First of all, congrats, really impressive first release! This week has been spoiling me.
This is not me trying to change your mind, or even what expectations I have from the game, this is just how I would approach this situation if I was in your position, to keep my(in this case, your) peace of mind, make the non MC lewd scenes skippable, as in have a button prompt if you want to watch it and if you really feel that the information learned during the scene is important, add one, or two black screens with text relaying that info we learned after the skip.
But, let's be honest here, in over 30 VNs I played so far, I can't remember a single non-MC sex scene that advances the plot, or presents character development, they are, for all intends and purposes, filler content and are just there to scratch an itch. Not saying is impossible to use gratuitous scenes that way, the Theon and the hooker and Littlefinger auditioning the two hookers in his brothel in S1 of Game of Thrones are famous scenes that reveal character defining traits for both characters, but the same kind of info can be easily presented in other less awkward ways.
Before I sidetrack too much, I would keep Olivia's relationships to PDA, kissing, hugging, holding hands, whatever its important to preserve the immersion that these characters are in a relationship, but keep the rearranging of organs and other hardcore stuff as optional.
By the way, its not only the people that get turned off, or made uncomfortable by this type of content that have problems with Non-MC sex scenes, there are a lot that will dislike it because they consider it a waste of resources and development time, that could have been better used on more MC scenes, since that is the entire purpose of playing the game in the first place.
Just food for thought, can't wait to see where the story goes next.