Fan Art Big Brother: Fan Art

4.50 star(s) 8 Votes


Well-Known Member
Oct 9, 2017
Lisa's Used Car Sales 5 renders photoshoot. Gotta admire her enthusiasm to make the sale. And the test drive was awesome, too!

Large 4K renders, resized for forum post. Open wide and scroll. Enjoy.

(Lisa's Bonnie Hair can go bonkers depending on her pose/head position. There are limited things manually trying to fix it that "works". Sometimes nothing works well. So she may have various hair lengths, etc in these renders. Or use your imagination there is a fan blowing at her hair from different directions sometimes)

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These are dynamite Falcon6!


Active Member
Apr 12, 2017
Because Big Brother and Glamour have almost merged
For exampl
Just because a few people have posted Glamour related images here doesn't mean it is valid or makes sense to do so. Images of Big Brother characters being posted in a Glamour thread would make sense. Glamour-only characters being posted in a Big Brother thread do not.

I'll admit that I don't recall seeing a Glamour fan art thread (which creates a bit of a dilemma for those wanting to post Glamour art). But that just means maybe such a thread should be created, rather than stuffing it into an existing/popular thread.
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Active Member
May 28, 2017
j'en ai assée entendue Anne je partirais avant que la vieille n'arrive
I heard it Anne I’d leave before the old lady came

tu fais comme tu veux
you do whatever you want
image 291.jpg

alors les apprentis espions on écoute aux portes
then the spy apprentices listen at the doors
image 292.jpg

C'est Max qui a eu l'idée
Max came up with the idea

oui il nous a forcés, nous on voulait voulait pas
yes he forced us, we didn’t want to

hein? Les salopes. Ce n'est même pas vrai
Huh? Bitches. That’s not even true
image 293.jpg

oui bien sure les filles
yes of course girls

sa tombe bien, Max on a à te parler. les filles débarrassaient la table et faites la vaisselle puis allée dans vos chambres
We need to talk to you. The girls were cleaning the table and doing the dishes and then went to your rooms
image 294.jpg

le photographe du studio a besoin d'aide. il doit refaire les books de tous les acteurs et ne peut faire sont travaillés de mode
the photographer of the studio needs help. he has to redo the books of all the actors and can do are worked of fashion

il a vu tes photos et aimerait que tu sois son apprentie.
He saw your pictures and would like you to be his apprentice.
image 295.jpg

trop cool
so cool
je vais pouvoir photographier des filles toutes nues
I’m gonna be able to photograph naked girls

image 296.jpg

Kira et moi on s'est assurée que tu ne feras pas de photo de fille dénudée
Kira and I made sure you didn’t take a picture of a naked girl

elles me font quoi là?
What are they doing to me?

heu, je n'avais pas ça en tête
Um, I didn’t have that in mind

tu commences demain matin. retourne dans ta chambre et n'oublis pas par la séance de yoga demain
you start tomorrow morning. go back to your room and don’t forget about the yoga session tomorrow
image 297.jpg

Alice, j'aurais besoin de tes disques t'installation de tes logiciels
Alice, I need your disks to install your software

frapper à la porte reste une option pour toi. je tes les amène dans ta chambre dans deux minutes
knocking on the door is an option for you. I’ll bring them to your room in two minutes
image 298.jpg

Pourquoi tu n'aimes pas grand mère?
Why don’t you like grandma?

elle coupe la bite des petits garçons comme toi pour en faire des jouettes sexuelles
She cuts off the dicks of little boys like you to turn them into sex games
image 299.jpg

Très maligne soeurette. on demandera à gran mere de te la foutre dans le cul
Very smart sis. We’ll ask gran mere to shove it up your ass

Dégage Max avant que je perde patiente
Get Max out of here before I lose my patient
image 300.jpg

la suite de l'histoire plus tard
following the story later
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Jul 20, 2018
"BLM"?) Wasn't there any blacks in the story, or am I wrong?

This has nothing to do with BLM and I don't want it to be seen in that light. My renders are simple porn and never a political statement.

The black guy is Leo, an original character I created and introduced previously (well before that craze).

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Now this is just an intro and nothing much happens, but I'm already working on the next parts. Also, for this storyline, I make the assumption that Lisa has been recieving education(there's enough great fanart on this thread to fill in the blanks on that) for while and is more confident and less naive about sex.

This will come out in parts and I plan to add small events to this story every now and then.
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Jun 5, 2017
This has nothing to do with BLM and I don't want it to be seen in that light. My renders are simple porn and never a political statement.

The black guy is Leo, an original character I created and introduced previously (well before that craze).
Pls continue. It's a good twist and something fresh in the BB story. And not because of political stuff but because its a whole new character, not a side characater or not even a crossover char from another game. It's interesting. I always loved all your renders (especially the Eric ones :) )


Jul 20, 2018
Pls continue. It's a good twist and something fresh in the BB story. And not because of political stuff but because its a whole new character, not a side characater or not even a crossover char from another game. It's interesting. I always loved all your renders (especially the Eric ones :) )
I'm happy that you like my renders, but for the forseeable future I won't be continuing with stories like that. Due to the pandemic I had to get a different job that leaves me more drained and seldom in the mood to start working on renders.

But I will still do a few (maybe even an animation) from time to time, just not these longer story segments.
4.50 star(s) 8 Votes