Fan Art Big Brother: Fan Art

4.50 star(s) 8 Votes


Active Member
May 5, 2017
what happened to this page? no posts in 5 days? crazy business
People just don't post art. It's summer maybe they're taking a little break from computers.
As for removed posts, they were off-topic talks and assets if i recall.
I don't think mode would remove fan art in the fan art thread but that's just me.


New Member
Aug 30, 2019
Hang Out at Vicky's. Finally got the time to render again and here's some warming up with Vicky.

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My other BB fan art:
Hang Out at Vicky's. Finally got the time to render again and here's some warming up with Vicky.

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My other BB fan art:
Excellent! Is there any more to this story?


Active Member
May 28, 2017
je vais lui péter les neurones a ce petit con
I’m gonna blow his brains out
image 301.jpg

tiens bouffon, voila tous ce que j'ai
Here’s all I got

frapper à la porte tu sais pas faire
knock on the door you don’t know how to do
image 302.jpg

ho ! excuse-moi nabot, je peux me racheter si tu veux .
ho! excuse me nabot, I can redeem myself if you want.

toi tu cherches à me pourrir
you want to rot me
image 303.jpg

non Max, elle veut juste te sucer pour se faire pardonner
No, Max, she just wants to suck you off to make up for it
image 304.jpg

j'irais pas jusqu'à la? mais je sais que tu aimes me voir nu
I wouldn’t go that far? but I know you like to see me naked

Faite gaffe Alice je vais encore t'éjaculer dessus et cela vas t'énerver
Watch out, Alice, I’m gonna ejaculate on you again and it’s gonna piss you off
image 305.jpg

tu vois Max, quand elle sera dure comme ça, grand mère coupe
You see, Max, when it gets hard like this, big, simple cut

dégage connasse avec tes conneries
Fuck off with your bullshit
image 306.jpg

coupe, coupe Max
cup, cup Max

Va chier Lisa vous me pairez ça
Go fuck Lisa, you stick this to me
image 307.jpg

Après ce petit moment d'affection entre frère et soeur, Lisa se coucha tandis que Max Etudiat une partit de la nuit tout en travaillant sur l'ordinateur d'Alice et le site de So et Bill avant de se coucher.Max se réveilla avant Lisa
After this little moment of affection between brother and sister, Lisa went to bed while Max studied a night party while working on Alice’s computer and So and Bill’s website before going to bed.Max woke up before Lisa

elle dort encore c'est le moment de me venger d'hier soir
She’s still asleep It’s time to avenge last night
image 308.jpg

Après 10 minutes de branlette Max Ejacula sur les fesses de Lisa puis alla dans la chambre d'Alice
After 10 minutes of wanking Max Ejacula on Lisa’s ass. then went into Alice’s room

putain mes soeurs sont vraiment bandantes. un jour je te la mettrais profond Alice en attendant vengeance.
My fucking sisters are really hot. One day I’ll put you deep Alice waiting for revenge.
image 309.jpg

Après avoir éjaculé sur le visage d'Alice, Max, rejoins Anne pour le cours de yoga
After ejaculating on Alice’s face, Max, join Anne for yoga class

elle me rend fou? se va être dur de la baiser, mais j'y arriverais, patience.
She’s driving me crazy? Gonna be hard to fuck her, but I can do it, patience.

je suis la, maman
I’m here, Mom
image 310.jpg

la suite de l'histoire plus tard
following the story later

Steve Carter

Apr 28, 2017
I don't know many icstor games. I'm trying to create some nice wallpapers from various LOPGOLD games but I'm having trouble finding the right assets. I've asked around at some other threads but so far, I've haven't had much luck. I'm particulary looking for anything from "living with temptation" , 'Eleanor" and "House Party" at the moment so if any of you know more about the models used....?
I know this is super old, but I think I found the assets used to create Tracy from Living With Temptation recently. I'm pretty sure she's a combination of and . Body and skin seem to be mostly Natasha and face seems to be a combo. Closest I've gotten is .25 Natasha head and .85 Xio-mei head loaded on the Genesis 2 female. For the body I just had .25 Natasha loaded on Genesis 2 female. It's close but not quite right. There are lots of people on here with a much better eye for this than me so I'm sure if they do some tweaking they could come up with something extremely close to Tracy. Her hair of course is the .
4.50 star(s) 8 Votes