
Engaged Member
Sep 30, 2017
In my honest opinion, Dark Silver should be proud of what he did. BB is/was his first game, and he proved himself one of the most successfull developers around. I have no idea of what is going to come, but he deserves a little bit of trust to say the least. We're all sad for what happen, but blaming him like this does not help at all.
It's a much more difficult moment to him than to us, and considering where we are, and the fact that he's here answering our question, we owe him a supportive attitude.
My sentiment 100%.

I lot of people really liked the game and are very disappointing about the current situation.

Yes the game had flaws and yes, the game was not perfect, but it was the most popular game on here.
Personally, I just wish DS get's through this intact financially and can finds a way to continue working on BB in the mid to near future.


New Member
Jan 15, 2018
I've been a happy $40 patron for BB up until now and would happily continue if there was another way to support it. I know it's sad to say but most people on Patreon are supporting the game itself, They are not supporting you on a personal level.
As much as i wish you hope in the future the fact that you have thrown the game that everybody was supporting you for under a bus and continue to use the same Patreon account to fund a new game suggests that you are more interested in protecting your Patreon account and your bankroll more than you are interested in keeping your integrity and finding an alternative.
Given the amount that you are making from Patreon I can't say I wouldn't do the same in your shoes but surely you can understand the vitriol you are recieveing for this move. To use your own anology..
Yes you are a drug dealer who got caught and you have decided to go straight edge instead of risking losing everything but surely you can understand why most of the junkies who you have been providing a fix for up until now are so pissed off, You have basically said that you can no longer provide them with meth but for the same price you will happily give them diet pepsi as an alternative...
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Engaged Member
Sep 30, 2017
I've been a happy $40 patron for BB up until now and would happily continue if there was another way to support it. I know it's sad to say but most people on Patreon are supporting the game itself, They are not supporting you on a personal level.
As much as i wish you hope in the future the fact that you have thrown the game that everybody was supporting you for under a bus and continue to use the same Patreon account to fund a new game suggests that you are more interested in protecting your Patreon account and your bankroll more than you are interested in keeping your integrity and finding an alternative.
Given the amount that you are making from Patreon I can't say I wouldn't do the same in your shoes but surely you can understand the vitriol you are recieveing for this move. To use your own anology..
Yes you are a drug dealer who got caught and you have decided to go straight edge instead of risking losing everything but surely you can understand why most of the junkies who you have been providing a fix for up until now are so pissed off, You have basically said that you can no longer provide them with meth but for the same price you will happily give them diet pepsi as an alternative...
I actually agree on this one.

Having said that, DS is between a rock and a hard place. Had this happened say the first of Jan, he would have a month to try and figure out what to do. Unfortunately, he had a week to come up with a solution or face financial ruin.

I'm sure he would have preferred to just continue on BB Ad infinitum. The game and Graphics is addictive.
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Active Member
Apr 20, 2017
so, the game indeed died before we got to see lisa boned in the front door.

by how it was going (not with patreon, with how he was developing the game) I would lie if I said that I didn't expect this.

I actually thought that this would have happened because he got tired of the game or got too much money to care about it, but patreon has beaten my bets.

the real shame is the agreement that he had with his patreons, that will never be fullfilled. Imho, he can talk whatever he wants about being legal or not, but that's a Patreon related thing, and he's backing down for convenience, not because of legal matters. When you want to do something, you find the way to do it. It's like when you date a person: when you want to see her/him, you find the time in your day. He simply doesn't really want to.


Apr 8, 2017
You are probably right, he has said in the past than the themes of the game were not what he liked, but he is free to do that.
The consequences are, and that is their right too, to have Patreon or possible Patreon disgusted or not interested by his new project which is not that new since that is more a rework of his true first game, Glamour.

