I bring the updated version of my notes from DPC updates status.
DPC is at over 265 animations posed (probably), when he was at around 200 it was said they were 60-70% posed, which would mean the total number of animations for the update was around 300-310, however, most recently DPC added more lewd scenes to the update, those scene which contain most of the game animations.
So with that said, the total animation number probably jumped from 300-310 to 330-340. Considering this, it means the update currently has around 80% posed animations, with a not insignificant number yet to be posed, around 60-80.
Static wise I have way less data, but DPC is probably around 4K rn, which would means they are around 2K+ left to do, but those were never the issue and could probably be posed/rendered in less than a month if DPC focused totally in that.
No, the issue are the animations (all 60fps now btw), which can render from anywhere from 5 to 8 per week depending on the load, currently the queue has around 55 animations, which could take from 7 weeks to render in a best case scene scenario to over 11 in the worst case which would take us to the end of october.
Also, despite the need to pose quite a few animations yet, DPC will probably only go back to posing animations when the queue goes down to less than 20, which is at least 4-6 weeks from now.
Basically forget about the update before december lol.