapy available here will help you overcome your hangup. ;)
whats the max highscore you guys get in triple tile?
Nowhere near those, and I'm playing easy mode. Get bored with it long before that. After getting the trophy I mostly bail as soon as I've got my $ much like AchedCroissant.
Is there any other way to download it?
Wow I didn't expect the devs to just offer their game for free like that.
The dev isn't giving 0.8 away for free anywhere. Those sites are also pirating the game. You've been given several alternatives, I'd suggest using the split Mega downloads in the 1st post. You'll still run into the Mega's daily download limit though. If you have a VPN just switch to a different country & you can go again. If you don't have a VPN, try rebooting your modem, which will most likely give you a new IP address, so you can go again (unless you have a fixed IP address).
I've never bought into this theory. How would you explain the wedding photo MC saw in her room? Is MC hallucinating as well?
Don't mind Lostanddamned et al., they're the ones imagining things.
Not only is the mouse cursor constantly jumping
This may be your computer.
It's definitely your computer PashafromRussia, the mouse doesn't jump around in this game. Even my shit laptop can handle the pathing minigames. Those paths with long narrow parts can be a bitch though.
Sage's is a Burke. So is Tybalt. No big deal. There were signs.
But what were these signs in the end?
There were no signs Sage was a Burke before it was revealed, though they make sense in hindsight. People guessed it might be Sage when DPC conveniently hid who the other child was in the Jade picture tossing scene, but it was just a guess. People also point to the Sage/Tybalt interactions on Rooster, but again before the reveal, that was a guess. Just as easily explained by friction between the frat presidents and/or Tybalt being an annoying twat.

Edit: And the others shazba has now listed - guesses, which only make sense in hindsight after the reveal. Clues = evidence that justifiably lead to the conclusion, none of these were that.


Well-Known Member
Sep 27, 2020
Lynette definitely took her journal with her. Neil said so he didn't dare read it because it was Lynette's private retreat. Ergo, Lynette wrote in her diary while she was with Neil. Also, pregnancy lasts 9 months and we will definitely read about the pregnancy.:p
If she left this diary at home, she could buy another one later. It was said she has many other diaries.
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Devoted Member
May 17, 2020
I still don't see anything to link Lynette with the Burgmeisters other than, "They are rich and it's a good twist".

We know that Lynette never married Neil (Neil tells us), so it's not even about maiden names, Lynette would never have changed her name. Her surname would be on her grave and it would be on the mc's birth certificate.

For the mc not to know her name, it means he never visited her grave in his later years (possible) and never looked at his birth certificate whenever he had to use it (possible). He'd have to use his birth certificate as a minimum for the following:
  • Getting his Driver's licence
  • Enrolling in college
  • Getting a job
So if it turns out his mom's surname is critical to the story, it will be a big swallow to accept the mc, who longs to know about his mom, didn't even look at her name...
you only need an ID to do those things, I don't think I've ever used a birth certificate in my life....

do we know where Lynette is buried? no, so we don't know if MC ever visited her grave, we don't even know if there is a grave, she could have been cremated...

if Lynette was a Burg it would be a huge stretch, in line with many others we have seen so far

I hope it doesn't happen, but if it does I wouldn't be surprised at all

Lynette could be a Burg without ever having had the surname Burg, it is enough that she comes from a female branch of the family, therefore without ever having the name Burg (Jill's daughter will not be a Royce by name even if she is one).


Active Member
Dec 12, 2017
You mean he was wearing that dress until recently, had the diary stashed under his bed and decided to send his son the diary, the dress and 5000 dollar through a legal office just before MC's 19th birthday? Seems awfully strange to me...
Only logical thing is it was in with another blood relative of Lynette all this time.

I certainly did not, the named items in the will are not the inheritance as per dividing of the will, they're named and can't be contested. Any unnamed items money etc will be at a later point. We know Neil received this letter, the game just did not mention if he signed for receiving. Lets be realistic, you expect any letter with 5k in it to be pushed through a mailbox?
How can the MC sign for recieving it when his father accepted it ? His dad wouldnt get any postal communication in reference to the MC's inheritance, he's of legal age for a year. They wouldnt send it to his old homeadress either, they track you down and you have to sign that you recieved notice of your inheritance. And there wouldnt be any package in the mail to begin with untill the beneficiary accepts the inheritance and I know I repeat myself but he has to sign for it. Unless DPC took a gigantic creative leap from realism, it just doesnt work that way.

Now I agree 100% with you, that the sum is very small, but think about it, what is more likely ?

