I really like the game as I said before. A wank-provider, : ) But... if I have to point out some weak spots in it, would be the looooong periods of time without nothing to do, but to repeat some scenes or wait for something to occur. And it seems, (or at least it is what happens to me), that I cannot control even when: for instance, though I have the weed and I have offered to Alice's punkie girlfriend already, there were a lot of "not now". Or mutism from the aunt for days, before she offers something to make the plot advance. If someday DS decided to edit his work and cut the blank spaces (with blank spaces I refer to the statism of the plot and the waiting for time to pass) it would change into a very exciting game, really. And by the way, since I am a mixed guy who values happy endings and comedy and romaticism as much as morbidness and corruption, then to have it all would suits me perfectly: I would like them to end fucking each other like rabbits... and happy, hahahaha...