Fan Art Big Brother: Fan Art

4.50 star(s) 8 Votes


Jul 21, 2019
You can try to use Dicktator v3, I found it more "efficient" than the regular anatomy G3M.

Yes, this model is easier, but if you install the editor G3(8)M, you can also get a very not bad model


Active Member
Apr 12, 2017
Not everyone puts themselves in Max shoes, many look at it from a spectator's perspective.
Max is just a creepy little bugger with the body of a 13-year-old, and he's more devious in his pursuits than Eric.

While Eric is outwardly a strong, successful and generous man that just wants to tap that well of hotness. It makes sense that the woman would rather fuck him than their perverted little NEET-bro/son.
I agree that as soon as one leaves the game world and starts making and viewing fan art, there's no longer a forced connection between anyone and Max's perspective. At that point it becomes an open-world free-for-all.

That said, Eric's just as creepy as Max. The game isn't played from Eric's point of view, so we miss out on a lot of what he's doing while we see every little bit of Max's scams. But remember, Eric is caught peeping as well (and masturbating while doing so). He's also trying to completely prostitute one potential daughter by trading moneyed gifts for sexual interactions. He's forcing a second potential daughter into hands-on sexual lessons. He's both bribing and blackmailing a potential son to not report/interfere/mention any of it, and to supposedly help. And that's not even bringing up the fact that his identity is supposedly completely fake and he's a potential felon on the lamb and likely running some massive confidence scam on both the family and his place of business.

By all means, keep all the art of whatever variety still coming. And keep making up new story lines down lots of different avenues. But I'm not buying that Eric is some stalwart pillar of the community (he's simply had more time on this earth to perfect his devious ways, while Max is only now trying to learn the ropes).


Jul 20, 2018
Of course Eric is a major asshole, nobody doubts that.
But I don't know if you can call it prostitution what he does with Alice, or forced sex-ed with Lisa. They're both doing it of their own free will. Alice wants to be a sugarbaby, and Lisa is curious about sex.

I still think Max is the bigger creep. He installed cameras in all girls rooms without their knowledge and initiates sexual encounters to drive up the viewer count. It would be different if he told his family about it, but he does not.

As you said Eric is a better at manipulating and corrupting the girls, and he has a better aesthetic. It simply makes him more interesting for me to put into situations. Max doesn't work as a good catalyst for corrupting the woman and he never wanted to share, that makes him a bit more boring.


Active Member
Apr 12, 2017
Of course Eric is a major asshole, nobody doubts that.
But I don't know if you can call it prostitution what he does with Alice, or forced sex-ed with Lisa. They're both doing it of their own free will. Alice wants to be a sugarbaby, and Lisa is curious about sex.

I still think Max is the bigger creep. He installed cameras in all girls rooms without their knowledge and initiates sexual encounters to drive up the viewer count. It would be different if he told his family about it, but he does not.

As you said Eric is a better at manipulating and corrupting the girls, and he has a better aesthetic. It simply makes him more interesting for me to put into situations. Max doesn't work as a good catalyst for corrupting the woman and he never wanted to share, that makes him a bit more boring.
Both men have their pros and cons. As I said, I'll take stories about either one. None of my comments have been about which of them make a better protagonist.

And I'll reiterate a point, we see what Max does 24/7 in the game. We only catch the tiniest glimpses from time to time of Eric's day. And nearly every moment we see him he is doing something rather questionable at best. It's very hard to believe we are catching him at his worst and seeing every single thing he's doing that is creepy.

Also, youth is generally given more leeway to make mistakes and do things they shouldn't. I'm not claiming Max is some 5-year-old with his hand in the cookie jar, but a young person who is curious and peeps is not nearly as creepy as a full grown man who does the identical thing (agreed that peeping isn't the creepiest thing Max has done). Maturity is supposed to come with better judgement and is viewed more harshly when it fails.

But without knowing what Eric is doing at all the times we don't see him, it's really impossible to name which of the two take the creepiness trophy. From an adult story viewpoint they both bring an active sexual context into every venue, which is really the point behind them both.


Forum Fanatic
May 19, 2017
I agree that as soon as one leaves the game world and starts making and viewing fan art, there's no longer a forced connection between anyone and Max's perspective. At that point it becomes an open-world free-for-all.


Active Member
May 28, 2017
je me sens pas bien Ève
I don’t feel well Eve

Max, MAX
Max, MAX
image 212.jpg

son cœur s'emballe. ou est mon une erreur
his heart is racing. or is my mistake

image 213.jpg

C'est bien un calmant que je lui ai donné. je crois comprendre, je vais essayer ça
That’s a sedative I gave him. I understand, I’ll try that

image 214.jpg

Ça fonctionne son rythme a baissé, c'est une bonne chose . il va se réveiller dans un moment
It works his pace has dropped, that’s a good thing . he’ll wake up in a moment

image 215.jpg

en attendant je vais continuer à lui vider ses testicules
In the meantime I’m gonna keep emptying his testicles

image 216.jpg

je vais en profiter pour me faire un plaisir pendant qu'il est inconscient
I’m gonna take this opportunity to enjoy myself while he’s unconscious

image 217.jpg

Hein? Ève me suce? elle fait sa trop bien, je vais jouir dans sa bouche
Huh? Eve sucks me? She does her too well, I will cum in her mouth

image 218.jpg

l'enfoiré. Il m'a joui dans ma bouche
the bastard. He came in my mouth

faisons style que je dors
let’s make it look like I sleep

image 219.jpg

il est encore inconscient. MMmmm son sperme n'a pas mauvais gout
he is still unconscious. Mmmmm his sperm does not taste bad

j'espère qu'elle va recommencer. HO! ma main est entre ses cuisses
I hope she starts again. HO! my hand is between her thighs

aller. encore une giclée avant qu'il se réveille
go. one more squirt before he wakes up

image 220.jpg

MMMmmm sa bite est trop bonne
Mmmmmm his dick is too good

putain ma main effleure sa chatte. Faisons-lui une bonne caresse
fucking my hand grazes her pussy. Let’s give her a good caress

image 221.jpg

la suite de l'histoire plus tard
following the story later
4.50 star(s) 8 Votes