Ren'Py - Completed - Betrayed [v1.01 Full] [Joraell]

  1. 3.00 star(s)


    A very interesting concept let down by a lack of meaningful choices and faux sandbox.

    So lets start off with the good. The concept is super interesting. I love the idea of possessing different people and getting to do stuff with no consequence to yourself. This also allows you to play a variety of characters which keeps the game fresh. It also adds some mystery and intrigue as you don't really know who you are some of the time, or the things they've done and have to blag your way through - which makes the world and your interactions so much more exciting. I also dug the idea of siding with the angel or the demon and that whole supernatural element of it.
    The renders and animations and whatnot are all decent too.

    So what didn't I like. Mainly that it's set up as a weird fake sandbox. You'll wake up, be able to go around to different rooms, open up a map with tons of places to go... but, there'll only be 1 place you can actually do anything at a time, making all that other stuff pointless, the game might as well just take you to the next location to continue the plot rather than making you click through it all, as there's 0 choice 95% of the time. It's not like there's any mystery as to where to go, your character will always say in his head the next step to do ... the only time I got stuck for a second was at the very start of the game when you need to wait for a bit, but there's no advance time button like some games and I actually had to go back a screen and click on a specific bench (despite nothing about benches having been mentioned).
    This left me hovering around a 4 star grade ... but I decided to go back and play through a second time, choosing to follow the angels advice this time (despite it seeming a bit more boring) ... and while the angel wasn't as bad as I thought and it does lead to a different scene here or there, so far in the game it doesn't really change anything of the plot or what happens, and that was a bit of a letdown, and why we ultimately ended up at 3, but I feel like with future content it could easily bump itself up to 4, 0.51 was what I played.
    Oh and also despite possessing people you never get to do anything that wild and crazy, I know if I was in that position things would get dark fast, but aside from the lack of consent to what you're doing it never really went down the rabbit hole.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    if you are bored with vn that controls 1 character, this is the right game.
    here goes the story we will play a few characters.
    the choice we choose determines the next scene that will occur (by the devil's side or by the angel's side) both of which are interesting.
    packed with good rendering, and incredible animation.
    good background music.

    Secret bonuses are very entertaining, scenes with angels on Christmas are the most beautiful gifts. A very entertaining spectacle.

    thank you for your hard work dev,
    can't wait for the next update ..
  3. 4.00 star(s)

    Ste Rix

    Good premises. The animations are very good and well cared for, the characters well enough characterized. The story is interesting and never boring or repetitive. Discreet musical choices, however quite varied. The only sore point is the lack of possible alternative developments to the set plot. The choices available to the player change little or nothing in the course of the predetermined events. It is however a work in progress and I hope that in the future side stories or important variations will be added. All in all a good title to follow in future developments.
  4. 4.00 star(s)


    this game has some really good renders and animations, the story is also good, fun and with some nice twist, there is also some nice secrets to unlock within the game wich gives some nice renders too.. im looking forward to see where the story takes you next... but as for the 0.5 version its def. something to play.
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    Nice game.

    Animations 5/5
    Renders 5/5
    Story 5/5
    Branching paths 5/5 Great Job
    In-game Walkthrough 5/5

    This is an excellent game. The animations are very smooth and high quality. The story can take many twists and turns, depending on your choices and I love the humor. The dialog and gameplay are balanced very well, the story has a nice flow to it, and the sex scenes mix very well into the story. I really like the in-game walkthrough, and it does a great job of telling you where to go if you get lost.

    I would highly recommend a playthrough.
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    So far I like it. It has lot of potential, very nice renders (including both models and the lights, witch is quite hard to get a good result) interesting story, lots of 'fun' parts, map system is quite fast and easy to use and very nice UI.

    I can't wait until it's complete!
  7. 4.00 star(s)


    Just finished 0.5.0 and really enjoying this game!
    The writing is good, the story is engaging and the girls are pretty hot!
    The Devil & Angel are both stunning, they often come across as comic relief, to me.
    I'm liking the premise of playing from beyond the grave, it feels pretty original and this adds to the enjoyment found from playing.
    As you occupy bodies, you will play as both sexes (although the MC's soul/spirit is always male, he seems to be enjoying the times he's spent & the sensations he's discovered in the body of a woman!)

