So next time at least quote the whole post before disregarding it
Okey doke...
It will be lesbian oriented. Like BB was incest oriented, but had some girls on the side. I didn't say i don't like lesbian content, i just don't want it to be the core of the game. And i don't prefer lesbo content over male-female stuff. Porn without a dick is not porn.
Whether reading the whole thing or breaking it apart into sections, the context still comes across as you not considering lesbian themed porn as porn.
If anything, it reinforces that, since nothing there indicates you do say it's porn, especially given that it can be more easily construed as leaning more toward being against it, which itself is caused by the inclusion of your words "Porn without a dick is not porn"
So really, your one paragraph can be taken in two ways;
1 - You're more against lesbian porn, whilst not being fully against it.
2 - You like deluding yourself that your opinion cannot (and will not) be challenged when you say something stupid.
I'm not denying your right to your opinion, or to be butt hurt about me challenging it, you just don't have the right for it not to be called out as stupid.
(who are you to disregard it anyway?)
I'm just a guy who saw a stupid thing said in a post that made me both laugh and /facepalm at the same time, and was compelled to point out how stupid it was.
Btw, if I had disregarded your post, I wouldn't have replied to it. I disregarded the opinion you are presenting, and providing correction to it.
Not my problem you don't like lesbian porn as much as hetero porn, or that to you it's not porn. It is, regardless of your own personal view.