Apparently I had plans for them, but a lot of people are really want to see progress with family. I hope it will be less focused about Ann/Lisa and will give me possibility to work on different characters.
I never thought writing that post you would answer me. I know the language was harsh and i would not adress anyone like that in a direct conversation. But i really have just 1 question about Olivia and this concerns everyone who starts playing BB from scratsh. Many of your future, perhaps, patreons in other words so please listen..
Once you decided to scarp the old Olivia path, and this is obviosly your choice to make as the games creator, why did you not make sure that new and old players was being told and warned about this? Why the pretend of a merge?
Why did you not simply remove the option to start the old Olivia path when it can no longer be played?
It's as easy as just remove 1 line of text from the game and that way no one can start the "Dead end" path.
You knew all along "the merge" was a 1 way.. From Lisa to Olivia. There was no way from Olivia to Lisa so it was already a scrapped idea when you made the new content for Olivia. Yet.., you let more people start the game and risk falling into the same trap. The completely DEAD END Olivia path! You should have removed the old Path to avoid future complications and anger players who make that choice not knowing the outcome.
It's not hard to just admit a misstake. We all make em. Your misstake wasn't deciding on letting the old Olivias path go, It was not beeing clear about it and give people a fair warning this was gonna happen. So now i see the same question on the forums everyday from people on the Olivia path.. Why can't i progress in the game pls pls help... Well because the creator didn't have the balls to just admit he wanted to scrap an old story to make room for a new. And thats how easy you could have got away with it. No one but you decides what you wanna do with BB and as for patreons they will either agree or leave. Thats Life..