Holy Shit...This is an awesome wet/oily skin. Im still fighting with it. Did you make it on your own or did u use something?
it was Ultimate Skin Moisture addon, it took a while to figure out how to make it work with gens, had to fiddle with surfaces and whatnot, if you search for "daz geoshell genesis 8.1" on YT, there is a vid by The WP Guru, he explains what is going on with these when they don't quite work, and how to fix it
but you can get very close with just Top Layer settings (Olivias skin), the second pic is screenshot showing what to do, and you might also want to try out fiddling with color maps to get texture effects in there, water beads etc, I haven't done it, but it should be doable, since the geoshell thingy works basically the same way
edit: just looking at the screenshot I noticed something I haven't tried also - there is a bump map option for Top Layer, should be possible to make the beading effects via that as well, and make the skin look more naturally oily/wet rather than just smooth/glossy