
Professional Asshole
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Former Staff
Aug 5, 2016
Hey guys!

Any of you know where is the sauna located? (not the one in the MC's house)

I have been given an option to fuck the Griegory's son on saturday 17:00. But i cant find it.

Or perhaps if this option has already awnsered someone can give the link pretty please.
You should go their automatically if he ask you
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Professional Asshole
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Former Staff
Aug 5, 2016
Thanks for the answer friend!

Is that the call you recieve from Artem and his friend Oleg?

I have done both dates and monday the Chief dont give me a "raise"
No, the meet up with oleg and the sauna date with alex are two separate things.
For the raise, it depends on how many days you've actually worked there. I don't know the exact number
To achieve the sauna date with alex, you should have an option when talking to him when he's in the living room
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Sep 10, 2017
Is the grandfather still the only one that can knock you up? That was a bit of a letdown the last time I played it... A while ago.


Aug 31, 2017
how do I change money at the start because the bk en mod gives me errors for the shop and brushing teeth


New Member
May 24, 2017
So hier mal ein neues Update von Big Kuyash v.15 in Deutsch es ist noch nicht alles übersetzt aber ein sehr großer Teil davon, da ich es noch mal Überarbeiten mußte, ist halt wirklich sehr viel Arbeit für 1 Person aber was lange Dauer wird auch gut. Ich habe alles von Original Text Übersetzt also von Russisch in Deutsche, da die Englische Übersetzung schon den Original Text kaputt gemacht hat. Für Anregung wäre ich sehr Dankbar. Recht schreibe Fehler so wie falsche Komma Setzung dürft ihr alle behalten -)

P.s habe auch Die Maps angepasst so wie einige acts-buttons damit es ein bisschen Übersichtlicher ist.
Habe ein Paar Fehler ausgebügelt die mir unterlaufen sind aber nach und nach wird es was da ich es Übersetze und dann Spiele dann sieht man es halt besser.
May 14, 2017
I need help, I cannot get the images to show up.
Heres the steps of what i done in order.

1) Download All 6 parts from MEGA
2) Once downloading was done i used win rar to extract to download folder.
3) I downloaded start_en.qsp and replaced it with "start.qsp" in the assets/standalone_content folder.
4) I clicked Big Kuyash.exe but then got some strange russian message which i think was an error.

I look through the fourm for help, and saw this "You can't use quest soft player with this game" it says big kuyash.exe uses awesomium but i have never heard of it before so i done a google search to try and download it, all sites lead me to and its a big blue screen with a msg that says "We're building something new! Awesomium is getting an upgrade. Sign up to receive updates."

Can someone help me fix it
May 14, 2017
Russian MSG.png

Thats the error, going by google it translates as
in the root folder of the game should only be one file with the extension M .qsp folder, (google translate no that good)

I have looked in the Big Kuyash_0_15\assets\standalone_content folder and all their was is start_en.qsp and bk_14_en_mod_sk_1.qsp but even after i delete bk_14_en_mod_sk_1.qsp error still their

any help is appreciated


Aug 6, 2016
I can't seem to find any news since last update which was about two months ago. Does anybody know what the status is on this game? I am assuming avenger is working on the update as SOB has their update last time.

Pt Data

May 30, 2017
Whats the problem
So I need help on this quest too but I'm past the point where I faked being Tamara on her phone and got him to send her a dick pic while at work with her. He is watching us lez out at her apartment on the weekends but that seems to be all that we doing. Is there any more to the story arc and, if so, what do I do to continue it?


Jul 30, 2017
So I need help on this quest too but I'm past the point where I faked being Tamara on her phone and got him to send her a dick pic while at work with her. He is watching us lez out at her apartment on the weekends but that seems to be all that we doing. Is there any more to the story arc and, if so, what do I do to continue it?
From looking at the webm's there seems to be more then that (beware, I could be wrong), but i don't know how to go on with it and I don't want to play it too much before the next update, whenever he will release it.
Speaking of which, does anyone got any information when the next update will be? The monthly release didn't happen at all (you know, Son of a bitch -> big kuyash -> son of a bitch -> big kuyash [...]. Or did I simply miss something?
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Aug 5, 2016
His co-author says Avenger has been missing for last 10 days. Haven't been online and turned off the phone.
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Aug 6, 2016
His co-author says Avenger has been missing for last 10 days. Haven't been online and turned off the phone.
Russian mafia probably didn't like his last update and took him away. In all seriousness though I hope he's alright.
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