I'm hoping that a good chunk of the update is devoted just to Anna. Of course the sex scene itself, but also some story and perhaps other scenes leading up to the sex (assuming sex happens). Other than that, I'm guessing maybe more Olivia/Diana stuff, maybe some Eve stuff. Probably not a whole lot of Lisa stuff, other than what's needed to advance the Anna story. My guess is that Lisa will be the winner of the next poll, where sex with her is supposed to be an option, so not much sense focusing on her this update. Other than these things, I'm not sure though. I'd be surprised at more Kira stuff, as DS seems to be avoiding her.
Well, I agree that this needs to be 55%+ Ann/Mom. Hopefully the 'Big' scene and at least 1 repeatable.
Eve/Doctor needs to be advanced to the point that the side effect is FINISHED. Would like to see 1 scene an update (maybe 2), after this, with her because she has been handled well and I'd like to have that story continue.
Olivia and Diana stuff I feel would be best done slowly or in smallish bits at this point. That's just my feeling and wouldn't mind more, but not if it takes away from the Family.
Kira in this last update outright said that Max would have to wait till after sex with Ann/Mom before she would have more sex with him. So this MIGHT have MAYBE a tiny bit to advance that, but not sure.
For myself I doubt that Lisa will be a part of the next update, or if she is it will be continuing Sex-Ed, but NOT sex. She is the last of the family so I figure DS will hold off AT LEAST 2 more updates. That way there is time for a couple updates to add a couple repeatable scenes, advance/finish some of the side stuff and for the new project to be ready.
As a last thought, I REALLY hope the Alice blackmail stuff ENDS. Didn't like it and still don't.
Just some thoughts.