Fan Art Big Brother: Fan Art

4.50 star(s) 8 Votes


Nov 22, 2020
Dear Mando, great job (y) (y) , a request - to these 2 raiders, please add some more raiders for a whole story.

At this time - the young man's father fucks Lisa in the ass, having enjoyed them enough, they put them on all fours, shafted, against each other and continue to fuck in the asses, with the cocks alternately going (for the boy) from Ann's ass to Lisa's mouth, and for the father vice versa - Lisa's ass to Ann's mouth.

The scene would nicely complement a scene from the big LestatDX story (season 4), in its episode about Ann and Lisa's varied customer service work, where there aren't enough scenes, this scene would be a great addition.;):)

Please excuse my Google English. :(
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Mando Logica

Engaged Member
Game Developer
Nov 23, 2020
Dear Mando, great job (y) (y) , a request - to these 2 raiders, please add some more raiders for a whole story.

At this time - the young man's father fucks Lisa in the ass, having enjoyed them enough, they put them on all fours, shafted, against each other and continue to fuck in the asses, with the cocks alternately going (for the boy) from Ann's ass to Lisa's mouth, and for the father vice versa - Lisa's ass to Ann's mouth.

The scene would nicely complement a scene from the big LestatDX story (season 4), in its episode about Ann and Lisa's varied customer service work, where there aren't enough scenes, this scene would be a great addition.;):)

Please excuse my Google English. :(
Ok sure (y). I will post them maximum on weekend, or maybe before that time ;)
Jan 29, 2018
Anne : Tu vois mon chéri, ce que je suis prête à faire pour toi ? Alors reste s’il te plait, ne part pas en Italie, ne me quitte pas, ne NOUS quitte pas !
Anne : You see, my darling, what I'm willing to do for you? So please stay, don't go to Italy, don't leave me, don't leave US !


Max : Je ne sais plus maman… *soupir* pourquoi les choses doivent toujours êtres si difficile ?
Max : I don't know mom anymore... *sigh* why do things always have to be so difficult ?

Anne : c’est toi qui veux qu’elles soient difficiles, tu n’a qu’une simple décision à prendre et si tu reste, tu auras ce genre de chose chaque fois que nous seront seul.
Anne : You're the one who wants them to be difficult, you just have a simple decision to make and if you stay, you'll have this kind of thing every time we're alone.

Max : Je suis fatigué, j’ai besoin de réfléchir…
Max : I'm tired, I need to think...

Anne : prend ton temps. Je vais aller me rincer et après j’irai faire mon Yoga matinal. Tu es le bienvenu si tu veux…
Anne : Take your time. I'm going to go rinse off and then I'll do my morning yoga. You're welcome if you want to...
Jan 29, 2018
Un peu plus tard…
A little later...

Lisa : Entrez, c’est ouvert !
Lisa : Come in, it's open!

Max : Salut Lisa, est-ce que je peux rentrer ?
Max : Hi Lisa, can I come in?
Lisa : Ha, c’est toi ? Qu’est ce que tu veux ? Je n’ai pas trop le temps, je dois finir de m’habiller, aller prendre mon petit déjeuner et aller à l’école.
Lisa : Ha, is that you ? What do you want ? I don't have much time, I have to finish getting dressed, have breakfast and go to school.

Max : ne t’inquiète pas, je n’en ai que pour cinq minutes, après tu ne me reverras plus, tu auras la chambre pour toi toute seule définitivement.
Max : Don't worry, I'll only be five minutes, then you won't see me again, you'll have the room to yourself for good.

Lisa : Alors ça y est hein ? Tu pars ? Tu nous laisse tomber comme si on n’avait jamais existé !
Lisa : So that's it, huh ? You're leaving ? You're dropping us like we never existed !

Max : Est-ce que tu ignore réellement pourquoi ou est-ce que tu fais juste semblent de l’ignorer ?
Max : Do you really don't know why or do you just seem to ignore it ?

Lisa : qu’est-ce que c’est que cette question ? bien sure que je l’ignore !
Lisa : What is this question ? Of course I don't know !

Max : non je ne crois pas… tu sais très bien pourquoi je pars, seulement tu as trop honte pour l’avouer ! Moi je vais te dire pourquoi… parce que tu continu tes leçons d’éducation sexuelle en secret avec Victor quand maman n’est pas là.
Max : no I don't think so... you know very well why I'm leaving, only you're too ashamed to admit it ! I'll tell you why... because you continue your sex education lessons in secret with Victor when mom isn't there.


Nov 22, 2020
Anne : Tu vois mon chéri, ce que je suis prête à faire pour toi ? Alors reste s’il te plait, ne part pas en Italie, ne me quitte pas, ne NOUS quitte pas !
Anne : You see, my darling, what I'm willing to do for you? So please stay, don't go to Italy, don't leave me, don't leave US !


Max : Je ne sais plus maman… *soupir* pourquoi les choses doivent toujours êtres si difficile ?
Max : I don't know mom anymore... *sigh* why do things always have to be so difficult ?

