
May 19, 2017
What kind of promise did DS make, and where did DS make that promise?

As far as I can see, the so-called "transaction" that you'd like to believe is:
1. Patron donated monthly (every 1st day of the month)
2. DS provided update of the game monthly (every 2nd day of the month)
And he did provide update of BB up to 0.13 when Patreon forced him to take BB down from the website. So for every single month that you pledged to him, he provided an update of the game. Where exactly is the problem? Is there ever a month that you pledged to him where he did not provide a game update? Absolutely no.

There is no promise/contract/agreement that DS will provide full completed game in return of your monthly patronage that may or may not continue/stop.

I'll put it this way. You have received from him BB game from 0.1 to 0.13. How many months are you a patron of his? Did you pledge for 12 months to support him for each update? If not, you're getting more updates than the month that you pledge. And you're complaining?

It's flabbergasting to see how pissy people are, despite the fact that it is DS who actually lost his income. People who are patrons will save money. People who are not patrons don't have any monetary investment to begin with either. Once again, people who are angry simply don't understand what Patreon is and have nobody but themselves to blame.
I was a patron from the second release or so the version before Erik. I dropped my Patronage last month so YES I WAS!

For the umpteenth time. DS, as do most developers on Patronage, SELL levels of access and guaranteed perks based on payments. This is now a contract, you would actually have a legal case in court. I was promised XX for money. This is not a donation, which is essentially a patron (A DONOR). As far as his income loss, that remains to be seen, not sure how well Glamour will do. However, he made several times my annual income on this game, so I am not crying for him. I am also not complaining, I am just disagreeing with your continued reassertion that there are no obligations on the developers side (in general not in this specific case). This is not about DS, as you said.. it was not his fault so I do not blame him in anyway. We just don't see eye to eye here. There are developers that do not charge for anything at all, in that case I would agree with you. They are not obligated and they are receiving donations.

"2. DS provided update of the game monthly (every 2nd day of the month)" Along with hints, polls and direct access to him for $20.00. He litterally said for $20 you get early access to all builds, participation in polls... So how the hell is that a donation? He just pitched the benefits of giving him $20 and shut off the benefits the immediately upon not receiving money.
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Nov 10, 2017
What would happen if the saga of BB goes on?..

Some already think the grind is over the top. Some hate the story. Some have nothing better to do then rage hate on F95. Then ofc.. Some absolutely Love the game .. (That includes me for most parts) ;)
The time to complete the game is reaching the limit of how much patience a player can have.
Imagine adding 50% more content including Olivia, Dianne, Vicky, Eve and the extras for the Core family.
You will end up with an almost ridiculous amount of grind the way this game is constructed. V11-12-13 has yet to get there own walkthroughs.. Guess why? The number of triggers are already beyond the level where you can actually keep track anymore. Events and opportunities have cross overs and a lot of triggers are based on RNG. On top of this you must keep track of where and when the triggers happen and who you talked to about what. Oh and Mood ...
This makes finding your way through a big mace seem like an easy task :eek:penedeyewink:

So even tho this is only my opinion i think BB is close to the end anyway you look at it. Last uppdate gave people what they have asked for in spades. Sure it would have gone down diffrently if this had been a regular uppdate but lets not go through all that again. I don't think the game could handle all the storys with Olivia, Dianne, Vicky and Eve. It would be like overloading a boat.. Soon it would sink from it's own weight. I think Glamour will make a better platform for this type of game development. You can add a character and not feel pressure to add all content instantly. Just add it as it fits the story of the game and it will become more fluid. BB was always gonna be about the family. New characters created felt like blocks rather then a feeling of continuing the story. Then theres Lisa!.. Oh well, we all know what i have to say so i'll just leave it open..

If this is the end it's ok for me. If it isen't i hope there will be no more then 2-3 uppdates all focused on ending the story lines and prepearing for the grand finale .. (Yes you guessed it already.. Lisa is obviolsy the grand Finale:extremelyhappy: )
Cheers all:cool:
Just one small thing I wanted to add: I don't think mood matters in the last few updates. I didn't keep track of anyone's mood and all the triggers went off fine.

