
May 10, 2017
Can't he just remove the incest wording (Aunt/Mom/Sister) and just say he's changed them to being friends/Roomates, He calls everyone but Ann by their names anyway (Just remove him calling her Aunt Kira).

The modders can fix it and re insert the incest, DS can always play the "Modders aren't my problem" card.


Aug 20, 2017
You base this all on texts of Emails DS himself presented to you....
Actually it's based on DS himself. In this thread a day or two after his patreon page went under review. He said 0.13 will be released on this sight as a gift. He also confirmed sex with Anne or is it Ann? Either way, next time do a little digging before sticking your foot in your mouth please.
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Aug 20, 2017
Can't he just remove the incest wording (Aunt/Mom/Sister) and just say he's changed them to being friends/Roomates, He calls everyone but Ann by their names anyway (Just remove him calling her Aunt Kira).

The modders can fix it and re insert the incest, DS can always play the "Modders aren't my problem" card.
It's been asked already. Seems like patreon was giving him zero leeway on this. He had to remove BB and any images and so on related to BB.
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Well-Known Member
Jun 11, 2017
Actually it's based on DS himself. In this thread a day or two after his patreon page went under review. He said 0.13 will be released on this sight as a gift. He also confirmed sex with Anne or is it Ann? Either way, next time do a little digging before sticking your foot in your mouth please.
It's been asked already. Seems like patreon was giving him zero leeway on this. He had to remove BB and any images and so on related to BB.
Perhaps some digging on your part is in order.....

Well, it's a bit of misunderstanding. If I want to rewrite BB, I just have to explain how it will be changed and Patreon should approve it. And I've decided to step out.
Poof goes the notion I don't know what I'm talking about and Poof the thought that YOU DO!

As others have said DS doesn't WANT to make this game anymore he only did it because he had supporters who would scream bloody Murder if he just dropped it!
You attempts and coming here (which most of us have never seen you in this thread until this issue popped up) and trying to pin this all on Patreon isn't working....

We have already showed dozens of ways DS could continue development IF HE WANTED TO!
What did he choose?
DEAD END IT...Same as he did with many of the storylines in this now deader than dead game!

He was bored and this seems like a very good excuse to just stop and make Glamour!
The few who seem to be happy about and defending this decision are all the same folks who complained when the NTRish antics of Eric were gotten rid of!

This MYTH based on alleged text of emails supplied by DS on Discord are exposed by DS' own quote given above!
That is the ONLY conversation that makes any sense since it falls in line with what they said and did to OTHER devs who had Incest content on Patreon...


DS opted to remove the game!
He had a choice to make a change and said NO!
I'll just make a new game.

That's all on DS not on Patreon!


Aug 20, 2017
Perhaps some digging on your part is in order.....


Poof goes the notion I don't know what I'm talking about and Poof the thought that YOU DO!

As others have said DS doesn't WANT to make this game anymore he only did it because he had supporters who would scream bloody Murder if he just dropped it!
You attempts and coming here (which most of us have never seen you in this thread until this issue popped up) and trying to pin this all on Patreon isn't working....

We have already showed dozens of ways DS could continue development IF HE WANTED TO!
What did he choose?
DEAD END IT...Same as he did with many of the storylines in this now deader than dead game!

He was bored and this seems like a very good excuse to just stop and make Glamour!
The few who seem to be happy about and defending this decision are all the same folks who complained when the NTRish antics of Eric were gotten rid of!

This MYTH based on alleged text of emails supplied by DS on Discord are exposed by DS' own quote given above!
That is the ONLY conversation that makes any sense since it falls in line with what they said and did to OTHER devs who had Incest content on Patreon...


DS opted to remove the game!
He had a choice to make a change and said NO!
I'll just make a new game.

That's all on DS not on Patreon!
Well, for the first thing you quoted me on. I know he said himself in this thread we are getting 0.13 and we are sleeping with the mom.

As for the second thing you quoted me on. To be fair I did say SEEMS LIKE, implying I'm not 100% sure about that. But hey, now I know.

EDIT: I did not mean for the foot in mouth comment to come across as hostile as it did. So I believe a apology is in order. Sorry.


Jun 12, 2017
sigh of course he gave up on this game when he said he was working on new game petty much said im done with the game patreon gave him the keys drop the game gg. and fuck you patreon
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Nov 24, 2017
Someone clever could have predicted this outcome, as he (intentionally?) did not make any attempt to "hide" incestous parts of his game liike other developers of similar games on Patreon.
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Nov 5, 2017
If DS was bored of the game, why turn it into a grindfest and trickle the progress? The games I've enjoyed the most ramped up the action fairly quickly like Research into Corruption, Summertime Saga and Daughter for Dessert. I think contributors shouldn't shy away from moving the pace along at a reasonable pace with the goal of finishing out a game. If they build a loyal base, it'll be about the developer, not a particular game. And since it's a bummer waiting through 3 - 6 months of a new game getting fleshed out, if you're making 25K a month, hire some people and start the new game before the old is done. I had mostly lost interest in BB before this announcement anyway because it seemed clear it had been turned into a cash cow.


Game Developer
Aug 25, 2017
I want provide you some example from real life.

You are selling drugs on street, thinking that it was legal. Cops stops you and explain that it's illegal
Will you try to continue selling drugs saying that they are candies or you will stop actual drug selling and switch to something more legal?

Maybe this example will explain my motives for a bit.


Dec 7, 2017
They dont get that you are trying to make money for your team. They just want their own needs to be fulfilled. Cant blame that either, but in the end, you are going to have to do whats right for you and thats going to leave some people butthurt in the process. Welcome to life!


Active Member
Dec 18, 2017
English is not my native language, but I will try to express my opinion, even if it is similar to what has already been said.
Estimating how many sponsors you had and that you have a team to develop the game, not just you alone, you could release updates for more. If you really appreciated your sponsors. But from the side it is clear that they deliberately delayed and this is understandable. Everyone wants a lot of money, for a minimum of work.
You have already offered a lot of option. You could just remake the beginning of the game, and in the remaining scenes only the text that Max is not the son of Anne. And instead of completing all the storylines, you decided to start a new game, more accurately transfer the old, also not completed. And there I am sure you will milk money too. And when the entire storyline goes too far, you will find a way to stop and start something new.
Digital game, this is not a real thing, not as a drug, it can be changed.
If you were alone, without a team, then you could be admired, now, you are throwing everything. I hope you do not do this with Glamor. Otherwise you will be the signs, but in a different direction.
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Game Developer
Aug 25, 2017
And again... I should do this, I should do that...

Milking money? Do you think making money on something is bad or what? Do you expect that people should work for free on adult games? I don't see your point.

And why the hell you demand me to change the whole game? For what? What the point of that? And what the difference with making new game?

Who said that I'm throwing anything at all? We are taking risk as team to make something better that we did before, thats it.


New Member
Jan 29, 2018
DarkSilver, if you make the changes and complete the game you're showing your fan base you're commited to finishing your games no matter what. That goes a long way. Also if you make Big Brother legal you can add it to your portfolio, which can be beneficial later.

I'm not saying you should do it, but it definitely has its benefits.
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