I'm going to ask something I haven't seen on here before (hopefully we no fights start), and no I didn't try to search for this.
So Max we know, was kicked out of school before he finished. WHY?? What happened? From what little we know it was NOT his grades. Was Max the pervert we see in the game, or could it have been something else?? I would like to put forward some ideas I've had, and you all can tear them apart.
So Max has several issues:
1) He is not big or strong, so bullying may have been an issue.
2) Because of his Dick size and lack of control (possible medical issue?) there is both bullying and Female (male?) complaints that may have been a factor.
3) Before the move it sounds like Max tried to be a protector for Lisa (early conversations made it seem that way), so there may have been fights and bullying.
4) Max is a pervert, so maybe a scandal with a teacher (or student)??
5) Max is supposed to be (very) intelligent (though we don't see it much in the game), so once again we have bullying and fights.
These are just a few possible reasons I have come up with, and I'm interested in what others think about them. WHY was Max kicked out? Why didn't he finish school some other way? Why (with his size and smarts) hasn't he ever had a girlfriend before the game starts? Why is he so STUPID most of the time, yet all of the Family think he's smart?
Just some thoughts.