As for the grind, I don't mind it.
When Dreams of Desire episode 10 came out, I finished it in like 10 minutes. I was surprised to see that I was already done. BB 0.13 kept me busy for much longer, and that's good.


Active Member
Nov 15, 2017
Just one small thing I wanted to add: I don't think mood matters in the last few updates. I didn't keep track of anyone's mood and all the triggers went off fine.
You right that mood matters very little towards the end. But i was refering to writing a walkthrough and the mood matters a lot at the start so you need to keep track of it. There are some scenes that requires mood all the way through like kitchen anal sex with Lisa. As for the grind i have no problem with that myself but i'm thinking about the new players value of having to go through the whole game. It's ok for now, but if you add 50% more grind your pushing it a bit.
Just like you i also finished DoD in 10 minutes and a Ren'Py can be done like that even if it's your first time playing.
So for an uppgrade BB 0.13 was totally fine but i still think it's time to call it and end the few remaining story lines.
Do we hoestly care all that much for side characters after we already had the whole family anyways? It sounds to me like a Spin-off TV show.. You will always miss the real show, hehe


Active Member
Nov 15, 2017
Thank you for playing :)
The bitchy older sister approach has been used one time too many times. I'm trying for a more "normal" family approach and I'm not throwing anything anywhere, because I'm not giving up control of my story to the whims of my pledgers - if any. My story is 15 years old at this point, so it's pretty much set in stone (story, meta-plot, the lesser plots). There is a lot of room to maneuver within the storyline, though, so I hope to keep it interesting in the long run.
Do you know what else has been done one time to many? Wierd dreams, magic creatures or superpowers that will help explain everything that has no real logic. It's a cheap way to write a story because you never need to concider facts or explain the acts of the characters. I don't mean to bitch, but your game lost me the second your MC started dreaming of fantazy figures and wake up with a 3 times larger dick. You will have some fans either way because monsters raping humans seems to be on the rise. I can't actually understand the hype or get an erection from any of it myself.
On the uppside your game has nice graphics and i like some scenes outdoors. They make it feel more alive.
So i do wish you the best of luck with your project. Skål ..:cool:


Well-Known Member
May 28, 2017
Yep! Just like you seemingly have decided to take the DS EXCUSE Case as his Lawyer...I have decided to take the case in the name of his VICTIMS!
While I do work in a law firm, I am unfortunately not DS' lawyer. And you seem to be completely missing my point. The purpose of my posts is not to defend DS, it is to educate patrons to not be fooled by being a patron while hoping for something in return that was never promised to begin with. In a way, I'm trying to make you see your faults so you can make better decision in the future.

I was a patron from the second release or so the version before Erik. I dropped my Patronage last month so YES I WAS!
And you got your update from the beginning of your patronage to the end of your patronage. So once again, what is actually the problem? Did he take your money and not provide the update? No. Have you donated money for 0.14? No. Had he ever promised to develop and release 0.14 and take your money for it? No. You donated from 0.2 to 0.13. He provided you with 0.2 to 0.13. You donated, he fulfilled his obligation to you.

I am just disagreeing with your continued reassertion that there are no obligations on the developers side (in general not in this specific case).
You're confusing two very different things. I didn't say that developers have no obligation. What I said (in this DS case) is that DS has no obligation to finish BB because your patronage is not for BB's completion. Your patronage is for month-to-month update. That's why DS never said "For $40, I'd complete the game" and instead "For $40, you get so and so perks" which he delivered. Your patronage is not to complete the game, it is to provide consistent monthly updates.

