If DS is really doing, what I think he is doing, concerning Alice, this game is dead to me. It pretty much Looks, like he is turning Alice into a slut, with the help of Kate. Even if Kate would be the who pushes Alice to have sex with Max, I wouldn't complain, or if Kate will always be there. But if Alice is going to be a pornstar, who fucks everything, that's not fast enough, to run away, this game is not worth playing anymore. Okay, the quality dropped, the translation still isn't good enough, for the money DS gets, but this would be the last straw for me.
I wouldn't care if he was doing that to Ann or Lisa, but Alice? Hell NO! As an explenation, I'm simply adore Alice, to a point, where I really don't care, what happens to the others, in my opinion Eric could get everyone, Lisa, Ann, Kate, Olivia and Kira, as long as I can have Alice. ^^