    Fit girls, respectable story, told from an original perspective which I've not played before, so feels unique to me.
    Not encountered any bugs or issues, game has played smooth.
    Choices have some impact, but this is not a game that requires pages of multi-route saves, which makes a nice change, it's pretty easy going.
    I followed the walkthrough, so it played more like a VN for me.
    All in all, there is definitely an enjoyable time to be had here.

    Thanks @Joraell, much appreciated (y)
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    OMG, this is beyound words …

    I have seen a lot in the last years at F95, but this is… absolute incredible. Top Top Top

    It is like a reference for all devs imo, concerning animations, renderings and beautiness.

    Story is really well-done and creative. Cant await updates…
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    This is one of the best game I have ever played. The renders are amazing. The story is really good. I was a little skeptical at first about the whole body changing thing but this game does it really well. Last but not the least, the animations are top-notch. This game is definitely worth playing
  10. 2.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 15555

    I did always have second thoughs about the game, i did never enjoy body swapping at all because i cant immerse in the story at all , though this game offer choices to end up enjoying it and plot related to keep the story advancing and making the game more interesting as you learn the full plot that is going on. It does have a lot of potential for the future too with the whole devil & angel route.
    What i did always like is the renders, girls and animations, is what did keep me playing and end up liking the game.

    Ended up ruining by centering it just in porn where anyone fuck the girls.
  11. 4.00 star(s)


    You know how sometimes, you're watching a list on youtube of "THE 10 TOP BEST MMORPG" or "THE TOP 5 BEST RPG" or whatever, and you see some of the games in the list are like mine craft pixel indie games, rated 9, and you're wondering WTF?

    That's because when games are rated, they are rated according to the kind of games that they are, sometimes in very specific ways. So the rated 9 pixel art indie game is given a 9 because compared to other pixel art indie games, it's that good. But it's no where near a AAA game that's a million times better, but yet has a lower rating.

    I encounter that problem sometimes when I review a game here on F95, -even though I don't oft)en make reviews) except it's from the other point of view.

    I immediately loved this game, and I feel it's on a whole new level compared to other games of its category, yet I can't give it a 5 star. Partly because this new category is a lot more demanding, less forgiving.

    So I'll make the TL;DR right here and now :

    Compared to all the"interactive" Visual Novels I've played, this one is quality. It's pro, it's smooth, it's creative, it's well done. In one word, it's polished. I wouldn't know, but I'd guess the dev(s) aren't doing this for the first time, and it shows.

    But if there were a whole ton of devs or dev teams doing this, if there were a lot of games in this category I'd expect better, a lot better. See what I mean?

    To me, this game is like one of the first of a new generation of interactive VNs, and even though there are (imo) only very few games in that category, and even though it would be unfair to ask more from the dev(s) because they already did so much,and despite what I'm guessing is the extensive experience and talent they have, it's not really ready to compete in this new category. So even though there really aren't that many games to compete with "at this level", I'm rating it according to what I would expect from this level, kind of as if I were rating a AAA game with a 8 that is a million times better than a small indie game that I would rate 9.

    Not sure if you followed this "line of thought" hehe.


    Anyway, here's a more "classic" review :

    I loved the story. I don't usually read VNs to be honest, I usually have my left pinky pressed on CTRL pretty much the whole time, and though I did skip a few parts, I also read a few parts, which for me really doesn't happen often and is already a kind of achievement for the devs.

    But I got a little over excited at the beginning, when I discovered the story, I started imagining : "oh wow, a sandbox in which the player could possess anyone and be free to do what they want with them. I mean, as far as fantasies go, particularly sexual themed fantasies, that's a super big one. But of course it isn't a sandbox, it in't a "RPG", it's a visual novel, and though it isn't the dev's fault, I was a little dissapointed when I "came back down to earth".