Everyone is free, him included, but you must cope with the consequences of your choices, including financial.
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Dec 30, 2017
there are many games with female MC ....
Anna Exciting Affection
Lily of the valley
The Coceter Chronicles
The Humbling Experience
Officer Chloe
Eleanor (LoP)
and it does not seem to me that they are so bad
we wait for the first releases (2-3) ... and then we evaluate it
And you undeservedly forgot GGGB)) (good girl gone bad)


Apr 26, 2017
but what prevents f95 to create a platform like Parteon, for developers of games for adults, a commision of 5% is not someone who has not canceled, people go to the product and where this product.
as full of options to create your business card site to attach payment tools specifically for the project BB, as well as parallel to develop the project Glamor, since Partheon does not want to leave.
a lot of very intelligent guys, with their work we could see in the Fanart section, connect them, interest and motivate. one word to grow.
everyone knows about the Darksilver and its product Big Brother.
sorry for my english


Aug 16, 2016
DS knew Patreon was doing this. and it seems he ignored it. SO, he could have re-written the characters, just like everyone else, as non-family. i think he gave up on this project because of the base. too many mods, too many whiners, too many complainers. too many copycats. i understand his choice, but really. it would have been better if he just adjusted the story. but in the long run, noone really knows why he would dump this for another. the game is likeable, too grindy. mods made the replay more interesting. i hope he just adjusts BB to a non-family game. it might be a benefit for him.


Dec 7, 2017
Apart than he had stated in the past than this game was not something he liked. Than he would have preferred to work on another project. Now he got to do that. For some people it looks so convenient.

Again, I do not care myself: He did a game with great potential, was fun for awhile, people who wanted sent him money for that, people who wanted stopped to send money for that.

No one was hurt, many were pleased, everyone acted as he wanted to act. So all is fine in my books.

Obviously his personal stuff in this new pet project is more in being a girl and getting fucked by everyone in every way possible.
Great for him, but not for me :)
if you read this thread, there is a whole bunch of butthurt. It looks convenient until you see that every other Game with similar interests are getting the axe as well. Its not just him pulling a fast one over people.

Anyways, i just dont like seeing people attacking one another without looking at the other side of it and thinking with their dicks instead of their brains.


Dec 7, 2017
DS knew Patreon was doing this. and it seems he ignored it. SO, he could have re-written the characters, just like everyone else, as non-family. i think he gave up on this project because of the base. too many mods, too many whiners, too many complainers. too many copycats. i understand his choice, but really. it would have been better if he just adjusted the story. but in the long run, noone really knows why he would dump this for another. the game is likeable, too grindy. mods made the replay more interesting. i hope he just adjusts BB to a non-family game. it might be a benefit for him.
To be honest, i dont think people really want a re written game. I dont think that was the appeal of this project. The title of the game speaks for itself.

Anyways, maybe he will pick it up at a later date when he has another viable option. There was too much money being made for him to not continue it. IM pretty sure the project was funding his way of life.
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Active Member
Jan 3, 2018
Ok guys, time to cut the crap and stop shitting on DS.

BB is just a game. DS got support from his patrons on Patreon to keep developing it up until this unfortunate Patreon change of policy.
As 0.13 development is already paid for he will release it to fulfill his obligation to his patrons.

Looking at the situation from a strictly business perspective, DS has every right to decide how will he proceed with his career.
His decision, albeit probably not the best one, is not to cut ties with Patreon, put BB on hold and continue with another vanilla game that will fit with new Patreon rules and policies.

If you don't like his decision - you will probably withdraw your patron pledge and spend your money elsewhere. It's entirely your choice just as DS made his own choice. I cancelled my support today and I am probably not the only one.

For all of you others who never paid a dime to play BB... just cut the crap. You were pirating his game and playing it for free. You have no right to spew shit on him for making his own decisions.

It is my belief that the number of his patrons will plummet because of his decision and probably force him to seek another solution to continue BB if he wants to stay afloat as a game developer... or maybe not. Time will tell.

Anyway, it's up to him and I wish him the best of luck to find the way to stay afloat.


Engaged Member
Aug 18, 2017
To be honest, i dont think people really want a re written game. I dont think that was the appeal of this project. The title of the game speaks for itself.
everyone else is putting some kind of patch to restore the game as it was


Sep 13, 2017
Liked this game sad to see it end like this. it makes sense for him to drop it but he could work on two projects at the same time. release it here or somewhere else as an ode to his fans. Sure it would mean that this wouldn't get monthly updates and he probably won't gain any or much money from it but it sure does proof his loyalty to his fans and I am sure that loyalty would be returned. People are just salty cause they don't want it to end like this which is understandable.

Thanks DS and everyone involved

ps: fuck patreon


Engaged Member
Oct 1, 2017
I hope glamour fails so DS realizes he has to drop Patreon and develop BB on a different plattform. Cause the problem isnt Patreon the problem is being stubborn about patreon when the alternatives are there but refused out fear he loses supporters.
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