Anne : c’est toi qui veux qu’elles soient difficiles, tu n’a qu’une simple décision à prendre et si tu reste, tu auras ce genre de chose chaque fois que nous seront seul.
Anne : You're the one who wants them to be difficult, you just have a simple decision to make and if you stay, you'll have this kind of thing every time we're alone.

Max : Je suis fatigué, j’ai besoin de réfléchir…
Max : I'm tired, I need to think...

Anne : prend ton temps. Je vais aller me rincer et après j’irai faire mon Yoga matinal. Tu es le bienvenu si tu veux…
Anne : Take your time. I'm going to go rinse off and then I'll do my morning yoga. You're welcome if you want to...
Dear Bruno, the scene you presented with Ann is just a little BB masterpiece. (y) :love:
It's versatile, it can be inserted anywhere, into any other narrative chain by changing the dialogue texts, the quality of the renders is great, the updated look of the characters is perfect, Anne is oooh-ish. Everything is super! (y)

I especially want to note the quality of the dialogues - really liked them.(y)

I hope the opening scene with Lisa - will be of the same level.

Deep gratitude for the pleasure.:love::)

I apologize for my Google English.
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Jan 29, 2018
Lisa : Quoi !? Mais non je…
Lisa : What !? But no I...

Max : Arrête Lisa, ne fais pas l’innocente. Je sais que vous vous voyez toutes les semaines pour qu’il te donne des “leçons particulières“.
Max : Stop Lisa, don't play innocent. I know you see each other every week for "private lessons".


Lisa : C’est faux ! Tu es fou de dire des choses comme ça, il ne se passe rien entre Eric et moi, tu raconte n’importe quoi !
Lisa : This is false ! You're crazy to say things like that, nothing happens between Eric and me, you're talking nonsense !

Max : Arrête de l’appeler Eric, il s’appel Victor ! Et s’il ne se passe rien entre vous, alors à ton avis, comment je sais que tu ne porte pas de culotte sous ta jupe… ?
Max : Stop calling him Eric, his name is Victor! And if nothing happens between you, then how do you think I know you're not wearing panties under your skirt ?
Lisa : …?...
Lisa : ...?...
Max : …et surtout, comment je sais que tu n’es plus vierge depuis 1 mois ?
Max : ...and more importantly, how do I know that you have not been a virgin for 1 month ?

Lisa : *terrorisée* Que… ! Comment… ? …
Lisa : *terrorized* What...! How did you... ? …

Max : Eh oui Lisa, je sais tout ! Mais rassure-toi, je ne t’en veux pas autant qu’à Alice et à maman. Victor a abusé de ta naïveté, il a détourné ta curiosité à son avantage et aujourd’hui, je sais que tu vie avec le poids de la honte et de la culpabilité. Tu vie dans la peur que maman découvre ta relation avec Victor et qu’elle te chasse comme tante Kira.
Max : Yes Lisa, I know everything ! But don't worry, I don't blame you as much as I blame Alice and mom. Victor abused your naivety, he turned your curiosity to his advantage and today I know that you live with the weight of shame and guilt. You live in fear that Mom will find out about your relationship with Victor and chase you away like Aunt Kira.

Lisa : Si tu savais comme j’ai honte, je me sens sale, terriblement sale. J’ai volé son amour à maman juste pour satisfaire ma curiosité égoïste *SNIF !* …
Lisa : If you knew how ashamed I am, I feel dirty, terribly dirty. I stole her love from mom just to satisfy my selfish curiosity *SNIF !* ...

Mando Logica

Engaged Member
Game Developer
Nov 23, 2020
Dear Mando, great job (y) (y) , a request - to these 2 raiders, please add some more raiders for a whole story.

At this time - the young man's father fucks Lisa in the ass, having enjoyed them enough, they put them on all fours, shafted, against each other and continue to fuck in the asses, with the cocks alternately going (for the boy) from Ann's ass to Lisa's mouth, and for the father vice versa - Lisa's ass to Ann's mouth.

The scene would nicely complement a scene from the big LestatDX story (season 4), in its episode about Ann and Lisa's varied customer service work, where there aren't enough scenes, this scene would be a great addition.;):)

Please excuse my Google English. :(
First Part

Ann_ChocolateKid_Scene4_1.png Ann_ChocolateKid_Scene5_1.jpg Ann_ChocolateKid_Scene6_1.jpg Ann_ChocolateKid_Scene7_1.jpg


Nov 22, 2020
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Jan 29, 2018
Désolé chers amis mais depuis hier après-midi, j'ai un souci pour télécharger la suite de l'histoire. Les images ne s'affiche pas et, lorsque je clic dessus, j'ai un message comme quoi la connexion n'est pas sécurisé. Je vais chercher ce qu'il se passe et j’espère pouvoir résoudre ce problème rapidement.

Sorry dear friends but since yesterday afternoon, I have a problem to download the rest of the story. The images don't display and when I click on them, I get a message that the connection is not secure. I'll find out what's going on and hope to solve this problem quickly.
4.50 star(s) 8 Votes