    It's that freedom isn't it, that gets people addicted to a game, it's the whole point of what the original "choose your own adventure" novels were in the first place: giving the reader the illusion of being in control, of making his own choices. And that's something the game does extremely well. By that I mean that the limitations to the freedom of the player (or reader) are enforced in a smart way, one that is not so hard to accept.

    I'm not going to go in every detail, this review is already longer than I was planning, so I'll "try" and be a bit quicker with the rest.

    I really like how the hints are implemented,giving the player the freedom to try and do whatever he wants (even though most of the time the game says "you can't go there" (((which is a good thing imo because it saves a lot of pointless time)))) while at the same time, they are basically a live walkthrough. You could basically skip everything, read notinhg at all, except for the hints.

    The UI is clean, making playing the game easy to do.I might suggest one or two improvements (in particular regarding navigation from one area to the other) but these are mostly details.

    Now, funnily enough, (and let's be honest here, if most people play or read these novels it's to FAP), I never really became super horny while playing it. Ironically, this means that (at least in my case), if the game had only one single objective, one goal, to get horny or fap, then this one would (again, in my case) fail.

    That's the biggest reason why I'm not giving it a 5 star.

    And I can see the dev(s) if they read this, pulling their hair, thinking : "what more do you fking want??? We got high quality pictures with extremely good animations (extremely good), pretty, sexy models who's boobs even change size I mean short of a VR empflix video, it really doesn't get much better than this lol.

    The explanation is that it's a personal thing. I think, for me,a lot has to do with RenPy. I mean I usually don't really like them so much, the skin looks like it's made of a mixture of plastic and rubber and the men and women, at least in the sex scenes, make me think of plastic dolls more than human beings (or demons and angels). It's not just the skin, but I'm guessing I don't have to go more in detail on this as you probably know what I mean.

    But I will say this, it isn't simply about being realistic, there's this game I played not long ago from Illusion (I can't remember the name) which was loaded on F95, it came out like 10 years ago and the models are all cartoon style, but I loved it, even though they were objectively less realistic, they felt more real to me.

    The other thing is, very often in these kind of games, there's a wide variety of girls, the "petite" one with no breasts (usually a daugter), the "voluptuous" one with big breasts (usually a mother or aunt). Personally, I don't really like the "petite" type, I like voluptuous women, not fat ones, but you know what I mean. And appart from when one or two characters in the game take a pill that makes them grow their breasts or just grow their body, there isn't a whole lot of that kind of women in this game.

    But like I said, I really did love this game, and it really brings VNs to a whole new level, and I guess I'm giving it a 4 because I'm hoping to give the dev's next game or any other dev(s) who start working with this kind of quality a 5 in a few months, or however long it takes, cause way I see it, this is only the beginning, it's like a new standard has been set.
  12. B
    2.00 star(s)


    typical VN.
    lots of places on the map but you cant go anywhere unless the story tells you so. and if you can, there is literally nothing you can do, except maybe take a piss on the school toilets.I played... maybe for 2 hours, made like 3 choices only and they all were the type of "kill / dont kill". It appears that you can go anywhere and do anything but you are forced to follow the story and go only where it tells you to go. basically just a bunch of pictures with occasional clicking. boring
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    Hello There!

    Well I found this forum more than a year ago now, I saw this game at the beginning of my time, at the Latest Updates menu, but didn't downloaded it untill version 0.4, untill that I check out other games aswell, but none of them were was what I was looking for, and then I found this GEM, I really like, the story so far, don't get the fuss about the mc character change at a certain point of the game (without spoiler), actually I really liked it, from my point of view it was unexpected. Personally the game's animations are at the top of these games I checked out untill now. And this game is almost the only one that contain FMG, Growth, and BE scenes, especially the only one which is got updates tim to time. I had no problem with the Save Game problem which the Dev announced a while back, because I already replayed the game multiple times, and at least he called it. Maybe the only downside that I can tell is that there are no that meaningful choices in the game, but I think it will change in the future, at this time I'm just looking for the story and the best animated scenes I found in these type of games.