It even said so on his Patreon page goal: "As soon as this goal is met, we can work full-time and release new versions of the game on a regular basis." You don't see anywhere that he said "As soon as this goal is met, we can complete the game"


Game Developer
Jul 23, 2017
Do you know what else has been done one time to many? Wierd dreams, magic creatures or superpowers that will help explain everything that has no real logic. It's a cheap way to write a story because you never need to concider facts or explain the acts of the characters. I don't mean to bitch, but your game lost me the second your MC started dreaming of fantazy figures and wake up with a 3 times larger dick. You will have some fans either way because monsters raping humans seems to be on the rise. I can't actually understand the hype or get an erection from any of it myself.
On the uppside your game has nice graphics and i like some scenes outdoors. They make it feel more alive.
So i do wish you the best of luck with your project. Skål ..:cool:
Thanks for playing and your opinion, mate. It's appreciated.
I write a lot of different stuff and the next vn (or whatever game style I chose) will either be in a dystopian future, or in an all out fantasy setting - not really sure yet.
As an avid D&D gamemaster (pen & paper) for more than 30 years, it has made the supernatural almost second nature to me.

Anyways ... skål, min ven og tak.

Cheers - Kaffekop


May 24, 2017
i got kitchen- room- yoga- bathroom and also i have this choice in days in week when ann come back from work
max: maybe we should do something else?
ann: we should, but not today, ......
max: why not?
ann: because i don't want to do it too often. don't you .....
max: i do...
than it will be the normal hj by her the one you come on her stomach
is there more to it?
and is there the new movie in this v?


Well-Known Member
Aug 7, 2016
Wait what? On hold? What the fuck? Im away for a week and everything goes to shit.
Also, it looks more like Cancelled than on hold but what he says on patreon. He has even removed everything about the game from there.
Anyone can fill me in?


Well-Known Member
Nov 25, 2017
Wait what? On hold? What the fuck? Im away for a week and everything goes to shit.
Also, it looks more like Cancelled than on hold but what he says on patreon. He has even removed everything about the game from there.
Anyone can fill me in?
Patreon decided that incest, anything non-consensual, bestiality... are bad and so they told the patreons that had it "fuck you and your game". That's the short version.


May 2, 2017
Doesn't matter what the tendencies are....
Shit has a tendency to smell like crap that doesn't mean you have to like it or say it smells good!

Good developers don't need to make you grind or minimize the grind only in relation to a puzzle needs to be solved and it takes three or four steps to solve it.
But all this game did is make you find the hidden dialogue change, Take the changed option then grind through till Monday came (when all the dialogue changes are made) and do it all again.
And if you were lucky you got a 20 seconds worth of reading with 5 frames of sex before the !CUM option showed up.
Yeah, even adult games may let you search and find something. Indeed! If you prefer VN instead, just go for it? Trying to discredit 1 of the most successful developers in this genre without a really good reason sounds like pure envy to me.
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Loving Family Member's
Respected User
Aug 8, 2017

Hello, I have only one question.
How do I start this scene?

I got to the kitchen, ann room, bathroom ann sex scene.
I have not gotten the yoga sex scene yet.
We can not answer game play questions here, go here for answers:

i got kitchen- room- yoga- bathroom and also i have this choice in days in week when ann come back from work
max: maybe we should do something else?
ann: we should, but not today, ......
max: why not?
ann: because i don't want to do it too often. don't you .....
max: i do...
than it will be the normal hj by her the one you come on her stomach
is there more to it?
and is there the new movie in this v?
We can not answer game play questions here, go here for answers:

hi can anyone send me save game before all finish before 0.13 but lisa yoga one
All save game request go here:


Engaged Member
Oct 1, 2017
who would've known back then that finally having sex with Ann would be the saddest day ever for this game...
True but on the other hand think of the possibilities now when the game is continued. Both MrDots and DarkSilver are trying to find a way to continue their game without Patreon and by the sheer amount of money they made in the past they sure as hell wont just ditch it for good. For now? yes. Forever sure as hell no.

Now the possibilities when the game is continued.

Great Sex ed Scenes where Ann teaches Lisa how to fuck.
Losen Ann up and taking Lisa's virginity in Front of her.
Porn with Ann and Alice in a Threesome.
Bringing Lisa into porn.
Probably Impregnating someone or all of them.
Getting it on with the coffee girl.
Fucking Aunt Kira.
A great Orgy with Ann, Lisa, Alice, Kira.

