4.10 star(s) 43 Votes


Mostly harmless
Game Developer
May 18, 2017
Don't get me wrong, I will 100% delay the version if I see that I can't deliver good results in the time I have. Keeping an organized development schedule is important, but not as important as delivering quality updates. Right now I'm doing what I can to try and keep both :)


Mostly harmless
Game Developer
May 18, 2017
Update time

The first stage of writing for the games finale is over. It's currently standing at over 4k words total. I'm now going to go into editor mode, clearing out redundancies, fixing typos and making sure it's the best I can make it. I'll also be starting the process of compiling the various visual references I'll need for the endings images, so that the new artist can start work on them.

As patrons already know, I've gotten at least one result back from an artist that I'm happy with. So I will be moving forward with them (while still auditioning more artists, I've learned never to rely on just one). The search was long and expansive, and isn't over yet, but I'm relieved to have an artist I can count on for this important version.


You can see the audition commission below. I'm thinking most players should know which action this image will go with :)

This version had a really bumpy start, and there's more turbulence ahead, but I'm still maintaining the expected release date on the end of July. For now.

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Mostly harmless
Game Developer
May 18, 2017
Alexsucker I'm glad you like it!
It's unlikely that I'll add another girl, since this game is primarily about the husband-wife dynamic.
I'm still bouncing around ideas for my next project, but I can already say that it'll definitely have more than one woman to pursue.


Mostly harmless
Game Developer
May 18, 2017
So as you probably know, this version has seen a multitude of setbacks, I was prepared to tough it out and deliver, until I prepared the art commissions for this month and realized I had way too many of them lined up. More than it was realistic to expect during a single month, especially from a new artist.

I considered delaying the version to give Phoenix time to complete everything, but that would mean delaying the version by at least a month, maybe more. That's not ideal either. So I've decided on a third alternative. I will keep my release schedule, but move the endings implementation to version 0.13.0, giving Phoenix over two months to get all the art for the endings ready.

So the coming version 0.12.0 will naturally be on the lighter side, I will be using some fun outfits and toys Chris made already to augment a few new actions, as well as some art Phoenix already delivered for existing actions. I created a revised feature plan for July and looking at it now, I believe it'll still be a satisfying version. I will of course keep you updated on weekends as usual, but since this is a rather large change I thought it best to let you know as soon as possible.

Thanks for your ongoing support, especially when things don't go according to plan. It really helps.


Mostly harmless
Game Developer
May 18, 2017
Update time!

I have to say, the decision to postpone the endings implementation has made a significant difference to my overall mood (and therefore, productivity). Turns out I'm affected by stress just like everyone else, who knew :)

This week was fairly productive. I integrated all the new clothes Chris made, all the art for existing actions Phoenix made, and a new order and related content. I've started work on a new date, got Phoenix started on a commission to go with the new order, and even got a solid hour of pre production done for the next game.

I've also started the process of making devotion level 7 (i.e. the "master" level) officially optional. Players will get a message warning them of the whole master thing and allowing them to stay at devotion 6 if they don't like that kind of content. As part of this process, I've been going over some of the existing content and adding non-master variants, and making sure as little content as possible is gated by devotion 7. The endings (when they happen) will also register devotion 6 as full training. Of course, all devotion 7 content will stay in the game, so if you like that, you have nothing to worry about.

I know I mentioned using a nickname system as a solution for this issue, but having looked at what that would really mean in terms of making it work with my home grown dialog system, I've decided that going the extra mile and making non master variants as needed would give a much better result, and isn't too much additional work. A nickname system might still happen down the line, but its back on the "after the final release" feature list.

I will be on a business trip next week so I may not be around as much. Despite that, release is still projected for the end of July. Have a great week!


Mostly harmless
Game Developer
May 18, 2017
Update time!

As you know, I spent the week on a business trip. I got to see London, which was rather awesome. As anticipated, I couldn't really get much work done on the game during that (what with "normal" work getting in the way and all). The redeye flight home didn't help with that either and took Friday mostly off the table as well.

I did manage to get some writing done for the new date, but it'll likely need some serious editing when I'm less jet lagged. I've also continued the process of adding non master variants to late game actions, and implemented the player warning on devotion training I described last week.

Phoenix is working on art to go with the recently added order. I've already seen the initial sketches and it's turning out rather nice. Once that's done, I'll get her to work on the new date, and then her schedule will finally be clear for the endings images.

This week was a fun little (forced) break, but with two weeks left in this long suffering version, I'm currently doing what I need to make sure everything I planned makes it in. I'm still targeting the end of July for the release.

Have a great week!
Mar 14, 2018
In case you hadn't considered it, and since you mentioned this choice as "Players will get a message warning", I was thinking maybe you could re-design that interaction as instead the player having an internal dialogue at some point (possibly either during interacting with wifey directly, or maybe even when finishing a training event at park, etc) where they can make a choice... like,

"Hmmm, I seem to really have a handle on her now... do I really want to go through with this and make her a loyal sex slave? Or keep her as a devoted wife? <present choice>"

Rather than a 4th-wall breaking 'warning dialogue'. Again, maybe you'd already planned like this and I read wrongly, but suggestion in case you hadn't thought of it.

It would also be great to see her in any other poses... (backside? Kneeling? Relaxed/Stressed?) I know that could tend instantly Nx the number of art assets needed for N other poses, but just putting it out there incase it could be possible for any type of N...

Would also like to repeat my previous suggestion in-case it's still relevant-

Instead of "not being able to buy the buttplug" you could be able to buy it but wife rejects it. If you wanted you could slow down progression just by having some specific levelling gates go through light -> heavier butt stuff.
So at X progression you are able to buy a butt-plug, but suggesting it would be harmful. At Y progression she starts considering, after Z event she'll let you.

