4.40 star(s) 5 Votes


Game Developer
Mar 16, 2024
I don't know if you can charge again for every update. But every time I bought a game on Itch it also got me access to each subsequent update. If by paying on Itch for chapter 3 it would also grant me access to chapter 4 when you finally upload it to itch, you could easily charge more than 2$ or 3$ to grant access to your game. Your story is great and promising so far and the end of chapter one makes people curious about what comes next.
I'm still batting things around in my head for the best way sell it. Right now I'm favouring a small fee per chapter. I have script that takes the story up to 9 chapters right now, that may change upwardly, if I find I need to break up the story a little more than is currently planned when I start the detailed dialogue stages. I do not believe it will go down. I think a fair price for the final story is around $15 - $20, I honestly didn't set out for this to be my pathway to retirement so I'm trying my best to not overcharge.

I'm just wary though if I put that price up on Itch folks will immediately be turned away, hence the thought that a more gradual payment structure would be more appealing. if I went $2 per chapter, starting at 3, that would equate to $14 final price which to me is reasonable, $3 would equate to $21 which based on the amount of content that will be there is not outrageous either.

I'm not sure if it's possible to offer both options, I will look into that, but I will also have to be careful that I do not make it too confusing for the customer, LOL the per chapter pricing may already be that.

Another route, a simpler one, I am toying with is to just offer chapter 3 for the small fee and not release anything else outside of to Patreon, until the final game is complete. That way I'm not asking the customer base to constantly dive into their pockets and I'm also not asking them up front for a price they probably think is too much. This route may be the best to be honest, but I still have a couple of weeks to mull it over. I just really wanted to make chapter 3 available to folks because it really does expand on the story but I recognise it is still very much a work in progress.

Your feedback is much appreciated though, I will take it on board, finding the right balance here is difficult.
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Active Member
Feb 23, 2020
I'm still batting things around in my head for the best way sell it. Right now I'm favouring a small fee per chapter. I have script that takes the story up to 9 chapters right now, that may change upwardly, if I find I need to break up the story a little more than is currently planned when I start the detailed dialogue stages. I do not believe it will go down. I think a fair price for the final story is around $15 - $20, I honestly didn't set out for this to be my pathway to retirement so I'm trying my best to not overcharge.

I'm just wary though if I put that price up on Itch folks will immediately be turned away, hence the thought that a more gradual payment structure would be more appealing. if I went $2 per chapter, starting at 3, that would equate to $14 final price which to me is reasonable, $3 would equate to $21 which based on the amount of content that will be there is not outrageous either.

I'm not sure if it's possible to offer both options, I will look into that, but I will also have to be careful that I do not make it too confusing for the customer, LOL the per chapter pricing may already be that.

Another route, a simpler one, I am toying with is to just offer chapter 3 for the small fee and not release anything else outside of to Patreon, until the final game is complete. That way I'm not asking the customer base to constantly dive into their pockets and I'm also not asking them up front for a price they probably think is too much. This route may be the best to be honest, but I still have a couple of weeks to mull it over. I just really wanted to make chapter 3 available to folks because it really does expand on the story but I recognise it is still very much a work in progress.

Your feedback is much appreciated though, I will take it on board, finding the right balance here is difficult.
I do encourage you to talk first with your supporters as they are the first ones impacted by such a decision. In my case I would prefer a 15$ fee for an access to everything once its Patreon time has passed. You can always update your price when the project is finished to 20$ (or your choice) the option to pay for each release might also be there and might also be a good idea. Seeing the name your price screen and having the option to support for more than simply 2$ each time might also be interesting for you and people not wanting to use Patreon to support your development. whatever you choose I wish you great luck and if you choose to charge for each update I'll get over my annoyance and still support you that way.
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Game Developer
Mar 16, 2024
I do encourage you to talk first with your supporters as they are the first ones impacted by such a decision. In my case I would prefer a 15$ fee for an access to everything once its Patreon time has passed. You can always update your price when the project is finished to 20$ (or your choice) the option to pay for each release might also be there and might also be a good idea. Seeing the name your price screen and having the option to support for more than simply 2$ each time might also be interesting for you and people not wanting to use Patreon to support your development. whatever you choose I wish you great luck and if you choose to charge for each update I'll get over my annoyance and still support you that way.
Appreciate the commitment to support. You are absolutely right, I need to consult with my Patreons on this.
4.40 star(s) 5 Votes