A) DPC didnt do any research and totally botched the inheritance procedures.


B) Someone, and we have no clue who, went to the post office and sent a package to the adress they know the MC lived his entire life.

If the check was personalised, the money would be safe, and the personal items, like a dress and a diary imo very clearly indicate that it was sent by a private person.

Now is it possible that DPC took creative license ? Hell yea, so I'm not saying you're wrong, but from the facts we do know, it seems very unlikely that this was a formal inheritance process. Of course there is the whole Maya student loan disaster, so I guess anything is possible :D .
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Engaged Member
Aug 4, 2020
Yeah, that bit... holup, when did this happen? Some may want her to take revenge on Matthew by cheating with MC, but hasn't happened yet? You said you're playing through the whole game again, are you doing it with your eyes closed or something?
Yeah, that was my mistake, I got Bianca and Olivia mixed up (in my defence, I saw that dinner party once :p ).
you only need an ID to do those things, I don't think I've ever used a birth certificate in my life....

do we know where Lynette is buried? no, so we don't know if MC ever visited her grave, we don't even know if there is a grave, she could have been cremated...

if Lynette was a Burg it would be a huge stretch, in line with many others we have seen so far

I hope it doesn't happen, but if it does I wouldn't be surprised at all

Lynette could be a Burg without ever having had the surname Burg, it is enough that she comes from a female branch of the family, therefore without ever having the name Burg (Jill's daughter will not be a Royce by name even if she is one).
What are the other huge stretches?

Only the botched loan details come to mind, and those details come from Maya's mouth, who admits she doesn't know what she's talking about.

Are there any other ridiculous scenarios?

If Lynette was part of the Burgmeister family tree having branched into another family and taken on their surname (her mother, or grandmother or great grandmother or whatever), how is that of any interest to anyone then? I mean, really...
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Also, how did you get a licence, passport or other forms of identification if you never used your birth certificate to start with? Maybe your parents did everything for you and you've just been using your licence for ID ever since? That could be the mc's situation too.

Sorry, this is mostly just a you thing. Perfectly , if the chicks wearing the things , who am I to argue? I'm sure the tons of exposure therapy available here will help you overcome your hangup. ;)
No, I'm definitely not alone:



Engaged Member
Jan 9, 2021
How can the MC sign for recieving it when his father accepted it ?
Yes, that's the point why it would make no sense the diary was with Neil all this time... He only received it just before his birthday, why would Neil go through all this trouble if he had all these things in the house?

And no there is no signing for an inheritance, just signing for receiving the goods as they are named in the will, the actual inheritance is more then just the named items/money that can not be contested, MC only needs to sign for that part of the inheritance if he has been notified he is beneficiary for more then just the items/money named his in the will.
That's a fact we don't know yet, we know he's been named for the dress, the diary and 5k. He should be notified as beneficiary for attending the reading of the will for any actual inheritance that needs to be signed for accepting.

So to get back to the possibility MC is a beneficiary in an inheritance from his grandmother, and assuming this is the same person as Rich's grandmother, MC should receive notification in time for attending the reading of her will somewhere in december. Signing for accepting an inheritance will be after that reading plus any term beneficiaries can legally contest the will.


Engaged Member
Aug 19, 2019
What's really weird is why are their 2 pairs of the same boots?
"It was on sale!" It's just as good as the "default asset" excuse.
you only need an ID to do those things, I don't think I've ever used a birth certificate in my life....
I don't know where you live, but I got my first ID (in the US) 30ish years ago, and in order to do so you had to present the birth certificate and other documentation to support claims of who you were. It was usually (One from group A & B, or a single item from group C) stuff that either was your birth certificate, or other documentation that would have already required its presentation.
Lynette could be a Burg without ever having had the surname Burg, it is enough that she comes from a female branch of the family, therefore without ever having the name Burg (Jill's daughter will not be a Royce by name even if she is one).
Jill could absolutely have a daughter with the same surname. People all around the world are casting off the patriarchal habit of taking the man's family name for marriage or birthed children. Given how many infidelities there are in relationships around the world, the names should be matriarch-based in the first place. You might question who a father is, but there's really no question who is giving birth.


Active Member
Dec 12, 2017
Yes, that's the point why it would make no sense the diary was with Neil all this time... He only received it just before his birthday, why would Neil go through all this trouble if he had all these things in the house?

