
Well-Known Member
Feb 16, 2022
She's had some time to get comfortable with him and Josy, but that last bit, that's only if you're an extremely attentive MC. If you don't put enough focus on her in the prior episodes, she may not ride the pony at the waterpark, and even if you do shag her at the party, she'll tell the MC not to cum inside her, because she still hasn't gotten around to any precautions.

What this says to me is that the MC, by having been so attentive and focused on her happiness, that she's really come to grips with the fact there's a boy she's actually truly interested in, going so far as to ultimately not care if he impregnates her or not, because she has him and Josy both, she is surrounded by people who love her.

And, as is the way of things, people in love do really stupid shit. Since Maya is the primary source of any real drama, outside of MC's own innate obliviousness, general stupidity, and thinking with his dick, I fully expect even if her tuition situation is resolved, she's the prime candidate out of any of the MC's lovers to also have a pregnancy scare in later episodes, as we know the test displayed at the end ep 8 can't be the MC's girls.

It would, for Maya, also be a point in her favor (as far as her father is concerned), because he'd see she was 'coming to her senses' and being truly involved with men.

If the MC cums on her pussy on movie night when the MC brings the TV over, she say she's not on birth control but sees the point of doing so. So maybe, she got on it after this scene?


Well-Known Member
Apr 25, 2021
Since y’all talking about writing, I have to get rid of a theory about the Sage & Quinn lewd scene. :coffee: I’m pretty sure DPC made allegorical references to the union of Eros and Thanatos. Indeed, Freud proposed that humans are driven by two conflicting central desires : life drive and death drive. :coffee:

The life drive deals with basic survival, pleasure, and reproduction. Eros (the life drive/instinct, libido) is concerned with the preservation of life, it thus appears as basic needs for health, safety and sustenance and through sexual drives. It seeks both to preserve life and to create life. Eros is associated with positive emotions of love, and hence pro-social behavior, cooperation, collaboration and other behaviors that support harmonious societies.

On the other hand, Thanatos (the death drive/instinct) is associated with negative emotions such as fear, hate and anger, which lead to anti-social acts from bullying to murder (perhaps as projection of the death drive). Freud believed that people typically channel this death drive outward, which manifests as aggression and destructive acts toward others and themselves. He theorized that humans are driven toward death and destruction, famously declaring that "the aim of all life is death.".

In other words, Quinn is Thanatos, the embodiment of death, the dead impulse.

Firstly she’s constantly surrounded by death and skull items :

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Secondly, her most proeminent color is black, color of mourning, death, and sadness. Black often represents the emotions and actions of rebellion in teenagers and youth.

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It’s even more apparent when she met her dealer. She walked amongst the ghosts, the soon to be dead junkie, like a black hooded figure. Death follows her like a shadow.

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Then what about her animal motifs ?

Fly : Throughout the Eastern world, flies are frequently seen as harbingers of death, bearers of pestilence. Fly are also associated with corpses because flies rapidly discover a body and their development times are predictable under particular environmental conditions, the time of death can be calculated by counting back the days from the state of development of flies living on the corpse.

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Rats : Associated with plague. Dreaming of rats often symbolizes the ugly or unwanted emotions that a person harbors beneath the surface. Feelings like jealousy, guilt, and hate may be concealed by the waking mind but revealed to us in dreams. Like Roxx mentioned “no matter how high you climb, you can’t get rid of the rats, they always find their way”. In others words, you can’t escape death and negative feelings.

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Black widow : Black spider well known for devorating their mates. Which is a perfect representation of her interaction with her preys. She’s a predatory, she’s intrusive and invades personal space, pulling manipulative strings, grabbing and trapping her preys with her claws.

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Moreover, death instinct is turned outward and expressed as aggression toward the others. Even her interactions with the MC are manly an interplay of sex & violence.

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The death drive controls aggression, risky behaviors, and death. You can say that our death instinct takes the 'born to die' approach, often making humans engage in activities that bring them closer to death. Drugs, risky behaviour, shaddy activities, illegality. The death drive explains why people are drawn to repeat painful or traumatic events.

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On the roof, she claimed to smoke because she enjoys the calm and the silence. Which is the whole point. The death drives is define by the unconscious and inherent will to die. Returning to a state of calm or ultimately a state of no-existence. All her most intimate and meaningful moments with the Mc are nothing but calm and silent scenes. Silence, be high, sleep. Like Allan Poe used to say : Sleep: Those little slices of death. In a metaphorical way, sleeping is a form a death. In other words her and the Mc are slowly finding comfort by being together in death.

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Sage is Eros, the life impulse, the libido, the sex drive.

Her item is the leaf. Leaves hold symbolism in many cultures, but in general, they symbolize fertility and growth. The green leaves of spring and summer depict hope, renewal and revival. Blazing yellow, orange and red leaves of fall represent the change of season. She’s often associated with green color and nature.

