Yeah, and the Olivia stuff feels like it might become a competition between her and her mother
Because that's never been done before. Olivia just feels off in her route right now. I don't think her mother adds shit, and there is no reason that Max shouldn't have invited her over to the house, like he had Lisa do in the previous arc. Olivia is acting shy about her nudity in this route where she was in no way shy before. It's fucking weird.
Something I forgot to mention in my review (
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) is how much I liked the progression in the massage scenes. For me it was really well done, the build up was very exciting and the result satisfactory. And most importantly the renders were excellent.
However I also forgot to mention that the "merge of paths" was horribly done and only the people with Lisa GF path saves will actually get something new. The fact that DS didn't reused some old renders was a complete waste.
Speaking of renders it's time for me to continue my little tradition and select my favorite scenes of the new update. So please check my choices of personal best in the 0.12 update.
The Ann stuff was probably the best handled progression in months. Seriously, great job there. Every scene moved forward more or less as one would expect and it didn't seem that drawn out for her.
The Olivia route wasn't a merge at all. Calling it that was a flat out lie. A merge would be combining at least some of her events from her route with the previous renders. Again, how you don't have Olivia hanging out at the house a couple of times a week is fucking baffling. Actually I know exactly why that's the case, because then you wouldn't have the excuse of Olivia's mom cock blocking her at every opportunity. It means that for fucking once, we wouldn't have had a long drawn out multi-week lead up to sex.
And Lord knows we couldn't have that. It would just be improper for Max to sleep with someone without going through 14 million repetitive sequences.
I'm also fairly certain that the original Olivia arc will remain an island forever cut off from the rest of the game. The main reason for that is that the Lisa in that arc is a completely different person than the Lisa we have now. It wouldn't make sense to go through the tons of sex ed, the Alice arc, and all that without changing what was happening in the threesomes. She was into the sex, without a ton of prodding, and without a ton of other family involvement. It's a shame because it is still the best route in the game. Maybe it will continue eventually. I'm not surprised though, DarkSilver refused to ever answer whether or not the fight for him route would merge with the new stuff.
It still blows my mind though that one choice made in like the opening week of the game completely cuts off 75% of the new content for the last several months.