I was loving the game, the artstyle too, the only problem was having so litle content
Yep, I agree. Working on that.I was loving the game, the artstyle too, the only problem was having so litle content
we are looking forward to itYep, I agree. Working on that.
Since the Dev spend most of that time on another game I doubt you'll get your fill with that expectationI wonder how much content will be in the new update. over a year worth of content
Yeah, nop. Will be like a normal update.Since the Dev spend most of that time on another game I doubt you'll get your fill with that expectation
normal as in the amount of content added between 0.03 and 0.04? or...?Yeah, nop. Will be like a normal update.
noHow good is the amount of fap material in this game? Does it have enough for a few hours?
So no input if you don't pay it forward? cool. but statistically most games don't cross the finish line. Yeah life happens. But do say things of the liking. it makes some want to put their money else where. I mean...Undertale is on Gog. Is a good heartfelt game made by Toby Fox. I think i'll forget bout this for four years an see what happens. My words mean nothing here. You said that. An with that statement i'll keep my money. By-the-by good luck.Mate, how about you do your research before you start making claims like that. How are we not transparent? I have bi-weekly-ish updates on what I've been up to, Newman posts at least once a month about what's happening on his side. Yea, we have to work on other stuff to stay alive, but we have been VERY open about everything this entire time. So don't go saying we aren't transparent >.>
But yea, it's your choice to support us or not. If you feel like money is better spent elsewhere that's fine. My motto for Patreon games that have free releases is: If you don't pay, don't complain cause the game is free and you'll get it eventually.. If you do pay and aren't happy, stop paying.. In which case you fall in the first category again, so no complaining. xD
You can express concerns that's fine, but complaining usually doesn't achieve much. At most it will just irritate or stress the dev more than it should. Some devs are just lazy, but in our case shit hit the fan in real life and there wasn't really anything we could do about it, so seeing people (usually non-patrons) complain that they didn't get an update for their free game while we can't actually produce it faster cause of the circumstances.. Just sucks =<
Anyways, for the peeps that don't check our Patreon, we ARE working on BenX, Scooby is a side game and will probably see an update every BenX updates. At the moment we are about half way done and we HOPE to release in a month. Emphasis on HOPE, cause shit happens (there is already a minor snag atm xD) and we are also notoriously bad with release dates..So hopefully we'll hit it, but we've missed them before so yea.. It's a rough estimate
Sorry for the wall of text, please enjoy the rest of your day ^^