To be honest, the main reason for people to play porn games like this is to look at explicit and arousing pictures, which in this case, the mother, and the sisters being nude and engaging in sexual activity with the player character +- other characters. Yes, there are people who play the game enjoys the process of corrupting the family into sexual relationships with the PC but really the portion of those kind of people is comparable to those who watch porn for plot......
ISomeone alluded to not needing story and stuff. I would argue that for incest games, that is critical. You have to know about the characters. You have to get that feeling of the various family dynamics and let the family members actually feel somewhat like family members to you, so that it actually feels slightly wrong to lust after them.
Yeah, I completely agree with Corambis on this one. I have a mother and two step sisters - the very cop-out every adult movie uses to make going after your sisters somewhat tolerable - yet in reality, I find the idea of having intercourse with either of my sisters (or god forbid my mother) ... not very appealing, so say the least. Even though my little sister is pretty hot, I'd reckon.
Anyways, in a fictional story with fictional characters, I obviously enjoy the fantasy for the heck of it.
But in order for that to happen, the story needs to be set up properly. I could watch any pic, real or rendered, with a boy and a girl going at each other and pretend they're siblings. Except it doesn't work that way, at least not for me.
Which makes this post relevant:
i wanted to save mom of the abuse i wanted make her happy, seduce her and make feel love for MC not blackmail she to do porn against her will taking advantage of the financial problems.
While I do agree with Cobra in that it's not my preferred way for the story to progress, at least it's a remotely plausible explanation for the character to engage in this behavior which is pretty far outside the accepted norm.
The scenes with the sisters could use a ton more of the porn equivalent of what is suspense in horror movies.
The girls are far too easy to topple, so to speak.
I kinda like the setup with Lisa, where we slowly start opening her up to the idea by playing around and "teaching" her stuff, but then it transitions to all-out nekkidness and petting far too quickly.
Ideally, it should be a mixture of getting her more and more interested in doing "it" but also isolating her from potential partners to do it with. For exampe, I think it'd be far cooler if you had to actively do something to get rid of Alex as competition. Not to mention, up to a point, stuff like peeping (and getting caught) should severly damage your relationship with Lisa (same for her sister), but after that point she should switch to actively enjoying your attention, only worrying when others (like mom, first and foremost) are or could be around.
Same with Alice, she should view you as her brother and just not take you seriously as a "man", which should be the things you have to tackle. The scene with loosening her up with alcohol and then massaging her would be a brilliant starting point, imo - alas, it never goes anywhere.
Instead, you have her kinda sorta lesbian lover involve you into a threesome in which she accepts having sex with you with very mild hesitation. Though the scene ends up being kinda hot, this was a major letdown for me.
Ann takes heavy convincing from Kira, along with financial pressure, which is - like I wrote earlier - at least a somewhat plausible starting point. The implementation is kinda weak at this point, but still...
Thankfully, it's mostly words and orders of events that need changing. Maybe fairly small adjustments to graphics and possibly a new scene or two. So the boat can still be turned around when the game is in
If all else fails, it might be even possible for modders to fix things after the fact.