Domination Games, Girlfriend routes.

And on an on it goes. People forget while its long overdue that we could finally Fuck Ann the main Part about the game is not to watch Max fuck everyone but how everyone changes around max and even max himself.

The Story is what made this game so well known and popular.

From God i hate this piece of shit eric to .... ha ha fucker i brought the mafia on your ass.
From Ahhh i hate this bitch Alice to.... ah i fuck this bitch its so well earned.
From God what a Slut this aunt is to ..... the only person who truly understands Max.
From Lisa looks and acts so innocent to .... holy fuck where did that come from?
From God Ann is uptight about this to .... oh god this is the best day ever in this game.

I doubt glamour does the same as not many ppl are interested in a female point of view but if its made like BB and the big sister can start to manipulate half her family into some shit then who knows?

If we just play a chick who tries to get some dick i guarantee he loses more then half his supporters. As most ppl i encounterd there when i still supported him where die hard into the incest part.


Well-Known Member
Nov 25, 2017
who would've known back then that finally having sex with Ann would be the saddest day ever for this game...
Indeed, quite ironic isn't it?. One path that I actually wanted to have played is the one where you could have fucked Ann with the help of Eric but it was never completed.

True but on the other hand think of the possibilities now when the game is continued. Both MrDots and DarkSilver are trying to find a way to continue their game without Patreon and by the sheer amount of money they made in the past they sure as hell wont just ditch it for good. For now? yes. Forever sure as hell no.

Now the possibilities when the game is continued.

Great Sex ed Scenes where Ann teaches Lisa how to fuck.
Losen Ann up and taking Lisa's virginity in Front of her.
Porn with Ann and Alice in a Threesome.
Bringing Lisa into porn.
Probably Impregnating someone or all of them.
Getting it on with the coffee girl.
Fucking Aunt Kira.
A great Orgy with Ann, Lisa, Alice, Kira.

Domination Games, Girlfriend routes.

And on an on it goes. People forget while its long overdue that we could finally Fuck Ann the main Part about the game is not to watch Max fuck everyone but how everyone changes around max and even max himself.

The Story is what made this game so well known and popular.

From God i hate this piece of shit eric to .... ha ha fucker i brought the mafia on your ass.
From Ahhh i hate this bitch Alice to.... ah i fuck this bitch its so well earned.
From God what a Slut this aunt is to ..... the only person who truly understands Max.
From Lisa looks and acts so innocent to .... holy fuck where did that come from?
From God Ann is uptight about this to .... oh god this is the best day ever in this game.

I doubt glamour does the same as not many ppl are interested in a female point of view but if its made like BB and the big sister can start to manipulate half her family into some shit then who knows?

If we just play a chick who tries to get some dick i guarantee he loses more then half his supporters. As most ppl i encounterd there when i still supported him where die hard into the incest part.
Personally one of the things that I would have liked is that Eric was developed and he did things, like corrupting your mother more and making her more obedient (like from very close to submissive to slave), interacting more with the sisters and aunt and trying to seduce them and have sex with them untill he fully corrupts them.

Another thing that I would have liked is more BDSM especially from Ann and Max, Ann being dominant to try to solve her submissive flaw.

And to tell the truth I would have liked too if the characters could become more sexually aggresive towards Max, teasing him while eating with a footjob/handjob, asking for sex themselves...

Tease Me

Active Member
May 6, 2017
I think DS Made V13 better than any modder could have. Finally Ann admits what I always new that she loved and craved Max. This pretty much was the finally with her. BTW DS gave us V13 F95 did not have to do a damn to it.
You can go to the data area and change the script yourself. As for the images they were not encrypted in this version so adding encrypted images will show as a white screen. I am sure the DS haters will have much to say about the new game. As for me I just upped my membership for Glamour.
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Sep 2, 2017
one thing that surprises me about this game is that even the characters have all sorts of sexual activities, they never kiss... isn't that weird?
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3.40 star(s) 107 Votes