- Dec 6, 2017
- 55
- 701
Trying out Bruno's version of Alice (I may have an idea)
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"Carthage must be destroyed."Dans la chambre…
In the bedroom...
Anne : (Aller Eric, dépêche-toi qu’on en finisse…).
Anne : (Come on Eric, hurry up and get it over with…).
Eric : Qu’est ce qui ce passe chérie, ça ne te plait pas ?
Eric : What’s going on, honey, you don’t like it?
Anne : Si, si, c’est super.
Anne : Yes, yes, it’s great.
Eric : Et bien on ne dirait pas ! C’est encore à cause de cette histoire de drogue ? Je t’ai dit que j’étais désolé…
Eric : Well it doesn’t look like it! Is it because of this drug thing again? I told you I was sorry…
Eric : …Eh mais ou tu va, tu ne vas pas me laisser comme ça !?
Eric : … Hey, where are you going, you’re not gonna leave me like this!?
Anne : Désolé, la journée a été émotionnellement très éprouvante, j’ai besoin de me relaxer…
Anne : Sorry, it’s been a very emotional day, I need to relax…
Alex : A ce stade, les filles devrait commencer à douter d’elle-même mais surtout à douter d’Eric. Elles commenceront par vouloir reprendre le contrôle de leur vie et elles accableront Max afin de nier qu’elles ont été manipulées. Lui, il se défendra en attaquant et en leur crachant au visage tout ce qu’il à sur le cœur.
Alex : At this point, the girls should start to doubt herself but especially Eric. They will begin by wanting to regain control of their lives and they will overwhelm Max in order to deny that they were manipulated. He will defend himself by attacking and spitting in their faces everything he has on his heart.
Melissa : c’est quand même très risqué mon ange, tu n’as pas peur qu’ils s’entrent-tuent avant que nous intervenions, qu’en pensez-vous Sophia ?
Melissa : it’s still very risky my angel, you’re not afraid that they will kill each other before we intervene, what do you think, Sophia ?
Alex : On n’a pas vraiment le choix ni le temps. Si nous voulons qu’ils se réconcilient, ils doivent exprimer leur colère les uns envers les autres. Ensuite, et seulement ensuite, une lueur de sentiment pourra refaire surface. Si nous n’arrivons pas à faire remonter cette lueur, nous échoueront.
Alex : We don’t really have a choice or time. If we want them to make up, they have to express their anger towards each other. Then, and only then, a glimmer of sentiment can resurface. If we fail to raise this glimmer, we will fail.
Dans la salle de bain...
In the bathroom...
Anne : (Quelle coiffure horrible ! J’ai l’impression d’avoir dix ans de plus… Est-ce que Max a raison ? Est-ce qu’Eric nous manipule ? Non, je refuse de le croire, Max est rempli de colère je le sens, il dira n’importe quoi pourvu qu’il peut faire du tord à Eric…).
Anne : (What a horrible hairdo! I feel like I’m ten years older… Is Max right ? Is Eric manipulating us ? No, I refuse to believe it, Max is filled with anger I feel it, he will say anything as long as he can twist Eric…).
Anne : (Tiens, c’est Max qui rentre, je devrais en profiter pour aller lui parler).
Anne : (Hey?! It’s Max coming home, I should go and talk to him).
Bonjour bb888."Carthage must be destroyed."
(Senator Cato the Elder)
Bruno, stop mocking the beautiful woman and give us the old Ann back.
Even she's getting scared:
Anne : (What a horrible hairdo! I feel like I’m ten years older…
Fuuuuucking hell, even though Eric is a decent asshole, this raider is a little masterpiece.
C'est pas faux !It's a not an original Eric the Bastard, it's a very French version - Erique Charmant![]()
Au même moment, dans le salon...
At the same time, in the living room...
Alice : Quel film de merde ! Décidément cette dernière trilogie de Star Wars est plus que décevante… Eh, qui est-ce qui… ?
Alice : What a shitty movie ! This latest Star Wars trilogy is definitely more than disappointing… Hey, who is it ?
Alice : Tiens, tiens, tiens ! Ça y est, tu nous fais enfin l’honneur de ta présence ?
Alice : Here, here, here ! That’s it, are you finally doing us the honor of your presence ?
Max : Tiens, tiens, tiens , Victor te laisse regarder la télévision toute seule ?
Max : Here, here, here, Victor lets you watch TV by yourself ?
Alice : Tu fais chier avec ça, bien sure que je peux regarder la télé toute seule, je suis une grande fille, je fais ce que je veux !
Alice : You fuck with that, of course I can watch TV by myself, I’m a big girl, I do what I want !
Max : Ah oui ? Fais donc quelque chose sans qu’il te l’autorise et après on verra comment ça se passe…
Max : Oh yeah ? So do something without his permission and then we’ll see how it goes…
Alice : Comme quoi par exemple, lui voler son portefeuille ?
Alice : Like what, for example, stealing her wallet ?
Max : Pas la peine d’être sarcastique, si tu as quelque chose à dire, dit-le.
Max : No need to be sarcastic, if you have something to say, say it.
Alice : très bien, je te trouve pathétique dans ton rôle de victime accablé de chagrin, ton plan pour nous faire culpabiliser est très mauvais !
Alice : All right, I find you pathetic in your role as a victim overwhelmed with grief, your plan to make us feel guilty is very bad !
