When you downloaded everything, did you extract the image files? When everything is extracted correctly, you should have the HTML file, an "Images" folder, and a "Music" folder.
Thanks. I don't think the installation instruction are clear given how many questions there are about images not showing.
1) To install the game, Unzip the download file.
2) After that is done, you will see two more zip files. Extract both.
3) Go into the new folder "BimboLifeCoach-0.6.5-Images". Drill down until you see a folder called "Images". Open it, and copy all the contents.
4) Go into the folder "BimboLifeCoach-BaseImages", and drill down until you see the the folder names "Images". Paste the contents from Step 3 into that folder, overwriting existing files.
5) From the folder "BimboLifeCoach-BaseImages" copy the folders for "Images" and "Music" to the same folder that the game HTML file is in.