    Thank your Joraell for the game, and keep it going as long as you can!
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    Very interesting game, the mechanic is innovative and the story, too, is very unique. The characters are very good, the renders even more so. The scenes are all interesting and none remind me of any other games. In summary, you'll get an interesting and unique game that I can absolutely recommend. Oh, and btw, angel is best waifu :D
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    I have played the game on windows 10 pro on my uhd 4K monitor i got no errors, great animations it has a nice story you do not get stuck like in many other games i shall not mention the renders look great and most important the developer is open to any good ideas you might have to implement in the game, after playing over 200+ porn games i am definitely saying you should try this one and give him a coffee if you like it.
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    Reviewed: Version 0.48

    Overall, I quite enjoyed this release. The story is entertaining, with a pretty non-traditional setup. The main character dies in the first scene and the rest of the game involves him possessing others in his community. There are some interesting hints of a deeper world. "Visual Novel" is a very appropriate tag for this game -- scenes proceed pretty linearly, with a few choices and different outcomes possible. Given this linearity, there are a lot of hints and instructions about what to do next which makes it easy to navigate and experience.

    The render and animation quality is good for a game of this type -- particularly given some of the genres present.

    There are, of course, opportunities for improvement. While some bonus/secret content can be found and viewed in an in-game gallery, there is no scene browser, and the animated scenes will switch back and forth between a couple of camera angles once or twice before completing -- an option to repeat would be helpful. Sound is almost non-existent. While the English quality is good, there are a normal amount of typos and idiomatic difficulties.
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    Here is my first review.

    This game is really well done. It is different from most games with makes it refreshing.

    The main character is dead and this where the game starts the plot is very well made the way mc can take over some person and act like it was him to advance the plot, where you play from different point of view. makes this a unique experience.

    The animations are really well done. and very fluid.

    All in all a 5 stars for me.
  18. 4.00 star(s)


    All things considered, I would say I do like this game pretty much.
    1. the excellent transformations in animations.
    2. Great Models and graphix
    3. Kinks are good.

    1. Confusing.
    2. Branching and decisions can be way more diversified.
    3. more content.
    4. too linear with so many wasted diversifications.
  19. 5.00 star(s)

    RC-1138 Boss

    This game starts with a unobservant college student who tries to cross a street with his eyes glued to his cellphone only to end up being run over by car.

    While he stares at his body in disbelief a Angel girl appears in front of him to bring him to the afterlife. Not wanting to go he wonders if there is another choice and that is when the she-Devil appear and offers him a deal: more time on Earth in exchange for a few favor here and there, which he obviously accept.

    And that is how the adventure begins. The Protagonist will navigate between bodies in a more or less linear story living the lifes from the people he possesses.
    This changes sometimes during the course of the story when you have dialogue choices to make following the counsel from either the Angel or the Devil. Agree with the former and do the more noble action and maybe get some gratification later or follow the later and take your gratification now and deal with the consequences afterwards? And by gratification i mean SEX..hehe

    Speaking of it, the renders are of high quality and they improved with newer game versions. There are a few sex scenes following the story path(less than a dozen so far) and most have animations which are also quite good and longer than most ren'py games (where they are usually 2-3 seconds loop) out there.
    There are also bonus sex scenes featuring the Angel and the Devil which you can find when clicking around the scenario during free roam moments in the game. They are outside the story but quite hot too.

    On the whole i quite enjoyed my time with Betrayed and look forward to more.

    Animations: 9
    Total score: 8.5
  20. 4.00 star(s)


    I don't play many games like this, but i have to admit, this one seems one of the best.

    - The graphic is real good.
    - Characters are pretty strong. Really love the idea of having an innocent angel and that sexy devil with a very contradictive personality.
    - Nice plots. Good story but not so complicated. Love it.

    Need to improve:
    - i find some characters look different when the camera angle changes. Or is it just me..
    - the walkthrough misses some part. and i think it's better to put it in .pdf format since the more update the game has, the more page you need for walkthrough
    - I visit the developer's patreon several times. there you can see the cover pic.. that pinky bikini girl face.. pretty scary. i think the dev should change her to our devil. (but go angel team go! LOLZ).

    Looking forward for the update, sir. keep up the good work!