And no there is no signing for an inheritance, just signing for receiving the goods as they are named in the will, the actual inheritance is more then just the named items/money that can not be contested, MC only needs to sign for that part of the inheritance if he has been notified he is beneficiary for more then just the items/money named his in the will.
That's a fact we don't know yet, we know he's been named for the dress, the diary and 5k. He should be notified as beneficiary for attending the reading of the will for any actual inheritance that needs to be signed for accepting.

So to get back to the possibility MC is a beneficiary in an inheritance from his grandmother, and assuming this is the same person as Rich's grandmother, MC should receive notification in time for attending the reading of her will somewhere in december. Signing for accepting an inheritance will be after that reading plus any term beneficiaries can legally contest the will.
Im don't believe Neil had the diary the entire time. If he did, he wouldve given it to the MC way sooner than 19. I don't believe anyone died recently either, I think someone who knew Lynette went to the post office and sent the package to the last adress he or she knew about, hence Neil could accept it for the MC, because it was just your every day mail package.

Now lets go back to 19 and not related to MC's birthday either, since his dad told him about the package days if not a week before his 19th birthday, thats an odd date to send someone a package of that importance, right ? So why now ? That question drives me nuts ! Does the person, who had the diary and the dress in her or his possession, know someone at B&R, the MCs name got dropped, he or she guilt triped and sent the package ? Or did Neil met someone connected to his past, where he doesnt even know the connection and that triggered the package ?

Because "a week before he gets 19" its not exactly smth you put into a will, so it seems impulsive and reactive, like smth mustve happened that trigged it, but what ? Oh, how I sometimes hate DPC and his mysteries. :confused:
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Engaged Member
Oct 20, 2020
5000$ is just a part of inheritance that was in a will, everything else will come later
Let's say MC inherits a larger sum later (maybe end game), do you think he will have to decide which main girl to help? Maybe each one is given some late game crisis (as DPC is wont to do).

Jill, loses her $ not unlike her sister (cut off because she :love: a lower class boy) and becomes destitute and because she has no life skills and can't function on the streets without immediately being taken advantage of or being completely shunned as soon as she flashes her goblin teeth; she needs help. A role reversal of the rich girl/poor boy early game. Then anal sex.

Sage, is sickened by the revelation of Stephen's lecherous activities and is upset with Jade (because..normal ginger anger reasons) and strikes out on her own, only to hit a roadblock. Rebound boy is the only one she trusts enough to turn to. Then anal sex.

Bella, gets fired, if not blackmailed, for molesting a student (or perhaps for whatever big secret she is hiding). Burke is annoyed at being rejected so maybe he has a covert hand in her removal...and Jade is all too happy to be rid of a big titty milf rival at B&R. No job, no employment prospects because of the bad press and with bills piling up, MC and his catnip mega dick to the rescue? Then anal sex.

Josy, needs an expensive insurance policy on her perfect ass. Then anal sex, but with plenty of lube...gotta be careful with her.

Maya, well she is Maya so she always needs help. Then anal sex.

Zoey, gets mistaken for a rotten blueberry and is thrown out in the rubbish bin. Disoriented, homeless, and wandering the streets she needs MC money for her next big adventure...a plane ticket to live in the arctic and club seals to support her new form of expression: snow piss artistry.

I'll even throw in Quinn, we all know she is going to have some trouble with the law. Maybe she needs to go on the run. Will MC drop university and go with her? Living a quiet desert life in a border town with nothing to do but weed and anal sex all day. No one will ever recognise her with that hair...never!


Devoted Member
May 17, 2020
Yeah, that was my mistake, I got Bianca and Olivia mixed up (in my defence, I saw that dinner party once :p ).

What are the other huge stretches?

Only the botched loan details come to mind, and those details come from Maya's mouth, who admits she doesn't know what she's talking about.

Are there any other ridiculous scenarios?

If Lynette was part of the Burgmeister family tree having branched into another family and taken on their surname (her mother, or grandmother or great grandmother or whatever), how is that of any interest to anyone then? I mean, really...
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Also, how did you get a licence, passport or other forms of identification if you never used your birth certificate to start with? Maybe your parents did everything for you and you've just been using your licence for ID ever since? That could be the mc's situation too.

