
Well-Known Member
Jun 11, 2017
I know. Thats why i said this was a huge dissapointment. Hi Olivia.. kiss. Goodbye Olivia..
And next uppdate focusing on Olivia might be 6 month away or never happen at all.
Olivia wasn't the THEME for this release just a start on what he said he had planned. The REAL thematic of this release was the Mom New Job Massage Opportunity.

The continuation of Olivia will be in the next release....
History has shown that DS starts something new in one release but doesn't complete it to be continued in the next release. He has done this from almost the beginning. Half the path to a new movie that is hinted at, next release the Movie is done with something new hinted at for the next release.

So he completed the promised BDSM Frustration shoot for Mom and started the Olivie Merge with a hint of what is likely to happen in the next release with Olivia and her Mom.

So without seeing any polls (although we already have seen one...And Mom won). The next release will have all the events and hinting leading up to some other new scheme to have real sex with Mom but none of the sex. Olivia will have the sex and maybe her Mom will be hinted at too. And you can bet your bottom dollar the sex scheme with Mom will involve Alice facilitating Mom being punished by Max, which will end in the same way it ended with Alice in a trade of Full Intercourse to avoid the spanking....

Cause this game is as predictable as Friday coming after Thursday!


Engaged Member
Oct 1, 2017
So after fingering ann its over? You cant repeat that at least as she never goes to work again? What kind of small BS grind update was that?
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Well-Known Member
Sep 3, 2017
So after fingering ann its over? You cant repeat that at least as she never goes to work again? What kind of small BS grind update was that?
She should still go to work. The end of that path is repeatable option to finger or Eat out Ann/Mom twice a week.


May 27, 2017
It was design to start a new game and get this stuff unlock early in the game not afterwards.
Everyones mood must be high and both Lisa and Alice must be at respect level.
You should first get caught by mom 2 times then get caught by Alice 2 times then get caught by mom while Alice spanks both Lisa and Max.
If you started a new game all of this would have been done already.
The spider events can start a day 32 and it came out in v9 (maybe v8 I just don't remember which), Lisa's Mentor quest is the longest in the game but can still be done before the 4th movie is made.
Thanks for the info, think I missed getting caught twice by Alice with Ann.


Game Developer
Aug 25, 2017
It's a bit lackluster to hear DS say this uppdate will be thematic and feature a merge of Olivia and Lisa path.

To start with there is no merge. Old Olivia path still works and so does both Lisa path. He did add a new path for Olivia but it requires you did one of the Lisa in the past. So merge? There is no crossover or merging going on here. Not to mention the New Olivia is a shy prude whos main concern is her oversexual mother. (DS new cockblocker and reason he can prolong the story till v0.52 is out) I miss the real Olivia. A party girl who didn't mind about drinking whiskey infused with extra pills and basically have sex with anyone in the room.. Sucking her boyfriend just to tease Max.. Now thats my Girl :)

Thematic. Yeah right.. He starts a new path with Olivia and we get nowhere. Hi Olivia, oh bye Olivia. See ya next thematic if patreons are willing. (A close to 0-5% chanse on that one to happen btw) The only progress offered in v0.12 is with Ann. She has her thematic next month so really strange focus in this uppdate unless he secretly wanted it to be for Ann all the way but had to add Olivia due to complaints about her beeing left out. (And she still is as far as i'm concerned) Bite off more then he can tew?.. Thats where the game is heading. 3 all new characters and DS can't even start a story for one of them propperly in a single uppdate. I guess Eve, Vicky, New Olivia & Kates mom will see there first real ingame role in the year 2021 .. Sorry for the rant. Had to get it out. Cheers everyone :)
Apparently I had plans for them, but a lot of people are really want to see progress with family. I hope it will be less focused about Ann/Lisa and will give me possibility to work on different characters.


Nov 3, 2017
Hi, how do you start the lisa-ann sex ed? ann told me to buy a textbook, but there's no textbook in online shop.


Well-Known Member
Sep 3, 2017
Apparently I had plans for them, but a lot of people are really want to see progress with family. I hope it will be less focused about Ann/Lisa and will give me possibility to work on different characters.
A possibility would be to do 1 or 2 small scenes each with several of the non family characters (Olivia, Eve, and Vicky) to advance their stories somewhat. This would allow for growth in those parts of the game while allowing the focus on the Family to continue. Yes the progression would be slower for them, but it would be there AND we would get the larger focus on the family. With Ann/Mom, Alice, Lisa, and to a lesser extent Kira as themes you would have multiple updates to advance the side stories.

Just a thought.

Edit: TY for the nice work on Ann/Mom and the Sex-Ed stories. I enjoyed them and while I want MUCH more, well you could have tripled the content on both and I'd still want more. :) So TY.
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Active Member
Nov 15, 2017
Olivia wasn't the THEME for this release just a start on what he said he had planned. The REAL thematic of this release was the Mom New Job Massage Opportunity.

The continuation of Olivia will be in the next release....
History has shown that DS starts something new in one release but doesn't complete it to be continued in the next release. He has done this from almost the beginning. Half the path to a new movie that is hinted at, next release the Movie is done with something new hinted at for the next release.

So he completed the promised BDSM Frustration shoot for Mom and started the Olivie Merge with a hint of what is likely to happen in the next release with Olivia and her Mom.