Could do the same thing for slowly expanding a range of clothing options.
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Mostly harmless
Game Developer
May 18, 2017
Donny Ranistvenich I like the idea of changing the system warning into some kind of internal monologue. Should be quick to write up and would likely be a better player experience, thanks for that!

Additional poses are sadly out of scope for the foreseeable future. New poses have a lot of dependent requirements (clothing assets, animation rigs, transitions, dialogues etc) that are beyond what I can spend on the project at the moment. Not making any promises. But I'll check if there's any way to reduce those requirements in a meaningful way. New poses would be at least as fun for me as they would be for you :)

Yes that progression suggestion is very much still relevant. It's squarely on the "after the endings release" list of features, but it is on the list. Perhaps not exactly as you describe it, but should be close enough.

Thank you for that insightful bit of feedback, it really helps!


Mostly harmless
Game Developer
May 18, 2017
Update time!

This week was extremely productive! I managed to add both the new date and a complex new order (and related purchasable) to the game. The new order was something I wanted to put in for a while. It might not be for everyone, but I had a blast writing it, and like all orders, it's up to you if you want to give it. Tech-wise, this order was a bitch to implement, and exposed a lot of the inherent issues with my pose and animation systems. Those issues are very entrenched and fixing them would take longer than a version, so I'll have to live with them as is and do better with the next game.

Speaking of the next game, I settled on a fun concept and I'm now spending a few hours a week on pre production. That means figuring out the core systems and gameplay, and creating the general story and characters. This is a very long process that is likely to take multiple months, I'll occasionally update on it as details solidify. The new game will take some elements from Bell Master, most likely the dynamic sex system and the dates. Streamline them a bit, and add (hopefully) interesting new systems. I hope everything I learned working on Bell Master will allow me to take on a more ambitious game next as I plan to tell a (slightly) more complex story.

On the art side, Phoenix is working on the art for that new date. It's the last bit of art for the new version, and it should arrive early next week. I've also started collecting outfit references for Chris to work on for the next version.

Following some kind feedback, I changed the devotion 7 training warning to be a little internal monologue. The next version will force your existing saves to devotion 6 so you can all make that choice for yourselves. I don't put analytics in the game because of the genre, but I'm damn curious to know how many people choose to stay at devotion 6 after this update, so I guess, tell me after you play this version? Thanks.

There are still a few actions that need to get "non master" variants, and a few bugs that need squashing, but this is the final stretch for this version. I'm still projecting the release at the end of July. Possibly a little earlier if things continue to go this smoothly.

Have a great week!


Aug 29, 2017
Update time.

The artist search is still in progress. I got at least one promising sketch (and some... less promising work). By next week's update I should have all the results in hand and have either a new artist, or another round of audition commissions to report on. It's a slow process but it's now at the point where it's easy to run concurrently with regular work so it's not a huge time sink.

Speaking of regular work, I spent this week working on the large(ish) scene leading up to the games finale. It was a lot of fun to write, as is usually the case for scenes with the old man :). There are still at least three scenes left to write to close out all the minor variations of the ending. My target for the entire endings task is the end of June, so far that's looking doable despite the delays.

Now, in a classic example of first world problems, I'm being sent on a weeklong business trip on July, which, you know, awesome, but I have a sneaking suspicion that writing sex scenes on the company laptop isn't the best idea. So it's likely to cause another delay in the work. It's a few weeks off in the future so its impact on the release date remains to be seen. But as usual in the interest of transparency I thought I'd let you know what's going on.

As the plan stands right now, the next version is scheduled for release at the end of July. Naturally, I will update if all of the above forces me to change that.

Have a great week!
That's why you just have to compartmentalise your text editor, and send an email to yourself when you are done writing ;)
Flatpak run programs compartmentalised, and if you use win10 pro you can setup the linux kernel for windows, making you able to run flatpak programs on windows, voilá problem solved :p

(for inspiration)


Engaged Member
Game Developer
Jan 21, 2018
Or you can install VMware and use that to run any OSes you want in VMs, several at the same time provided you have enough RAM. It's possible to test a game on Windows 7, 8.1, 10, and Linux with one machine and just switch VM windows as easily as you switch between normal apps on your desktop.


Aug 29, 2017
Or you can install VMware and use that to run any OSes you want in VMs, several at the same time provided you have enough RAM. It's possible to test a game on Windows 7, 8.1, 10, and Linux with one machine and just switch VM windows as easily as you switch between normal apps on your desktop.
"I have a sneaking suspicion that writing sex scenes on the company laptop isn't the best idea"

Well it's just the smut writing he has to hide, he doesn't need to test the game before he's home. Therefore he just need to hide the write activity :p

And with the other solution he would get native performance.


New Member
Jun 23, 2017
Really enjoy the game. Would suggest you start the game with the wife at a higher resistance to you. Have the game take a little longer to turn her in to a submissive.
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Engaged Member
Game Developer
Jan 21, 2018
"I have a sneaking suspicion that writing sex scenes on the company laptop isn't the best idea"

Well it's just the smut writing he has to hide, he doesn't need to test the game before he's home. Therefore he just need to hide the write activity :p

And with the other solution he would get native performance.
Performance is a non-issue for so-called productivity apps like word processors; any modern multi-core processor has ample power to handle VMs and most apps running in them (including games). I own both a desktop gaming rig and a vintage 2012 HP laptop. The obsolete quad-core laptop, which still runs Windows 8.1 (blech) has enough oomph to handle everything I throw at it (well, everything except Fallout 4, but that's a GPU issue).

And hiding something is as quick and easy as hitting ALT-TAB or clicking the minimize button.
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4.10 star(s) 43 Votes