Max : mon plan, comme tu dit, était de revenir et d’obliger Eric à tout avouer… ! Je me suis même procurer un flingue pour ça. Mais quand j’ai compris que vous lui étiez totalement soumise, je me suis dit que vous n’en valiez pas la peine.
Max : my plan, as you say, was to come back and get Victor to come clean… ! I even got a gun for it. But when I realized you were totally submissive to him, I figured you weren’t worth it.
Salut lofi.I'm so sorry, I just couldn't help myself and when I started I couldn't stop.Wish i can work with CGI and apologize for my English really not native
Ann: (Hey?! It’s Max coming home, I should go and talk to him).
But first i need the bathrobe from bedroom i don't want to talk with him just in a towel. It will be long talk!
Ann: There it is and now to the Max to told him how he hurt my feelings, maybe taste the conversation about the lies. What he told to us. Just that i have different haircut, doesn't mean that Eric control me, don't even mention about blaming my love from sending him package of drugs and biggest rubbish that he fucking my daughters that was the worst thing what Max sad. These web of lies just to cover that he was on bottom in military's camp and began using drugs. Every problem have a solution with sensitive understanding and mothers love. But first i need uncover lies, with Eric by mi side, Max couldn't not be able to lie to ours eyes like before. Where is Eric when i need him most damn it! perhaps already in the living room, lets go.
living room
Ann: (hmm Alice talking with max. I guess they need theirs time too, but where is my love. Perhaps on balcony smoking cigar, like when max left us and he needed it as he told for relax. I can imagine, that today was also very stressful for my poor love)
Ann: He is not here.... Hmm i can hear him. It looks like from Lisa room. Of course where else could he be, than with Lisa and calming her down. I love him so much he is such caring man.
Lisa room
Lisa: Daddy no today no i m totally out of the mood.
Ann: (AWWWww my dear Lisa finally accept him as dad, than i should really accept his proposal
Eric: sorry little one but you know the deal i don't tell your mom about your weed/alcohol party with your friends and you will let me have a fun with you whenever i want!
Ann: (Fun what fun i have to go closer?!!
Lisa: Yes daddy whenever, but but just not today..... okay ? please ?
Eric: no the deal is deal and i m too stressed and horny because your mother left me hard and i need to release some steam right now !
what am I explaining to you here at all? i don't have time for this! that was your time for foreplay!
Lisa: (sobs) nooo daddy you hurting me ouch nooo ouch(crying)
Eric: shut up you little whore and hold like many times before!
Lisa: ouch , OUCH sobs .....let me goo
Eric: hmm i love it you are so tight when you resist
Ann: cries and mumbles for herself with hand on the window looking to the scene: What are you doing to my little girl.
vi..vic...VICTOR !
well you leave horny Eric alone, Alice in living room with Max, that was the only one solution what could be possible with that scumbag.Salut lofi.
Hey c'est une super idée que tu as là. Dommage que je n'y ai pas pensé. Avec ce que tu as écris, Eric apparait vraiment comme une pourriture !!! Pour être honnête, j'ai écris l'histoire en me limitant un peu pour ne pas faire une histoire à rallonge (nous n'en somme même pas à la moitié...). En tous cas j’apprécie réellement ce développement. Merci mon ami, tu viens de me faire plaisir bien plus que tu ne l'imagine.
Je te souhait une parfaite journée (ou soirée peut-être) lofi.
Hi lofi.
Hey that’s a great idea you have there. too bad I didn’t think about it. With what you have written, Eric really appears like a scumbag!! To be honest, I wrote the story by limiting myself a little so as not to make a long story (we are not even halfway...). In any case I really appreciate this development. Thank you my friend, you have just pleased me much more than you imagine.
I wish you a perfect day (or evening perhaps) lofi.
Oh...Lofi, the solutions here are far from one, even at this point in Bruno's narrative, there were two points of possible transition.well you leave horny Eric alone, Alice in living room with Max, that was the only one solution what could be possible with that scumbag.
I really like your story, just pls don't make much mess with your superpowers peoples. I'm not sure if that's fits there.
Merci bb888, tu as tout à fait raison, j'aurai pu écrire des choses en plus, mais j'ai eu peur d'en faire trop et de décourager les lecteurs. Comme je l'ai dit il y à encore plus de 200 images à venir... en tout cas ça me fait énormément plaisir de voir votre enthousiasme. Bonne nuit à tous (pour moi en tout cas) et à demain pour la suite.Oh...Lofi, the solutions here are far from one, even at this point in Bruno's narrative, there were two points of possible transition.
1. Alex's story (in the beginning) about what happened to Max.
2. The moment when Max said he wanted to stop talking and go to lunch.
But, eagerly, let's listen to Bruno'sstory
to give him the credit he deserves for his work.
SOS! URGENT!: lost raider BB_-_0002 by DarkHorizon, please return to the forum F95zone.
Pour Rolmac je ne sais pas mais pour moi oui, je fais parti de la French team (et jamais en grève...Hi there, long time no see. Here a little something. But before, my congrats to all contributors for their awesome works and story. (aka:
Bruno de Montdragon and rolmac (french team?), -DarkHorizon-, edi4 , Mando Logica and all)
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Excellent! Givine! That dirty school girl look is hot!Hi there, long time no see. Here a little something. But before, my congrats to all contributors for their awesome works and story. (aka:
Bruno de Montdragon and rolmac (french team?), -DarkHorizon-, edi4 , Mando Logica and all)
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