No, I'm definitely not alone:

my parents will have certainly made my first identity document, to renew for me it is enough to bring the old one

maybe the only time I remember seeing my birth certificate is when I was a child and it was used to put me in my parents' passport, since then I don't think I have ever seen it again

among all the stories told, I don't think it is so compelling that MC has seen his birth certificate, a poor boy who at most went to school...

by streches I was referring to the usual discourse of the tiny aquarium in which BADIK takes place, whereby if Chad is gay, his partner can only be MC's roommate, where the first two people MC knows in college are brother and sister, in such a small college where if you are an important person you have to be a Burke (who we don't even know what role he plays in college)

Normally it is said that through 7 degrees of relationship you can link 2 people at random in the world, in BADIK one is enough, at most 2

if Lynette was Rusty's cousin or aunt (daughter of his father's sister or sister herself) it wouldn't be so insignificant, but it would surely be more significant than if Lynette belonged to an unknown or secondary family like that of a random Preps
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Engaged Member
Jan 9, 2021
you only need an ID to do those things, I don't think I've ever used a birth certificate in my life....
Any school i registered before i had a passport i needed to show my birth certificate. For my first passpost at my 18th year i needed my birth certificate aswell. Only any new ID after that did not need it since you can identify with the old.
Even if it's not a regular thing, every year from my 4th till my 18th there was need for my birth certificate atleast once.

Lynette could be a Burg without ever having had the surname Burg, it is enough that she comes from a female branch of the family, therefore without ever having the name Burg (Jill's daughter will not be a Royce by name even if she is one).
You're either are a Burgmeister or you're not, there's no in between, there's "related to one" but that's still not a Burgmeister.

I think someone who knew Lynette went to the post office and sent the package to the last adress he or she knew about, hence Neil could accept it for the MC,
Any friend of Lynette keeping the diary, the dress and especially 5k while Neil had to raise MC alone and with hardly any money?
Unlikely, they would have given the money much sooner. Only logical explanation is the diary was with either Lynette's sister or her mother all this time....


Devoted Member
May 17, 2020
"It was on sale!" It's just as good as the "default asset" excuse.
I don't know where you live, but I got my first ID (in the US) 30ish years ago, and in order to do so you had to present the birth certificate and other documentation to support claims of who you were. It was usually (One from group A & B, or a single item from group C) stuff that either was your birth certificate, or other documentation that would have already required its presentation.
Jill could absolutely have a daughter with the same surname. People all around the world are casting off the patriarchal habit of taking the man's family name for marriage or birthed children. Given how many infidelities there are in relationships around the world, the names should be matriarch-based in the first place. You might question who a father is, but there's really no question who is giving birth.
already replied

the first document of indetity is that Neil made it, from that point on you don't need the documents, just bring the old document and it will be renewed (for the drive license you need medical certificates...) no one doubts that you were born when you already have an identity document

on the last name I was talking about normal situations, you could have Royce's last name but if you didn't have it it wouldn't surprise anyone


Active Member
Dec 12, 2017
Any school i registered before i had a passport i needed to show my birth certificate. For my first passpost at my 18th year i needed my birth certificate aswell. Only any new ID after that did not need it since you can identify with the old.
Even if it's not a regular thing, every year from my 4th till my 18th there was need for my birth certificate atleast once.

You're either are a Burgmeister or you're not, there's no in between, there's "related to one" but that's still not a Burgmeister.

Any friend of Lynette keeping the diary, the dress and especially 5k while Neil had to raise MC alone and with hardly any money?
Unlikely, they would have given the money much sooner. Only logical explanation is the diary was with either Lynette's sister or her mother all this time....
No someone who knew her and loved her, like you said, maybe her mom, maybe her dad, maybe a sibling. The key to all of this is "why now?", if we find the trigger, the rest will fall into place.


Well-Known Member
May 30, 2020
If only it were that simple. Lynette would not have gone back to Neil without her diary. So her parents didn't have the diary at first. They probably didn't get it until Lynette passed away, or not at all.

The inheritance came from a lawyer. My guess is trend. Why. There is, in EP2 I think, a Scene of Trend clearly saying 4 not 5. But his secretary got it wrong again and wrote a check for $5000. Trend is working for the Burke's. Tybalt threatens Jill so Trend could report the MC. If Tybalt knows about Lynette, Stephen probably knows and maybe Jade. Ergo, there is a connection.

What worries me is the letter that came with the inheritance. Neither Neil nor the MC understood what was written there. My thought is that there is an agreement in the letter so that if the MC cashes the check for $5000, he will lose his entire inheritance. The only question is whether Stephen and/or Jade know about this. After all, they don't know either so Tybalt is blackmailing Jill. Is this perhaps the plan with which Tybalt wants to secure his future? Tybalt is not purebred like Russel Burgmeister.
How do you people come out with this shit?
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