Which part of his comment are you disputing? Here is each of
Heycock's comments completely backed up.
"Come on man. He has been working 5 different girls at least." - Maya, Josy, Sage, Jill, Bella (that'd be 5)
"But you can rise the account up to ¿what, 12?" - Ashley , Cathy, Camila, Envy, Jade, Lily, Mel, Mona, Quinn, Sarah, Riona, Rose (that's 12
more, total count could be 17)
" And sure is not a relationship exactly but Maya and Josy can say the same" - the game spends a lot of time suggesting he's not in a serious relationship with anyone by that time.
" Even the MC sometimes think that what he is doing is wrong." - the mc's words when he is talking to the girls during the breakup scene: "
mc "That I rush into things without thinking."
mc "Everything I've been doing lately has been on impulse."
mc "Especially when it comes to women."
and then later at Bella's after the Cathy cluck:
mc "(I'm getting into way too much trouble without even thinking about the consequences...)"
mc "(I can't keep on doing this. This ends with Hell Week...)"
"We dont care couse is just a fantasy but if you think seriously, well, he isnot exactly loyal." - MC considering that he is playing the field:
mc "(I told her I'm falling for her...)" - talking about Jill
mc "(That's pretty damn big...)"
mc "(Am I really?)"
mc "(I mean, I chose Jill over Sage today...)"
mc "(We said that there were no strings attached, but what about Maya and Josy?)"
mc "(Bella...)"
mc "(I've done things with Bella... Jill's best friend...)"
mc "(What kind of piece of shit am I?)"
mc "(How can I say that to Jill when she's not the only one?)"
mc "(I'm lost... Is that how I feel?)"
mc "(I've played the field without realizing I'm getting close to more than one girl...)"
mc "(I need to figure myself out before this leads to anyone getting hurt...)"
mc "(I hope I'm not past that point already.)"
So what game are you playing?