I understand what you mean, and this is the first time I've had to do it, because
what has bothered me are the forms, not the fact.
I have been in these F95 forums for a long time, I have learned many things and made great friends. And although it is a pirate site, you could perfectly say that it is "
dev friendly".
Here they "take good care" of the games, and try to promote the creators as much as possible.
I always read all the comments to try to improve the game or correct problems, and for that I thank you.
It's also true that I try to answer all the doubts you have and solve your problems to be able to continue advancing in the game and enjoy it to the fullest, which after all is my priority.
I understand that sooner or later the game will be leaked and will end up on many internet sites; what bothers me in particular is a leak, not just of day zero, but of minute zero! The game was published immediately in "svscomics" just after sending it to the partron in question...
an unusual patron whose registration was only intended to leak the new version, not to collaborate with the project... and to publish it on a website where no credit is given to the creator, no details of the game are given, and it also goes up to servers where you need a premium account to download it; that's how they make money, and that's another factor that pisses me off,
piracy is one thing, getting profit at the cost of others' work is quite another.
I've received private messages from people who have the game (so they are patrons) and they tell me that they are going to publish it here; they tell me before and ask for my opinion... well, in an ideal world the best thing would be not to have leaks, but in the world in which we lived this isn't possible, so my answer to them is that
the more days they wait the better, and they usually listen to me and wait at least more than 5 days (it's also true that the more known is the game the more difficult is the wait, lol).
I'm not going to ban the patrons, I just ask for a
little respect for the game and those who support it, and this can basically be summarized as
- Give at least a few days to the patrons with "Early Access" to enjoy their
well deserved reward
- Be good to the game and its players,
publish it on a "dev friendly" website and on free servers
Think about it, if you have waited months, can't you wait at least one more week? This would greatly benefit the game, and therefore also the players who enjoy it