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Her animal motifs ? Cats and felines. As for symbolism, cats are symbolic of rebirth and resurrection, per their nine lives. Cats are also symbols of mystery and magic, as aforementioned, but also unpredictability and even healing.

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More than any love interest, Sage is driven by lust. Savage and passionate lust. The life drive is defined by sexually motivated behaviours not only include those with blatant erotic content but also every action aimed at receiving pleasure. Freud calls this motivational energy “libido”. The life drive exerts itself through sexual drives, motivating people to create and nurture new life.

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Like previously said, behaviors commonly associated with life instincts include love, cooperation, and other prosocial actions. These behaviors support both individual well-being and the harmonious existence of a cooperative and healthy society. And that’s what Sage is all about : cooperation, mutual support and prosocial actions.

  • The first day, they met She encouraged the MC to join a frat.
  • She offered him a deal with mutual benefit.
  • She danced with him and tried to bond with him.
  • She engaged in many activities to reaffirm their bond ( guitar, sparring ).
  • She offered him to join the movie night.
  • She tried to cheer him up.
  • She advised him about the way the DIKs should be working together as a real team.
  • She offered her friendship many times.
  • She bonded with Josy.
  • She offered to help Maya.
  • She offered to organize the Halloween Party with the Dik & the Hots. Encouraging the MC to take the lead.
  • She gave the MC advises about his study or the different profiles during the examen session.
  • She acted like Quinn mentor and tried to erase all potential tension.
In other words, Sage is defined by her will to maintain the social bond, to force the different parts to act like one. The social preservation. Her raw passion and her kink for risky sex is nothing but the will to feel more alive.

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he threesome is way more than a sex scene. It’s a representation of the player’s psyche. Just like the MC, the player has to deal with his inner inclination towards the life & death drive. Through the interaction of Eros (Sage) and Thanatos (Quinn), we (players) ourselves become a higher unity, where Eros ( Sage) helps us handling our inherent aggressions, while Thanatos ( Quinn) helps us handling the libidinal energy that permanently aspires to overstep all boundaries. :coffee:

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And thus, Dalli_x is now obsolete? This is his replacement? :ROFLMAO:


Well-Known Member
Sep 27, 2020
My actual bet is Maya will get the tuition from Stephen forced to do so by Jade. I think it's one of the major story arcs for the general story and it will happen despite the former history.
One will get different dialogs and renders depending on your former decisions but it will happen.
Yeah I'm hoping it ends the loan story and for me personally maybe Maya starts to become more interesting, right now her obsession with the HOT tuition is just unbearable.

Jill for example, wasn't a big fan, after watching her tear Tybalt a new ass, I redid my save to be Jill. Only Jill.


Oct 21, 2020
I think Maya lost her fear in EP7 so she can't fuck the MC without Josy. Josy made the suggestion in EP6 that she should be there to make Maya feel comfortable.

But Josy said something else to Maya in EP6. She can drink some alcohol beforehand to make her more relaxed. In EP8, she literally pours the whiskey down her throat. But through this, Maya also finds the courage not only to fuck the MC, but also to ask him if and how he decided. "Little kids and drunks always tell the truth" and both are drunk. :unsure:

She also witnessed in EP8 that Josy is playing with the MC and teasing him. Josy then does the same thing to the two of them at the water park. The girls are talking and Josy will have given Maya some tips. (y)

Josy and Maya don't see each other as competitors and when the MC is not on Jill's path, Josy and Maya actually get their validation so there is nothing to worry about between Jill and the MC.:D
I guess I have a very different take on this. To me, Maya has always been a very sexual person. From the moment we meet her, she is quite relaxed about her body, wearing provocative clothes, and being very friendly, if not quite flirty with the MC.

Her hesitance derives, we eventually discover, from a) being in a relationship with Josy, and b) being a PiV virgin. And despite these factors, she puts up little or no resistance to the MC fingering her quite early in their relationship. She also gets turned on when Quinn forces her to grind the MC in her underwear.

Shortly after this, she tries to go all the way (twice) but can't quite manage it, and let's face it, Daz penises can pretty scary. During this time, she also has a quite uninhibited, intense lesbian session with Josy. And of course, Josy's experience and support helps her to overcome the final hurdle to sex with the MC. Once that psychological barrier is overcome, she is quick to experiment with the MC without Josy's assistance and finds to her delight that she more than enjoys vaginal sex with the MC's scary dick.

So, I'd say her behaviour following that event is, if anything, pretty subdued. As others have noted, after taking that step, it's common for couples to root like rabbits for at least a month or two. In fact my suspension of disbelief is strained to breaking point that this sexy throuple has not yet managed to have a proper threesome - but then that does make for great dramatic tension.
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