Anyone interested in trying to influence the decision of this game (The reboot inside of Dark Silvers newer project Glamour) to get more Villa and Max content, there’s a poll right now on Dark Silvers Patreon page to ask about evening out the content between Max and Kate, currently the update patterns are Kate, Kate, Max so 2 Kate for every 1 Max update and the poll is regarding getting Max and Villa content more frequently to try and catch up with the other character and at the moment Kate is winning by about 7%, so anyone fancy supporting $5 for a single month to influence the vote to get more BB content then now is the time to do it because BB fans probably won’t get another chance to do so, the poll has about a day and a half remaining and it’s pretty close as it is, just thought I’d post in here see if any BB fans are still interested in getting more content from so eventually the game can catch up to where it was before.... last chance guys lol