So without seeing any polls (although we already have seen one...And Mom won). The next release will have all the events and hinting leading up to some other new scheme to have real sex with Mom but none of the sex. Olivia will have the sex and maybe her Mom will be hinted at too. And you can bet your bottom dollar the sex scheme with Mom will involve Alice facilitating Mom being punished by Max, which will end in the same way it ended with Alice in a trade of Full Intercourse to avoid the spanking....
All they talked about for weeks before last release was that it ment a break from DS way to add new content and focus on a Theme. I never saw a single post or ever heard anyone mention "Moms new job massage" as the intended theme for v0.12. It was always Olivia. The talk on the board when previews started comming was...
- Hey where is Olivia? All this stuff is Ann & Alice -
So are you saying that the theme for Olivia is ment for v0.13 and Ann (who we know won the poll) is ment for v0.14?
Because it sounds like your saying DS will do what he has always done. ( Small bits of all content in the uppdates )
And thats exactly what the Thematic uppdates was suppose to change.

Ohh I just like to add that there was NO merge in this version. Merge means combining two or more things into one. All he did was add a new path for Olivia that had no connection to the old path. Lisa path isen't connected either besides you must start from there to gain access to the new Olivia path.
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New Member
May 8, 2017
Apparently I had plans for them, but a lot of people are really want to see progress with family. I hope it will be less focused about Ann/Lisa and will give me possibility to work on different characters.
Hi DS. From my point of view, this update has good content. Ann is properly connected to Lisa and Alice. What is going to be very interesting is the next update, as Alice "wants" to see her punished and Max is willing to do so; such punishment could be followed by a 69, with both Alice and Max, involving Max's inside Ann without been noticed. Then, having sex Ann and Aunt with Max, at the same time, proposing to make another movie just Ann and Max. When Ann is watching TV, Max could have sex with Ann, and they will be viewed by Lisa, which can help Max with a little bj... Max could buy too many items in the online store to satisfy Ann (handcuffs, toys, lingerie, shoes). Also Max could invite Ann to the coffee shop, restaurant (using the clothes that Max is buying to her), and have a date, build a romance with her, and make her his woman every single day. That could lead, that every single day both will be watching TV and Alice can join them, give the massages and have sex with them. Also Ann could teach Lisa how to have sex, all the available positions, which in the future can bring the opportunity to Max to have sex with her. I would like to see a very long series of updates focused on Max family (Ann, Alice, Lisa, Aunt). And mix it with Kate, Olivia and Olivia's Mom.
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Loving Family Member's
Respected User
Aug 8, 2017
Apparently I had plans for them, but a lot of people are really want to see progress with family. I hope it will be less focused about Ann/Lisa and will give me possibility to work on different characters.
Well that is your problem you let them do your picking and you can't do it yourself, you gave away control on this game.

Just take 1 NPC and work on it and YOU CHOOSE the one to work on.

Really you bring in Olivia into the Lisa GF path and you end it with nothing. (No content to speak of at all.) Then you have the gall to call it the Olivia update.

You hint at romance and then you shoot it in the foot and go BDSM, I call this bullshit.

Up until v9 this game was great but once you crashed and burned the romance part out of it the game went to shit.
You work to please only 10% of the gamers with BDSM and totally ignore the rest with this bull shit.

When you brought in Vicky you should have finish her not dropped her like a lead balloon.
Now you bring in Olivia in a shitty way and just drop her storyline in another shitty way.

Please either work on one new NPC at a time or do the family but choose one or the other and stop the bullshit of bringing in a new NPC just to drop the new NPC with very little content.

I was a high level donor and once you drop the romance for Lisa and Max and went BDSM I dropped you.

ADD: To me your fist major flop was that stupid shopping update.
You use the same pic just replacing the girls in the same way using the same cum pic on all 3, what a flop that was.
Yes it was fun until you found out how superficial it was and the cost for it was way to much. I never use that junk after the first day of play when it came out.


May 1, 2017
I'm not sure if this post should go here but the game won't run right on my Mac. I've tried using Wine and Crossover but I keep getting a cropped screen. Any way I can get right?


Oct 7, 2017
I enjoyed this update for the most part.

The submissive theme is really coming into full force at this point.

The Max/Ann scene's were definitely my favorite. If they end up having sex soon then I feel like it would make more sense to do it at home first, not in a porno right away. I think the pace their progression is fine right now. Maybe Max will start doing his own pornos like he was talking about with Kira. That or maybe 1 on 1 with Alice.

Nice little competition going on between Lisa and Ann. Hopefully it escalates further.

It was kind of strange to see Olivia not be all over Max. This might be because it was during my Lisa GF playthrough, so I had no interaction with Olivia before this. Couldn't get anything to trigger for 0.12 in my Olivia playthrough, but haven't really looked into it yet. Not sure if it really differs.

I'm interested in what's going to happen at the doctor's office. Lisa mentioned possibly getting the doc to lie about her virginity if it comes to that, so maybe Max or Lisa will convince them soon. Also, I hope Eve ends up getting a cure for Max and tests it out with him there.

I feel like some of the scenes we've been grinding should probably get updated at some point. Max gets a handy from Ann after the regular massage with no problem at all. Same during her 6AM shower, but Max gets his problem frequently in the bathroom, while watching a movie, and in her room at night. Maybe update these with similar stuff as the after work scene (mutually helping each other out and Max gaining more control). I know we have the option to not be punished, but it would be nice for that bedroom scene to be updated too. Especially since Alice and Lisa's punishment scenes have gone further.

It would be nice to see the family do some more stuff in the changing rooms while shopping on Saturday since the scenes all look the same. Maybe more during the changing scenes at home before shopping too.

Vicky is kind of just hanging there too.

Just some thoughts :)
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Formerly 'supersonik'
Jan 4, 2018
sorry for asking but i cant find me through all the 961 sites to find some info, not even via advandced search.

how to photoshoot kira at all ?
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