Alright, Just finished playing the Interlude. Thoughts?
It feels like Season One Maya all over again, on steroids even, since a whole ~30min chapter is now dedicated to her.
Don't get me wrong, I absolutely loved the backstory. Zoey is fucking CUTE! She would make a perfect LI for the "Others" run, and a strong rival for most LI specific runs as well.
For the time being, Zoey seems like the "better Maya" (don't bash me Maya fans, hear me out). She's probably in the same boat (not enough money to start college) and probably has mental scars of the leaked rooster image. BUT, she already trusts the MC, so you won't have to spend 6 fucking chapters for her to lay it on you. She also seems significantly more mature. I really hope she becomes a LI in future releases. If I have to play a new game from start, to get an "Others" ending to be with her, I'll do it.
Over and out. See you all on the next update!
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